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Created August 29, 2024 06:32
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Metaplay PlayerId type
/* Claude Sonnet says:
Yes, it is possible to define entity kind specific EntityId types, such as PlayerId.
While the `EntityId` struct in the provided code is designed to be a general-purpose identifier for various entity types,
you can create wrapper types for specific entity kinds to improve type safety and readability in your code. */
public readonly struct PlayerId : IEquatable<PlayerId>
private readonly EntityId _entityId;
public PlayerId(EntityId entityId)
if (!entityId.IsOfKind(EntityKindCore.Player))
throw new ArgumentException("EntityId must be of kind Player", nameof(entityId));
_entityId = entityId;
public static PlayerId Create(ulong value)
return new PlayerId(EntityId.Create(EntityKindCore.Player, value));
public static PlayerId FromEntityId(EntityId entityId)
return new PlayerId(entityId);
public EntityId ToEntityId() => _entityId;
public static implicit operator EntityId(PlayerId playerId) => playerId._entityId;
public static explicit operator PlayerId(EntityId entityId) => new PlayerId(entityId);
public bool Equals(PlayerId other) => _entityId.Equals(other._entityId);
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is PlayerId other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => _entityId.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString() => _entityId.ToString();
public static bool operator ==(PlayerId left, PlayerId right) => left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(PlayerId left, PlayerId right) => !left.Equals(right);
This approach provides better type safety and makes the code more self-documenting,
as it's clear when you're dealing with a player ID specifically rather than a generic entity ID.
However, it does require more upfront work to create these wrapper types and update existing code to use them.
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