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Created December 14, 2013 22:04
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(ns knossos.redis
(:use knossos.core))
;; System state
(defn node
"A node consists of a register, a primary it replicates from, whether it is
isolated from all other nodes, a local replication offset, and if it is a
primary, a map of node names to known replication offsets."
{:name name
:register nil
:primary nil
:isolated false
:offset 0
:offsets {}})
(defn client
"A client is a singlethreaded process which can, at any time, have at most
one request in-flight to the cluster. It has a primary that it uses for reads
and writes, and an in-flight request.
Clients can be waiting for a response, in which case :wait will be the
replication offset from the primary they're awaiting."
{:name name
:node nil
:waiting nil})
(defn coordinator
"A controller is an FSM which manages the election process for nodes. It
comprises a state (the phase of the election cycle it's in), and the current
{:state :selecting
:primary nil})
(defn system
"A system is comprised of a collection of nodes, a collection of clients, and
a coordinator; plus a *history*, which is the set of operations we're
verifying is linearizable."
(let [node-names [:a :b :c]
nodes (->> node-names
(map node)
; Fill in offset maps
(map (fn [node]
(->> node-names
(remove (:name node))
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 0) {})
(assoc node :offsets)))))]
{:coordinator (coordinator)
:clients {:a (client :a)
:b (client :b)}
:nodes nodes
:history []}))
;; Accessors
(defn get-client
"Find a client by name."
[system name]
(-> system :clients (get name)))
(defn get-node
"Find a node by name."
[system name]
(-> system :nodes (get name)))
(declare primary-node?)
(defn median [ns]
; Adapted from rosettacode
(let [ns (sort ns)
cnt (count ns)
mid (bit-shift-right cnt 1)]
(if (odd? cnt)
(nth ns mid)
(/ (+ (nth ns mid) (nth ns (dec mid))) 2))))
(defn majority-acked-offset
"The highest offset known by a node to be acknowledged by a majority of
(assert (primary-node? node))
(median (cons (:offset node)
(values (:offsets node)))))
;; Predicates
(defn primary-node?
"Is a node a primary?"
(nil? (:primary node)))
(defn reachable-primary-node?
"Is a node reachable (not isolated) and a primary?"
(and (primary-node? node)
(not (:isolated node))))
(defn free-client?
"Is a client able to initiate a request?"
(nil? (:waiting client)))
(defn valid-client?
"Is the client connected to a primary node?"
[system client]
(and (:node client)
(reachable-primary-node (get-node system (:node client)))))
;; Useful subsets of the system
(defn primary-names
"A set of node names which are primaries"
(->> system
(keep (fn [[name node]]
(when-not (:primary node)
(defn clients
"Given a system, returns all clients matching the given predicate."
(:clients system))
([pred system]
(->> system :clients vals (filter pred))))
(defn nodes
"Given a system, returns all nodes matching the given predicate."
(:clients system))
([pred system]
(->> system :nodes vals (filter pred))))
;; State transitions. Each transition takes a current state of the system and
;; returns a sequence of possible future states.
(def write-state (atom 0))
(defn client-write
"A client can send a read or write operation to a node."
(->> system
(filter free-client?)
(filter valid-client?)
(map (fn [client]
(let [; Pick a value to write
value (swap! write-state inc)
; Find the node name for this client
node (:node client)
; And the new offset.
offset (inc (get-in system [:nodes node :offset]))]
(-> system
(assoc-in [:nodes node :register] value)
(assoc-in [:nodes node :offset] offset)
(assoc-in [:clients (:name client) :waiting] offset)
(assoc :history (conj (:history system)
(invoke-op (:name client)
(defn client-write-complete
"A reachable primary node can inform a client that its desired replication
offset has been reached, or not reached."
(->> system
(remove free-client?)
(filter valid-client?)
(map (fn [client]
(let [offset (-> system
(get (:node client))
type (if (<= (:waiting client) offset)
(-> system
(assoc-in [:clients (:name client) :waiting] nil)
(assoc :history (conj (:history system)
(op (:name client)
(defn client-read
"A client can read a value from its node, if primary and reachable. Reads are
(->> system
(filter free-client?)
(filter valid-client?)
(map (fn [client]
(let [node (:node client)
value (get-in system [:nodes node :register])
history (-> system
(conj (invoke-op (:name client)
(conj (ok-op (:name client)
(assoc system :history history))))))
(defn replicate-from-primary
"A node can copy the state of its current primary, if the primary is
(->> system
(remove :isolated)
(keep (fn [node]
(let [primary (get-node system (:primary node))
node (merge node {:register (:register primary)
:offset (:offset primary)})]
(when-not (:isolated primary)
(assoc-in system [:nodes (:name node)] node)))))))
(defn ack-offset-to-primary
"A node can inform its current primary of its offset, if the primary is
(->> system
(remove :isolated)
(keep (fn [node]
(let [primary (get-node system (:primary node))]
(when-not (:isolated primary)
(assoc-in system [:nodes
(:primary node)
(:name node)]
(:offset node))))))))
(defn failover-1-isolate
"If the coordinator is in normal mode, initiates failover by isolating the
current primary."
(let [coord (:coordinator system)]
(when (= :normal (:state coord))
(-> system
(assoc-in [:coordinator :state] :isolated)
(assoc-in [:coordinator :primary] nil)
(assoc-in [:nodes (:primary coord) :isolated] true)))))
(defn failover-2-select
"If the coordinator has isolated the old primary, selects a new primary by
choosing the reachable node with the highest offset."
(let [coord (:coordinator system)]
(when (= :isolated (:state coord))
(-> system
(assoc-in [:coordinator :state] :selected)
(assoc-in [:coordinator :primary] (->> system
(remove :isolated)
(apply max-key :offset)
(defn failover-3-inform-nodes
"If the coordinator has selected a new primary, broadcasts that primary to
all reachable nodes."
(let [coord (:coordinator system)
primary (:primary coord)]
(when (= :selected (:state coord))
(-> system
(assoc-in [:coordinator :state] :informed-nodes)
(assoc :nodes (->> system
(map (fn [[name node]]
; If the node is isolated, state is
; unchanged.
(:isolated node)
; If this is the new primary node, make
; it a primary.
(= primary name)
(assoc node :primary nil)
; Otherwise, set the primary.
(assoc node :primary primary))]))
(into {})))))))
(defn failover-4-inform-clients
"If the coordinator has informed all nodes of the new primary, update all
client primaries."
(let [coord (:coordinator system)
primary (:primary coord)]
(when (= :informed-nodes (:state coord))
(-> system
(assoc-in [:coordinator :state] :normal)
(assoc :clients (->> system
(map (fn [[name client]]
(assoc client :primary primary)]))))))))
(defn failover
"All four failover stages combined."
(list (or (failover-1-isolate system)
(failover-2-select system)
(failover-3-inform-nodes system)
(failover-4-inform-clients system))))
(defn step
"All systems reachable in a single step from a given system."
(concat (client-write system)
(client-read system)
(replicate-from-primary system)
(ack-offset-to-primary system)
(failover system)
(client-write-complete system)))
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