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Created March 10, 2022 23:06
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Core was generated by `/opt/zoom/zoom '.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00007f4b00c9ff59 in wl_proxy_marshal () from /usr/lib/
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f4a662fd640 (LWP 441811))]
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007f4b00c9ff59 in wl_proxy_marshal () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x00007f4afb665590 in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandAbstractDecoration::contentImage() ()
from /opt/zoom/
#2 0x00007f4ad64088ea in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandGLContext::swapBuffers(QPlatformSurface*)
() from /opt/zoom/wayland-graphics-integration-client/
#3 0x00007f4b001918bc in QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers(QSurface*) ()
from /opt/zoom/
#4 0x00007f4b019ba2ba in QSGRenderThread::syncAndRender() () from /opt/zoom/
#5 0x00007f4b019bd8ac in QSGRenderThread::run() () from /opt/zoom/
#6 0x00007f4afe8a6163 in QThreadPrivate::start(void*) () from /opt/zoom/
#7 0x00007f4afe45d5c2 in start_thread () from /usr/lib/
#8 0x00007f4afe4e2584 in clone () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) frame 1
#1 0x00007f4afb665590 in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandAbstractDecoration::contentImage() ()
from /opt/zoom/
(gdb) frame 0
#0 0x00007f4b00c9ff59 in wl_proxy_marshal () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007f4b00c9ff59 in wl_proxy_marshal () from /usr/lib/
#1 0x00007f4afb665590 in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandAbstractDecoration::contentImage() ()
from /opt/zoom/
#2 0x00007f4ad64088ea in QtWaylandClient::QWaylandGLContext::swapBuffers(QPlatformSurface*)
() from /opt/zoom/wayland-graphics-integration-client/
#3 0x00007f4b001918bc in QOpenGLContext::swapBuffers(QSurface*) ()
from /opt/zoom/
#4 0x00007f4b019ba2ba in QSGRenderThread::syncAndRender() () from /opt/zoom/
#5 0x00007f4b019bd8ac in QSGRenderThread::run() () from /opt/zoom/
#6 0x00007f4afe8a6163 in QThreadPrivate::start(void*) () from /opt/zoom/
#7 0x00007f4afe45d5c2 in start_thread () from /usr/lib/
#8 0x00007f4afe4e2584 in clone () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) disas
Dump of assembler code for function wl_proxy_marshal:
0x00007f4b00c9fed0 <+0>: push %r13
0x00007f4b00c9fed2 <+2>: push %r12
0x00007f4b00c9fed4 <+4>: mov %esi,%r12d
0x00007f4b00c9fed7 <+7>: push %rbp
0x00007f4b00c9fed8 <+8>: mov %rdi,%rbp
0x00007f4b00c9fedb <+11>: sub $0x180,%rsp
0x00007f4b00c9fee2 <+18>: mov %rdx,0xe0(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9feea <+26>: mov %rcx,0xe8(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9fef2 <+34>: mov %r8,0xf0(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9fefa <+42>: mov %r9,0xf8(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff02 <+50>: test %al,%al
0x00007f4b00c9ff04 <+52>: je 0x7f4b00c9ff46 <wl_proxy_marshal+118>
0x00007f4b00c9ff06 <+54>: movaps %xmm0,0x100(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff0e <+62>: movaps %xmm1,0x110(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff16 <+70>: movaps %xmm2,0x120(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff1e <+78>: movaps %xmm3,0x130(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff26 <+86>: movaps %xmm4,0x140(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff2e <+94>: movaps %xmm5,0x150(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff36 <+102>: movaps %xmm6,0x160(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff3e <+110>: movaps %xmm7,0x170(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff46 <+118>: mov %fs:0x28,%rax
0x00007f4b00c9ff4f <+127>: mov %rax,0xc8(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff57 <+135>: xor %eax,%eax
=> 0x00007f4b00c9ff59 <+137>: mov 0x0(%rbp),%rdx
0x00007f4b00c9ff5d <+141>: lea 0x20(%rsp),%r13
0x00007f4b00c9ff62 <+146>: lea 0x8(%rsp),%rcx
0x00007f4b00c9ff67 <+151>: lea 0x1a0(%rsp),%rax
0x00007f4b00c9ff6f <+159>: movl $0x10,0x8(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff77 <+167>: mov %rax,0x10(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff7c <+172>: lea 0xd0(%rsp),%rax
0x00007f4b00c9ff84 <+180>: mov 0x10(%rdx),%rsi
0x00007f4b00c9ff88 <+184>: mov $0x14,%edx
0x00007f4b00c9ff8d <+189>: mov %rax,0x18(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ff92 <+194>: mov %r12d,%eax
0x00007f4b00c9ff95 <+197>: lea (%rax,%rax,2),%rax
0x00007f4b00c9ff99 <+201>: movl $0x30,0xc(%rsp)
0x00007f4b00c9ffa1 <+209>: lea (%rsi,%rax,8),%rax
0x00007f4b00c9ffa5 <+213>: mov %r13,%rsi
0x00007f4b00c9ffa8 <+216>: mov 0x8(%rax),%rdi
0x00007f4b00c9ffac <+220>: addr32 call 0x7f4b00ca2760
0x00007f4b00c9ffb2 <+226>: xor %ecx,%ecx
0x00007f4b00c9ffb4 <+228>: mov %r13,%rdx
0x00007f4b00c9ffb7 <+231>: mov %r12d,%esi
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--q
(gdb) info registers
rax 0x0 0
rbx 0x7f4a5809ae60 139957281336928
rcx 0x0 0
rdx 0x0 0
rsi 0x2 2
rdi 0x0 0
rbp 0x0 0x0
rsp 0x7f4a662fc880 0x7f4a662fc880
r8 0x196 406
r9 0x1e 30
r10 0x7f4b0001ed38 139960099401016
r11 0x7f4b003d85e0 139960103306720
r12 0x2 2
r13 0x7f4a662fca50 139957518715472
r14 0x7f4a581247d8 139957281900504
r15 0x7f4a58124808 139957281900552
rip 0x7f4b00c9ff59 0x7f4b00c9ff59 <wl_proxy_marshal+137>
eflags 0x10246 [ PF ZF IF RF ]
cs 0x33 51
ss 0x2b 43
ds 0x0 0
es 0x0 0
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x0 0
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