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Last active September 26, 2022 01:39
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python parallel-limit style async generator function
from typing import AsyncGenerator, List, Coroutine, Any, Callable, Union
import asyncio
from loguru import logger
async def async_limit_iterator(
jobs: List[Any] = [],
coroutine_fn: Callable[[Any], Coroutine[Any, None, None]] = None,
throw_exceptions: bool = False,
) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[Any, None], None]:
Run a list of jobs in parallel, limiting concurrent jobs to `limit`.
Each iteration, 'coroutine_fn' will be called with one of the jobs from `jobs`
If the result of some job is an error, will return None if throw_exceptions is false (the default),
limit: number of concurrent jobs
jobs: list of jobs
coroutine_fn: coroutine function to run each job
throw_exceptions: if job raises error, and if false, will return None
AsyncGenerator of results
coroutines = []
def inject_job():
if len(jobs) > 0:
for _ in range(limit):
while coroutines:
done, coroutines = await asyncio.wait(
coroutines, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED
coroutines = list(coroutines)
for task in done:
yield await task
except Exception as e:
if throw_exceptions:
raise e
logger.error(f"Error ignored: {e}")
yield None
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