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# purge phpstorm related files
find ~/Library/Preferences/ -iname "*phpstorm*" 2> /dev/null | xargs rm -rf
find ~/Library/Caches/ -iname "*phpstorm*" 2> /dev/null | xargs rm -rf
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/ -iname "*phpstorm*" 2> /dev/null -exec rm -rf {} +
find ~/Library/Logs/ -iname "*phpstorm*" -exec rm -rf {} +
# purge IntelliJIdea related files
find ~/Library/Preferences/ -iname "*intellij*" 2> /dev/null | xargs rm -rf
find ~/Library/Caches/ -iname "*intellij*" 2> /dev/null | grep "IntelliJIdea" | xargs rm -rf
find ~/Library/Application\ Support/ -name "*IntelliJIdea*" 2> /dev/null -exec rm -rf {} +
#### print local ip address ####
alias ipaddr="echo $(ifconfig | grep broadcast | awk '{ print $2 }')"
#### print external ip address
alias external_ipv4="echo $(curl -s"
alias external_ipv6="echo $(curl -s"
#### proxy settings ####
# normal proxy