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Last active July 26, 2019 08:43
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The President shall have the following authorities and duties:
- Declare war and peace with the endorsement of the National Assembly;
- Dispatch armed forces units outside of Afghanistan with the endorsement of the National Assembly;
1. In case of armed aggression against the Republic of Albania, the President of the Republic upon request of the Council of Ministers declares the state of war.
2. In case of external threat, or when a common defence obligation derives from an international agreement, the Assembly, upon proposal of the President of the Republic, declares the state of war and decides on the state of general or partial mobilization or demobilization.
1. In the case of paragraph 1 of Article 171, the President of the Republic presents to the Assembly the decree for establishing the state of war within 48 hours from its signing, specifying the rights to be limited.
2. The Assembly immediately reviews and decides with the majority of all its members, upon the decree of the President.
The President of the Republic, after having convened the Council of Ministers, having heard the High Council of Security, and having consulted with the President of the Council of the Nation and the President of the People's National Assembly, shall declare war in case of an effective or imminent aggression in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.
The Parliament shall sit as of right.
The President of the Republic shall inform the Nation by a message.
As Head of State, the President of the Republic shall be responsible for:
- Declaring a state of war and making peace, in consultation with the National Assembly;
Within the political and legislative sphere, the National Assembly shall be responsible for:
- Pronouncing on the possibility of President of the Republic declaring a state of war or making peace;
Within the sphere of control and scrutiny, the National Assembly, shall be responsible for:
- Analysing and debating the application of a declaration of a state of war, siege or emergency;
1. Within the context of preserving national security and maintaining public order, the President of the Republic may declare, according to the demands of particular situations, constitutional states of need, under the terms of the Constitution and the law.
2. Constitutional states of need shall be states of war, state of siege or states of emergency, which shall be effective from the time they are declared until they are formally ended.
3. States of war, siege or emergency shall be regulated by law.
The Congress shall have power:
- To authorize the Executive Power to declare war or make peace.
The President of the Nation has the following powers:
- He has the Armed Forces at his disposal, and takes charge of their organization and deployment, according to the needs of the Nation.
- He declares war and orders reprisals with the authorization and approval of Congress.
Declaring War and Establishing Peace
- By proposal of the Government, the National Assembly may adopt a decision on declaring war or establishing peace by majority vote of the total number of parliamentarians.
- If it is impossible to convene a sitting of the National Assembly, the Government shall determine the matter of declaring war.
The National Council and the Federal Council meet as the Federal Assembly in joint public session at the seat of the National Council for the affirmation of the Federal President as well as for the adoption of a resolution on a declaration of war.
2. The resolutions of the Federal Assembly upon a declaration of war shall be officially published by the Federal Chancellor.
I. The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan is competent to determine the following matters:
- on the basis of the proposal of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, give consent to declare a war and conclude peace;
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- with the consent of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan declares war and concludes peace;
a. Aggressive war is forbidden. A defensive war is declared by a Decree which shall be presented to the National Assembly immediately upon its declaration, for a decision on the conduct of the war.
Recruitment, etc., of defence services
- Until Parliament by law provides for the matters specified in clause (1), the President may, by order, provide for such of them as are not already subject to existing law.
The House of Representatives shall:
- consider draft laws, including the guidelines of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus; the military doctrine; ratification and denunciation of international treaties; the fundamental concept and principles of execution of rights, liberties and duties of its citizens; citizenship issues, the status of foreigners and persons without citizenship; the rights of ethnic minorities: the approval of the budget of the republic and the account on its implementation; the introduction of national taxes and dues; the principles of ownership; the basics of social security; the principles regulating labour and employment, marriage, the family, childhood, maternity, paternity, education, upbringing, culture and public health; environmental protection and the rational utilisation of natural resources; determination of the procedure for resolving issues relating to the administrative-territorial structure of the State; local self-government; the administration of justice and the status of judges; issues of criminal responsibility and amnesty; declaration of war and conclusion of peace; martial law and a state of emergency; institution of state awards; interpretation of laws;
The King commands the armed forces; he states that there exists a state of war or that hostilities have ceased. He notifies the Houses with additional appropriate messages as soon as interests and security of the State permit.
Declaration of war shall be authorized by the National Assembly.
When, following exceptional circumstances, the National Assembly cannot sit expediently, the decision of a declaration of war shall be taken before the Council of Ministers by the President of the Republic who shall immediately inform the nation of it.
The state of siege and the state of emergency shall be decreed in the Council of Ministers, after the advice of the National Assembly.
The extension of a state of siege or of a state of emergency beyond fifteen days may be authorized only by the National Assembly.
When the National Assembly has not been called on to reach a decision, no state of siege or state of emergency may be decreed without its authorization within the sixty days following the date of enforcement of a previous state of siege or of emergency.
The National Congress shall have exclusive powers:
- to authorize the President of the Republic to declare war, make peace, permit foreign forces to pass through national territory or remain therein temporarily, with the exception of cases provided for by complementary law;
The President of the Republic has the exclusive powers to:
- declare war, in the event of foreign aggression, when authorized by the National Congress or, upon its ratification if the aggression occurs between legislative sessions, and decree full or partial national mobilization under the same conditions;
The National Assembly shall:
- Resolve on the declaration of war and conclusion of peace;
5. The President shall proclaim a state of war in the case of an armed attack against Bulgaria or whenever urgent actions are required by virtue of an international commitment, or shall proclaim martial law or any other state of emergency whenever the National Assembly is not in session and cannot be convened. The National Assembly shall then be convened forthwith to endorse the decision.
The Parliament meets of plain right in the case of [a] state of siege, if it is not in session. The state of siege can only be extended more than fifteen days with the authorization of the Parliament.
The declaration of war and the sending of military contingents or observers abroad are authorized by the Parliament.
The President of the Republic is the Commander-in-Chief of the Corps of Defense and Security. He declares war and signs the armistice after consultation with the Government, with the Bureaus of the National Assembly and of the Senate and with the National Council of Security.
With the approval of the National Assembly and the Senate, the King shall declare war
The National Assembly shall adopt a law on the proclamation of war.
In the area of international relations, the President of the Republic shall have the following responsibilities:
- To declare war and make peace, at the Government's request, after consultation with the Council of the Republic, and with the authorization of the National Assembly or, when it is not in session, of its Permanent Commission;
2. In the exercise of their duty to authorize, the National Assembly shall have the following authority:
- To authorize the President of the Republic to declare war and to make peace;
The Government, in the Council of Ministers, shall be responsible for the exercise of the following political functions:
- To propose to the President of the Republic a declaration of war or the making of peace;
The National Assembly is solely enabled to authorize the declaration of war. It meets specially to this effect. The President of the Republic informs the Nation of it by a message.
The National Council of the Transition is the only body authorized to declare war. It convenes specially to this end.
The Head of State of the Transition informs the Nation of it by a message.
The Parliament is solely enabled to authorize the declaration of war. It meets specially to this effect. The President of the Republic informs the Nation of it by a message.
The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly.
The sending of the troops of the Chadian army outside of the national territory is decided by the President of the Republic.
The Government informs the National Assembly of this decision to have the armed forces intervene abroad, at the latest three (3) days after the debut of the intervention. It makes precise the objectives pursued.
When the duration of the intervention exceeds four (4) months, the Government submits its prolongation to the authorization of the National Assembly.
The special powers of the President of the Republic are:
- To declare war, subject to previous authorization by the law, having to place on record the fact of hearing the National Security Council, and
The only matters of law are:
- Those that authorize the declaration of war, proposed by the President of the Republic;
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress exercises the following functions and powers:
- To decide, when the National People's Congress is not in session, on the proclamation of a state of war in the event of an armed attack on the country or in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression;
The President of the People's Republic of China, in pursuance of decisions of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councilors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers state medals and titles of honor; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims entering of the state of emergency; proclaims a state of war; and issues mobilization orders.
The following are the powers of the Senate:
- To authorize the government to declare war on another state.
It is the responsibility of the President of the Republic, as the chief of state, head of the government, and supreme administrative authority to do the following:
- Provide for the external security of the Republic; defend the independence and honor of the nation and the inviolability of its territory; declare war with the approval of the Senate or without such authorization to repel foreign aggression; and agree to and ratify peace treaties, regarding all of which matters the President shall give an immediate account to Congress.
The declaration of war is authorized by the Parliament meeting in Congress. When, following exceptional circumstances, the Parliament cannot sit usefully, the decision on the declaration of war is taken in the Council of Ministers by the President of the Republic. He informs the Nation immediately of it.
The declaration of war is authorized by the Parliament meeting in Congress. When, following exceptional circumstances, the Parliament cannot sit usefully, the decision on the declaration of war is taken in the Council of Ministers by the President of the Republic. He informs the Nation immediately of it.
In addition to the other attributions that this Constitution confers on it, it corresponds exclusively to the Legislative Assembly:
- To authorize the Executive Power to declare the state of national defense and to agree to peace;
The Council of Government is formed by the President of the Republic and the Ministers, to exercise, under the presidency of the former[,] the following functions:
- To solicit from the Legislative Assembly the declaration of the state of national defense and the authorization to decree the military recruitment, to organize the army and to negotiate peace;
The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly.
Declaration of war is authorized by Parliament.
In case of disagreement between the two houses, the decision is made by the National Assembly.
The Croatian Parliament shall:
- Decide on war and peace;
On the basis of the decision of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic may declare war and conclude peace.
The National Assembly of People’s Power is invested with the following powers:
- declaring a state of war in the event of military aggression and approving peace treaties;
The following duties correspond to the National Assembly of People's Power:
- To declare the State of War or to declare War in the case of military aggression and to approve peace treaties;
The following duties correspond to the Council of State:
- To assume, upon the proposal of the President of the Republic, the powers to declare the State of War or to declare War in case of aggression or to make peace, which the Constitution otherwise attributes to the National Assembly of People's Power, when it is in recess and may not be convened with the security and urgency required;
The following duties correspond to the President of the Republic:
- To preside over the Council of National Defense and to propose to the National Assembly of People's Power or to the Council of State, as necessary, to declare the State of War or War in cases of military aggression;
The following duties correspond to the National Assembly of People's Power:
- To declare the State of War or to declare War in the case of military aggression and to approve peace treaties;
The following duties correspond to the Council of State:
- To assume, upon the proposal of the President of the Republic, the powers to declare the State of War or to declare War in case of aggression or to make peace, which the Constitution otherwise attributes to the National Assembly of People's Power, when it is in recess and may not be convened with the security and urgency required;
The following duties correspond to the President of the Republic:
- To preside over the Council of National Defense and to propose to the National Assembly of People's Power or to the Council of State, as necessary, to declare the State of War or War in cases of military aggression;
The President and the Vice-President of the Republic, separately or conjointly, shall have the right of final veto on any law or decision of the House of Representatives or any part thereof concerning
- For the purposes of this sub-paragraph "foreign affairs" includes-
- the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace;
Subject to the executive power expressly reserved, under Articles 47, 48 and 49, to the President and the Vice-President of the Republic, acting either separately or conjointly, the Council of Ministers shall exercise executive power in all other matters other than those which, under the express provisions of this Constitution, are within the competence of a Communal Chamber, including the following:
- foreign affairs as in Article 50 set out;
3. The concurrence of an absolute majority of all Deputies and an absolute majority of all Senators is required for the adoption of a resolution declaring a state of war or a resolution granting assent to sending the armed forces of the Czech Republic outside the territory of the Czech Republic or the stationing of the armed forces of other states within the territory of the Czech Republic, as well as with the adoption of a resolution concerning the Czech Republic’s participation in the defensive systems of an international organization of which the Czech Republic is a member.
1. Parliament decides on the declaration of a state of war, if the Czech Republic is attacked, or if such is necessary for the fulfillment of its international treaty obligations on collective self-defense against aggression.
The President of the Republic declares war by ordinance deliberated in the Council of Ministers after the opinion of the Superior Council of Defense and the authorization of the National Assembly and of the Senate, in accordance with Article 143 of this Constitution.
19. None
- Except for purposes of defense against an armed attack upon the Realm or Danish forces the King shall not use military force against any foreign state without the consent of the Folketing. Any measure which the King may take in pursuance of this provision shall immediately be submitted to the Folketing. If the Folketing is not in session it shall be convoked immediately.
The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly meeting specially to this effect. The President of the Republic informs the Nation of it by a message.
It is exclusively incumbent upon the President of the Republic:
- to declare war and make peace following a Government proposal, after consultation with the Council of State and the Supreme Council of Defense and Security, under authorization of the National Parliament;
It is incumbent upon the President of the Republic, in the field of international relations:
- to declare war in case of actual or imminent aggression and to make peace, following proposal by the Government, after consultation with the Supreme Council for Defense and Security and following authorization of the National Parliament or of its Standing Committee;
The President of the Republic is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The President cannot declare war, or send the armed forces outside state territory, except after consultation with the National Defense Council and the approval of the Council of Representatives with a majority of its members.
The President of the Republic is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The President cannot declare war, or send the armed forces to combat outside state territory, except after consultation with the National Defense Council and the approval of the House of Representatives with a two-thirds majority of its members.
If the House of Representatives is dissolved, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) must be consulted and the approval of the Cabinet and National Defense Council must be obtained.
It corresponds to the Legislative Assembly:
- To declare war and ratify peace, on the basis of reports provided to it by the Executive Organ;
[The following] are the powers and obligations of the President of the Republic:
- To wage (dirigir) war and make peace, and immediately submit any treaty made for this end purpose to the Legislative Assembly for ratification;
The President of the Republic equally exercises the following powers:
- Declares war and concludes peace.
6. The National Assembly shall approve a state of peace, war or national emergency.
The Riigikogu shall:
- on the proposal of the President of the Republic, declare a state of war, and order mobilization and demobilization;
The President of the Republic shall:
- make proposals to the Riigikogu to declare a state of war, to order mobilization and demobilization, and, pursuant to Article 129 of the Constitution, to declare a state of emergency;
- declare, in the case of aggression against Estonia, a state of war and order mobilization pursuant to Article 128 of the Constitution;
The Riigikogu shall, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, declare a state of war, shall order mobilization and demobilization, and shall decide on the utilization of the armed forces in the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Estonian state.
In the case of aggression against the Republic of Estonia, the President of the Republic shall declare a state of war, shall order mobilization, and shall appoint the Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces without waiting for a Riigikogu resolution.
9. On the basis of a draft law submitted to it by the Council of Ministers it shall proclaim a state of war.
11. It shall submit draft laws to the House of Peoples' Representatives on any matter falling within its competence, including draft laws on a declaration of war.
The foreign policy of Finland is directed by the President of the Republic in co-operation with the Government. However, the Parliament accepts Finland's international obligations and their denouncement and decides on the bringing into force of Finland's international obligations in so far as provided in this Constitution. The President decides on matters of war and peace, with the consent of the Parliament.
A declaration of war shall be authorized by Parliament.
The Government shall inform Parliament of its decision to have the armed forces intervene abroad, at the latest three days after the beginning of said intervention. It shall detail the objectives of the said intervention. This information may give rise to a debate, which shall not be followed by a vote.
Where the said intervention shall exceed four months, the Government shall submit the extension to Parliament for authorization. It may ask the National Assembly to make the final decision.
If Parliament is not sitting at the end of the four-month period, it shall express its decision at the opening of the following session.
A declaration of war by the President of the Republic must be authorized by Parliament.
1. The President shall be responsible for-
- subject to the prior approval of the National assembly, the declaration of war and the making of peace.
Parliament’s decision on issues of war and peace, state of emergency, or martial law, as well as on issues defined in Article 46 of the Constitution, shall be adopted by a majority of the total number of MPs.
1. The President of the Republic, complying absolutely with the provisions of article 35 paragraph 1, shall represent the State internationally, declare war, conclude treaties of peace, alliance, economic cooperation and participation in international organizations or unions and he shall announce them to the Parliament with the necessary clarifications, whenever the interest and the security of the State thus allow.
[The following attributions] also correspond to the Congress:
- To declare war and approve or disapprove peace treaties;
The state of war is declared by the President of the Republic, after having been authorized by the National Assembly by a majority of two-thirds of its members.
Are exclusive roles of the President of the Republic:
- Declare war or make peace, according to the established in Article 85, no 1, h) of the Constitution;
The Council of State is responsible for:
- Issuing a statement on a declaration of war and the establishment of peace;
1. The Popular National Assembly is competent to:
- Authorize the President of the Republic to declare war or make peace;
The attributions of the National Assembly are:
- to ratify any decision of declaration of war when all the attempts at conciliation have failed;
He declares war, and negotiates and signs peace treaties with the approval of the National Assembly.
The National Congress shall have the following powers:
- To declare war and to make peace;
The President of the Republic shall be responsible for the general administration of the state; his powers and duties are as follows:
- To declare war and make peace during a recess of the National Congress, which must be convened immediately;
2. The National Assembly shall:
- shall decide to declare a state of war and to conclude peace;
1. The President with the approval of the DPR may declare war, make peace and conclude treaties with other countries.
Following are the duties and powers of the Leadership:
- Declaration of war and peace, and the mobilization of the armed forces.
The Council of Representatives shall be competent in the following:
- To consent to the declaration of war and the state of emergency by a two-thirds majority based on a joint request from the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister.
3. None
- War shall not be declared and the State shall not participate in any war save with the assent of Dáil Éireann.
a. The state may only begin a war pursuant to a Government decision.
Parliament has the authority to declare a state of war and vest the necessary powers into the Government.
The President of the Republic is the Head of the State and represents national unity.
The President may send messages to Parliament.
The President shall:
- authorise the introduction to Parliament of bills initiated by the Government;
- promulgate laws and issue decrees having the force of law, and regulations;
- call a general referendum in the cases provided for by the Constitution;
- appoint State officials in the cases provided for by the law;
- accredit and receive diplomatic representatives, and ratify international treaties which have, where required, been authorised by Parliament.
The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, shall preside over the Supreme Council of Defence established by law, and shall make declarations of war as have been agreed by Parliament.
The President shall preside over the High Council of the Judiciary.
The President may grant pardons and commute punishments.
The President shall confer the honorary distinctions of the Republic.
1. The King declares war, makes peace and concludes treaties and agreements.
Parliament at a joint session of the Chambers shall:
- decide issues of war and peace;
4. The President may-
- with the approval of Parliament, declare war.
The Amir shall declare defensive war by Decree. Aggressive war, however, is prohibited.
9. The President:
- shall declare general or partial mobilization; shall announce a state of war in the event of aggression to the Kyrgyz Republic and shall promptly submit this issue for consideration by the Jogorku Kenesh;
5. The Jogorku Kenesh:
- shall decide on matters of war and peace; imposition of the martial law; declaring state of war as well as approval of repealing Presidential decrees on this matter;
(New) The National Assembly has the following rights and duties:
- To decide on the ratification of or [withdraw from] treaties and agreements signed with foreign countries in accordance with the laws;
- To decide on matters of war or peace;
The President shall declare war on the basis of a decision of the Saeima.
The President has the right to take whatever steps are necessary for the military defence of the State should another state declare war on Latvia or an enemy invade its borders. Concurrently and without delay, the President shall convene the Saeima, which shall decide as to the declaration and commencement of war.
The basic issues need the consent of two-thirds of the Government members, as specified in the decree of its formation. The following are basic issues: Amending the Constitution, declaring and canceling the state of emergency, war and peace, public mobilization, international accords and treaties, state budget, overall development plans, and long term, appointing employees of the first cadre and its equivalent, reconsidering the redistricting, dissolving the Chamber of Deputies, elections law, nationality law, personal affairs laws, dismissing the Ministers.
The Legislature shall have the power:
- to provide for the common defense, to declare war and authorize the Executive to conclude peace; to raise and support the Armed Forces of the Republic, and to make appropriations therefor provided that no appropriation of money for that use shall be for a longer term than on year; and to make rules for the governance of the Armed Forces of the Republic;
The Shura Council may convene for a special session at the request of the President of the Republic or whoever succeeds him according to the provisions of the Constitution, or at the request of one third of the members of each chamber, and in the following cases:
- Authorization declaring a state of war or the end of war.
The President of the Republic shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He shall declare war and invoke peace in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
The President of the Republic:
- shall adopt, in the event of an armed attack which threatens State sovereignty or territorial integrity, decisions concerning defence against such armed aggression, the imposition of martial law as well as mobilisation, and submit these decisions to the next sitting of the Seimas for approval;
The Seimas shall impose martial law, announce mobilisation or demobilisation, adopt a decision to use the armed forces when a need arises to defend the Homeland or to fulfil the international obligations of the State of Lithuania.
In the event of an armed attack which threatens the sovereignty of the State or its territorial integrity, the President of the Republic shall immediately adopt a decision on the defence against the armed aggression, impose martial law throughout the State or in its separate part, announce mobilisation, and submit these decisions to the next sitting of the Seimas for approval, while in the period between sessions of the Seimas he shall immediately convene an extraordinary session of the Seimas. The Seimas shall approve or overrule the decision of the President of the Republic.
The Grand Duke commands the armed force; he declares war and the cessation of war after having been so authorized by a vote of the Chamber taken under the conditions of Article 114, paragraph 2 of the Constitution.
A state of war exists when direct danger of military attack on the Republic is impending, or when the Republic is attacked, or war is declared on it. A state of war is declared by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives of the Assembly, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, the Government or at least 30 Representatives. If the Assembly cannot meet, the decision on the declaration of a state of war is made by the President of the Republic who submits it to the Assembly for confirmation as soon as it can meet.
In addition to the issues that are directed to it by other Articles of the Constitution:
- The declaration of war may only be authorized by the Parliament meeting in Congress by the absolute majority of all the members composing it.
8. If a declaration of a state of national defence made under subsection (7) is not approved by the National Assembly within seven days after the declaration, the state of national defence shall lapse immediately after fourteen days.
9. Where the National Assembly is not sitting at the time of the declaration of a state of national defence, the President shall summon an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly within seven days to inform the National Assembly of the declaration.
115. In addition to the duties and powers otherwise expressly conferred on the President by this Constitution and the law, the President is entrusted pursuant to this Constitution with carrying out the duties specified herein and shall have the following powers to do so:
- to issue declarations of war and peace, and to immediately submit such declarations to the People's Majlis for approval;
A declaration of war shall be authorized by the National Assembly specially convened for this purpose.
The President of the Republic shall inform the nation by a message.
The declaration of war is authorized by the Parliament.
The Congress shall have the power to:
- Declare war, based on the information submitted by the President of the Republic.
The powers and rights of the President of the Republic are the following:
- To declare war in the name of the United Mexican States, having the previous authorization of the Congress.
The Parliament shall be vested the following basic powers:
- to declare the state of national emergency, martial law, and war;
3. In the event of the armed aggression against the country, the President of the Republic of Moldova shall undertake the necessary steps to repulse the aggression, as well as he shall declare a state of war and acknowledge the Parliament without delay about this state of affairs. Whether the Parliament is not in session, it shall be legally convened within 24 hours from the aggression unleash.
1. The State Great Hural (Parliament) may consider at its own initiative any issue pertaining to domestic and foreign policies of the State, and the following matters within its exclusive prerogative shall be vested therein and decided upon:
- Declare a state of war in the cases when the sovereignty and independence of the State is threatened by the armed actions of foreign states, and to mitigate thereof;
5. In case of the proclamation by the President of a state of emergency or war, the State Great Hural (Parliament) shall be convened for an extraordinary session within seventy two hours without prior announcement.
The Parliament shall:
- Proclaim the state of war and the state of emergency;
With majority vote of all its Members, the Parliament shall adopt laws regulating the following: manner of exercising liberties and rights of citizens, Montenegrin citizenship, referendum, material responsibilities of citizens, state symbols and use and application of state symbols, defence and security, army; founding, merger and abolition of municipalities; and shall proclaim state of war and state of emergency; adopt spatial plans; pass the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament; make decisions regarding the calling for state referendum; make decisions on reducing terms of office; make decisions on releasing the president of Montenegro from duty; elect and release Prime Minister and members of the Government from duty and make decisions on confidence in the Government; appoint and release the Protector of Human Rights and Liberties from duty.
The Defense and Security Council shall:
- Propose to the Parliament proclamation of the state of war and state of emergency;
The state of war shall be proclaimed when there is direct danger of war for Montenegro, when Montenegro is attacked or war is declared against it.
If the Parliament is not able to meet, the Defense and Security Council shall adopt the decision to proclaim the state of war and submit it to the Parliament for confirmation as soon as the Parliament is able to meet.
The Council of Ministers deliberates on the following questions and texts:
- the strategic orientations of the policy of the State;
- the bills of revision of the Constitution;
- the bills of organic laws;
- the general orientations of the bill of the law of finance;
- the bills of framework law [loi-cadre] provided for by Article 71 (2nd paragraph) of this Constitution;
- the bill of law of amnesty;
- the bills of texts relative to the military domain;
- the declaration of the state of siege;
- the declaration of war;
- the bill of decree provided for by Article 104 of this Constitution;
- the appointment, on the proposal of the Head of Government and at the initiative of the minister concerned, to the following civil offices [emplois]: wali of Bank AI-Maghrib, ambassadors, walis and governors, and responsible [persons] of the administrations charged with internal security, as well as the responsible [persons] of the public strategic establishments and enterprises. An organic law specifies [precise] the list of these strategic establishments and enterprises.
The declaration of war, decided in the Council of Ministers, in accordance with Article 49 of this Constitution, takes place after communication made by the King to the Parliament.
In matters of national defence and of public order, the President of the Republic shall have power to:
In Matters of Defence and Public Order
- declare a state of war and its termination, a state of siege, or a state of emergency;
- sign treaties;
- decree general or partial mobilisation;
- preside over the National Council of Defence and Security;
- appoint, exonerate and dismiss the Chief and Deputy Chief of the General Staff, the General Commander and Deputy General Commander of the Police, the Wing Commanders of the Armed Forces of Mozambique, and other officers of the Defence and Security Forces in the terms established by law.
The Council of State shall, in general, advise the President of the Republic on the performance of his functions whenever the President requests such advice, and it must, compulsorily, pronounce itself on:
- the declaration of a state of war, a state of siege or a state of emergency;
The National Defence and Security shall have the following powers, in particular:
- to pronounce upon a state of war before such is declared;
213. The President:
- may declare war or make peace only with the assent of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
1. A declaration that the Kingdom is in a state of war shall not be made without the prior approval of the States General.
2. Such approval shall not be required in cases where consultation with Parliament proves to be impossible as a consequence of the actual existence of a state of war.
3. The two Houses of the States General shall consider and decide upon the matter in joint session.
4. The provisions of the first and third paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to a declaration that a state of war has ceased.
The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly.
When the National Assembly is dissolved and the country is [a] victim of external aggression, the declaration of war is made by the President of the Republic in the Council of Ministers.
The sending of troops abroad is authorized by the National Assembly.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section:-
- the President shall not declare a state of war between the Federation and another country except with the sanction of a resolution of both Houses of the National Assembly, sitting in a joint session; and
His Majesty the Sultan discharges the following functions:
- Declaring state of emergency, general mobilisations, war, and concluding peace. The Law specifies the rules thereof.
Legislative functions of the Nation are vested in the National Assembly and consist in issuing laws necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of the performance functions, of the State declared in this Constitution, and especially for the following:
- To declare war and to empower the Executive Branch to negotiate peace;
The Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of the National Executive Council, may publicly declare that Papua New Guinea is at war with another country.
The N.C. has the duties and authority to:
- guide the armed forces and guide the State in defense building as a whole,
- set up or abolish a national institution in the defense sector,
- appoint or remove major military cadres,
- set up military titles and confer the military rank of general and higher ranks,
- proclaim a state of war and orders for mobilization.
It is the duty of the President of the Republic:
- To declare war and sign peace treaties with the authorization of Congress.
1. The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, shall have the sole power to declare the existence of a state of war.
2. In times of war or other national emergency, the Congress may, by law, authorize the President, for a limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper to carry out a declared national policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, such powers shall cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
1. The Sejm shall declare, in the name of the Republic of Poland, a state of war and the conclusion of peace.
2. The Sejm may adopt a resolution on a state of war only in the event of armed aggression against the territory of the Republic of Poland or when an obligation of common defence against aggression arises by virtue of international agreements. If the Sejm cannot assemble for a sitting, the President of the Republic may declare a state of war.
In international relations the President of the Republic shall be responsible for:
- Upon a proposal from the Government, after consulting the Council of State and subject to authorisation by the Assembly of the Republic, or, if the Assembly is not sitting and it is not possible to arrange for it to sit immediately, by its Standing Committee, declaring war in the case of effective or imminent aggression and making peace.
The Council of State shall be responsible for:
- Giving its opinion on declarations of war and the making of peace;
The Assembly of the Republic shall be responsible for:
- Authorising the President of the Republic to declare war or to make peace;
Defensive war shall be declared by a Princely Decree, and offensive war is prohibited.
2. The National Assembly shall also have the right to consent to the declaration of war, the dispatch of armed forces to foreign states, or the stationing of alien forces in the territory of the Republic of Korea.
The President shall conclude and ratify treaties; accredit, receive or dispatch diplomatic envoys; and declare war and conclude peace.
The following matters shall be referred to the State Council for deliberation:
- Declaration of war, conclusion of peace and other important matters pertaining to foreign policy;
2. The chambers may also meet in joint sessions, in conformity with the rules of procedure adopted by majority vote of the Deputies and Senators, in order to:
- declare a state of war;
The President of the Republic declares war. He or she signs armistice and peace agreements.
In case the President of the Republic declares war, he or she informs Parliament, in a joint sitting within a period of seven (7) days. The Parliament adopts a vote on the matter by a simple majority of members of each Chamber.
In the area of international relations the President of the Republic has the following competences:
- To declare war and make peace, on the proposal of the Government, after consulting the Council of State and with the authorization of the National Assembly;
2. The Council of State has the following duties:
- To pronounce on the declaration of war and the making of peace;
The National Assembly is charged with:
- Authorizing the President of the Republic to declare war and to make peace;
The King shall have the right to declare a state of emergency and general mobilization as well as war.
The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly.
The National Assembly shall:
- decide on war and peace and declare state of war and emergency,
The National Assembly shall proclaim the state of war.
When the National Assembly is not in a position to convene, the decision on proclamation of the state of war shall be passed by the President of the Republic together with the President of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister.
When proclaiming the state of war, the National Assembly may prescribe the measures which shall provide for derogation from human and minority rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
When the National Assembly is not in a position to convene, the measures which provide for derogation from human and minority rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall be decided on by the President of the Republic together with the President of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister.
All measures prescribed in the period of the state of war shall be verified by the National Assembly when in a position to convene.
Office of President
- Notwithstanding any provisions of this Constitution or any other law to the contrary, the President shall, without prejudice to any such law as may for the time being be adopted by Parliament, be responsible, in addition to the functions conferred upon him in the Constitution, for—
- the declaration of war; and
4. The consent of a three-fifths majority of all Members of Parliament shall be required for adopting or amending the Constitution or a constitutional law, for approving an international treaty according to Art. 7 par. 2, for adopting a resolution on plebiscite on the recall of the President of the Slovak Republic, for impeaching the President, and for declaring war on another state.
The power of the National Council of the Slovak Republic comprises, above all:
- deciding on the declaration of war, if the Slovak Republic is attacked, or as a result of commitments arising from international treaties on common defense against aggression, and on peace agreement after the war,
1. The President
- declares war on the basis of a decision of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, if the Slovak Republic is attacked, or as a result of commitments arising from international treaties on common defense against aggression, and concludes peace agreement,
- upon the motion of the government of the Slovak Republic may order mobilization of armed forces, declare the state of war, or declare martial law, and the termination thereof.,
3. Terms of declaration of war, state of war, martial law, state of emergency and the way of execution of the public power in the time of war, declared state of war, declared state of emergency shall be laid down by a constitutional law.
The Government as a body decides on
- a proposal for declaration of a state of war, a proposal for ordering a mobilization of armed forces, a proposal for declaration of the martial law and a proposal for their termination, on declaration and termination of the state of emergency,
A state of emergency shall be declared whenever a great and general danger threatens the existence of the state. The declaration of war or state of emergency, urgent measures and their repeal shall be decided upon by the National Assembly on the proposal of the Government.
The National Assembly decides on the use of the defence forces.
In the event that the National Assembly is unable to convene, the President of the Republic shall decide on matters from the first and second paragraphs of this article. Such decisions must be submitted for confirmation to the National Assembly immediately upon it next convening.
The National Assembly has the following duties and powers:
- To decide issues of war and peace; to proclaim a state of emergency and other special measures aimed at ensuring national defence and security;
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has the following duties and powers:
- In cases where the National Assembly cannot meet, to decide on proclaiming the state of war, and report it to the National Assembly for decision at its nearest session;
The State President has the following duties and powers:
- To have overall command of the armed forces and hold the office of Chairman of the National Defence and Security Council; to decide on conferment, promotion, demotion, and deprivation of army rank of general, commander-in-chief, vice-commander-in-chief, and naval commander-in-chief; to appoint, to release from duty, and to remove from office, chief of the general staff, and Chairman of Political Head Office of Vietnamese People’s Army; on the basis of resolutions of the National Assembly or of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, to proclaim or remove the decision on the state of war; on the basis of resolutions of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, to issue order on general mobilization or limited mobilization, to declare or remove the state of emergency; in cases where the National Assembly Standing Committee cannot meet, to declare the state of emergency nationwide or in a locality;
- The National Defence and Security Council proposes to the National Assembly to decide on the state of war, and in case the National Assembly cannot meet, proposes to the National Assembly’s Standing to decide on that; mobilizes all forces and potentialities of the country for national defence; exercises special duties and powers entrusted by the National Assembly in case of war; decides on the participation of the armed forces in activities contributing to the protections of peace in the region and in the world.
The Upper House of the Federal Parliament represents the Federal Member States, and its legislative duties include:
- Participation in the process of declaring war in accordance with the Constitution;
The powers and responsibilities of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia are to:
- Declare a state of emergency and war in accordance with the law;
Competences of the National Legislature
- Without prejudice to the generality of sub-Article (1) above, the National Legislature shall be competent to:
- approve a declaration of war;
101. The President shall perform the following functions:
- declare war in accordance with this Constitution and the law;
Declaration of War
- The President shall declare war whenever the country is under external aggression and such declaration shall be legal and enforceable subject to approval of the National Legislature by two-thirds of all the members.
- The declaration of war shall be submitted to the National Legislature within seventy-two hours of the issuance of the declaration if the National Legislature is in session.
- If the National Legislature is not in session, an emergency session shall be convened and the declaration shall be submitted within fourteen days of its issuance.
3. It is incumbent upon the King, following authorization by the Cortes Generales, to declare war and to make peace.
2. In addition to the powers, duties and functions expressly conferred or imposed on, or assigned to the President by the Constitution or other written law, the President shall have the power –
- to declare war and peace; and
1. The President of the Republic is the Head of the State and Government and represents the will of the people and the authority of the State; he shall exercise the powers vested in him by this Constitution and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and shall, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, perform the following functions:-
- declare war in accordance with this Constitution and the law,
2. Notwithstanding sub-Article (1) above, the President of the Republic shall, in respect of the following matters, take decisions with the consent of the First Vice President:-
1. The President of the Republic is the Head of the State and Government and represents the will of the people and the authority of the State; he shall exercise the powers vested in him by this Constitution and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and shall, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, perform the following functions:-
- declaration of war,
2. Without prejudice to the generality of sub-Article (1) above, the National Legislature shall convene for the following purposes to:-
- approve declaration of war,
The President of the Republic, with the consent of the First Vice President, shall declare war whenever they decide that the country is under external aggression. Such declaration shall be legally enforceable upon approval by the National Legislature.
Without prejudice to what is reserved elsewhere in the Constitution for regulation by law, the following subjects shall certainly be determined by law:
- The declaration or the termination of the state of war, the civil or military state of emergency
1. The President shall not declare the Republic of Suriname to be at war, in danger of war of in state of siege, except with the previous consent of the National Assembly. This consent shall not be required when, as a result of force majeure, consultation with the National Assembly has appeared to be impossible.
2. The President shall not declare war, danger of war or state of siege between the State of Suriname and another power to be terminated, except with the previous consent of the National Assembly. This consent shall not be required when, as a result of force majeure, consultation with the National Assembly is not possible.
3. To maintain external and domestic security, in case of war, danger of war or in case of serious threat to or disturbance of the domestic order and peace which could result in substantial damage to the interests of the State, the President can declare the state of emergency in any part of Suriname, subject to previous consent of the National Assembly.
4. The President shall not declare the State of emergency to be terminated, except with previous consent of the National Assembly. This consent is not required when consultation with the National Assembly has, as a result of force majeure, appeared to be impossible.
The Government may not declare war without the consent of the Riksdag except in the case of an armed attack on the Realm.
The President of the Republic declares war, calls for general mobilization and concludes peace agreements after obtaining the approval of the People’s Assembly.
The President shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, exercise the powers of concluding treaties, declaring war, and making peace.
The Legislative Yuan shall have the power to decide by resolution on statutory and budgetary bills, amnesty, declaration of war, the conclusion of peace, international treaties, and other important matters of State.
1. Subject to this Constitution or to any Act of Parliament providing in that behalf, the President may declare the existence of a state of war between the United Republic and any other country.
2. After making the declaration, the President shall transmit a copy of such declaration to the Speaker of the National Assembly who, after consultation with the Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, shall within fourteen days from the date of the declaration, convene a meeting of the National Assembly to deliberate on the prevailing situation and to consider whether or not to pass a resolution in support of the declaration of war made by the President.
The King has the prerogative to declare war with the approval of the National Assembly.
The approval resolution of the National Assembly must be passed by votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the existing members of both Houses.
During the expiration of the term or the dissolution of the House of Representatives, the Senate shall perform the function of the National Assembly in giving the approval under paragraph one, and the resolution shall be passed by votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the existing senators.
The National Assembly shall hold a joint sitting in the following cases:
- the approval of the declaration of war under section 177;
The King has the Royal Prerogative to declare war with the approval of the National Assembly.
The resolution of approval by the National Assembly must be passed by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of the existing members of both Houses.
The President of the Republic is the head of the Army. He presides over the Councils of Defense. He declares war on authorization of the National Assembly. He decrees the general mobilization after consultation of the Prime Minister.
The King is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of Tonga. He shall appoint all officers and make such regulations for the training and control of the forces as he may think best for the welfare of the country but it shall not be lawful for the King to make war without the consent of the Legislative Assembly.
He declares war and concludes peace, with the approval of the Chamber of Deputies.
He/she also has the following powers:
- Declaring war and establishing peace, upon the approval by a majority of three-fifths of the members of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People, as well as sending troops abroad with the approval of the Speaker of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People and of the Head of Government; the Assembly shall deliberate on the matter within a period not exceeding sixty days from the date of the decision to send troops;
The duties and powers of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey are to enact, amend, and repeal laws; to debate and adopt the budget bills and final accounts bills; to decide to issue currency and declare war; to approve the ratification of international treaties, to decide with the majority of three-fifths of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey to proclaim amnesty and pardon; and to exercise the powers and carryout the duties envisaged in the other articles of the Constitution.
The power to authorize the declaration of a state of war in cases deemed legitimate by international law and except where required by international treaties to which Turkey is a party or by the rules of international courtesy to send the Turkish Armed Forces to foreign countries and to allow foreign armed forces to be stationed in Turkey, is vested in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
If the country is subjected to sudden armed aggression, while the Grand National Assembly of Turkey is adjourned or in recess, and it thus becomes imperative to decide immediately on the use of the armed forces, the President of the Republic can decide on the use of the Turkish Armed Forces.
1. The President may, with the approval of Parliament, given by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of all the members of Parliament, declare that a state of war exists between Uganda and any other country.
2. Where it is impracticable to seek the approval of Parliament before declaration of a state of war, the President may declare a state of war without the approval but shall seek the approval immediately after the declaration and in any case not later than seventy-two hours after the declaration.
3. Where the President makes the declaration of a state of war under clause (2) when Parliament is in recess, the Speaker shall, immediately summon Parliament to an emergency session to sit within seventy-two hours after the declaration of a state of war.
4. The President may, with the approval of Parliament, given by resolution, revoke a declaration of a state of war made under clause (1) or (2) of this article.
The authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine include:
- declaring war upon the submission by the President of Ukraine and concluding peace; approving a decision by the President of Ukraine on the use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military units in the event of armed aggression against Ukraine;
The President of Ukraine:
- puts forward to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the submission on the declaration of a state of war, and, in case of armed aggression against Ukraine, adopts a decision on the use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations established in accordance with laws of Ukraine;
The declaration of defensive war shall be declared by a federal decree issued by the President of the UAE after its approval by the Supreme Council. Offensive war shall be prohibited in accordance with the provisions of international charters.
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
The General Assembly is competent:
- To declare war and to approve or disapprove, by an absolute majority of the full membership of both Chambers, the treaties of peace, alliance, commerce, and conventions or contracts of any nature which the Executive Power may make with foreign powers;
The President of the Republic, acting with the respective Minister or Ministers, or with the Council of Ministers, has the following duties:
- To decree the severance of relations, and in accordance with a prior resolution of the General Assembly, to declare war, provided that arbitration or other pacific means to avoid it have been unsuccessful;
The joint conducting of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall include:
- ratification of decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on announcement of condition of war in case of attack on the Republic of Uzbekistan or necessity of implementation of contractual obligations on mutual defense from aggression;
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall:
- announce condition of war in case of attack on the Republic of Uzbekistan or in case of necessity of the implementation of contractual obligations on mutual defense from aggression and within seventy two hours submit the adopted decision for approval by the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
It shall be the function of the National Assembly:
- To authorize the operation of Venezuelan military missions abroad or foreign military missions within the country.
The National Assembly shall have the following functions:
- Approval of declarations of war, conciliation and declaring a state of emergency according to the law.
The President of the Republic shall assume the following powers and competences:
- Declaration of a state of emergency, war and peace, after the approval of the National Assembly.
1. The President may, in consultation with Cabinet, at any time, by Proclamation published in the Gazette declare war.
2. A declaration made under clause (1) shall continue in force until the cessation of hostilities.
3. An Act of Parliament shall provide for the conditions and circumstances under which a declaration may be made under clause (1).
1. The President has power to declare war and make peace, and must advise the Senate and the National Assembly within seven sitting days.
2. The Senate and the National Assembly, by a joint resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the total membership of Parliament, may resolve that a declaration of war should be revoked.
3. Where Parliament has resolved that a declaration of war should be revoked, the President must take all practical steps to disengage from the war, taking due account of the need to ensure the safety of Zimbabwean personnel and equipment.
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