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Last active November 7, 2017 18:45
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Daophot Makefile
As modified to compile it under Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) and Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS)
$ cat Makefile
F77 = gfortran
FFLAGS = -c -O2 -mcmodel=medium -fd-lines-as-comments
LFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Wsurprising -defsym,mem_=0 -fbounds-check
IMFORT = $(HOME)/opt/iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64/unix/bin.linux64/libf2c.a $(HOME)/opt/iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64/bin.linux64/libimfort.a $(HOME)/opt/iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64/bin.linux64/libsys.a $(HOME)/opt/iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64/bin.linux64/libvops.a $(HOME)/opt/iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64/unix/bin.linux64/libos.a
FITLIB = -lcfitsio
EXECUTABLES = daophot allstar daomaster daomatch montage2 allframe daogrow #daospec
.SUFFIXES: .o .f
$(F77) $(FFLAGS) $<
install: all
.PHONY : clean
rm -f *.o
daophot: daophot.o pckpsf.o find.o fotometry.o \
psf.o peak.o nstar.o fudge.o addstar.o substar.o \
group.o sort.o lnxsubs.o fitsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o daophot daophot.o pckpsf.o find.o fotometry.o \
psf.o peak.o nstar.o fudge.o addstar.o substar.o \
group.o sort.o lnxsubs.o fitsubs.o \
iosubs.o mathsubs.o \
allstar: allstar.o allstsubs.o lnxsubs.o \
iosubs.o mathsubs.o fitsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o allstar allstar.o allstsubs.o \
lnxsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o fitsubs.o \
daomaster: daomaster.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o dummysm.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o daomaster daomaster.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o dummysm.o
daomatch: daomatch.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o daomatch daomatch.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o
montage2: montage2.o mathsubs.o iosubs.o lnxsubs.o fitsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o montage2 montage2.o mathsubs.o iosubs.o lnxsubs.o fitsubs.o \
allframe: allframe.o fitsubs.o lnxsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o allframe allframe.o fitsubs.o \
lnxsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o \
# to compile tdaogrow, added mcmodel on FFLAGS, see
daogrow: daogrow.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o
$(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o daogrow daogrow.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o lnxsubs.o
# daospec source file(s) missing, commented out ...
#daospec: daospec.o lnxsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o fitsubs.o
# $(F77) $(LFLAGS) -o daospec daospec.o lnxsubs.o iosubs.o mathsubs.o fitsubs.o \
$(IMFORT) $(HOSTLIBS) $(FITLIB) -Bstatic -L/usr/local/lib -lplotsub -ldevices -lutils -Bdynamic /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a
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apiemont commented Nov 29, 2016

Pre-requisites are

  1. Install gfortran
    $ sudo apt install gfortran
  2. Install libcfitsio static libraries
    $ apt install libcfitsio3 libcfitsio3-dev
  3. Deploy Iraf libraries compiled for 64 bit with gfortran (place them in suitable location, example below uses ~/opt to match Makefile):
    $ wget
    $ cd ~/opt; mkdir iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux6; tar -C iraf-2.16.1-gfortran-linux64 -xvzf iraf2161-gfortran-linux64.tar.gz

Then issue this to build all binaries

$ cd /path/to/daophot_source; make clean; make all

and install them in ~/bin (configurable in the Makefile)

$ make install

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