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Created August 18, 2024 17:07
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module NextBiggerSpec (spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import NextBigger (nextBigger)
import Data.List (sort,unfoldr)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "example tests" $ do
nextBigger 12 `shouldBe` 21
nextBigger 513 `shouldBe` 531
nextBigger 2017 `shouldBe` 2071
nextBigger 414 `shouldBe` 441
nextBigger 144 `shouldBe` 414
it "fixed tests" $ do
nextBigger 123456789 `shouldBe` 123456798
nextBigger 1234567890 `shouldBe` 1234567908
nextBigger 9876543210 `shouldBe` -1
nextBigger 9999999999 `shouldBe` -1
nextBigger 59884848459853 `shouldBe` 59884848483559
it "random tests" $ do
property $ withMaxSuccess 140 $ forAll (oneof [genArg,sortDesc <$> genArg]) $ \ n -> do
-- print (n,refNextBigger n)
nextBigger n `shouldBe` refNextBigger n
genArg :: Gen Int
genArg = do e <- choose (1,14 :: Int) ; choose (1,10^e-1)
sortDesc :: Int -> Int
sortDesc n = foldr ( \ v z -> 10 * z + v ) 0 $ sort $ unfoldr mod10 n where
mod10 0 = Nothing
mod10 n = Just $ swap $ n `divMod` 10
refNextBigger :: Int -> Int
refNextBigger n = maybe (-1) ( const $ read $ hd ++ mv : replace mv pvt (reverse tl) ) i where
s = show n
i = foldr ( \ (i,c,d) z -> if isJust z then z else if c < d then Just i else Nothing ) Nothing $ zip3 [0..] s (tail s)
(hd,pvt:tl) = splitAt (fromJust i) s
mv = minimum $ filter (> pvt) tl
replace _ _ [] = error "replace: needle not found in haystack"
replace needle replacement (hay:stack) | hay == needle = replacement : stack
| otherwise = hay : replace needle replacement stack
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