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Created April 6, 2020 15:23
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using StaticArrays
using PyPlot
using QuadGK
const latt = @SMatrix[1 0;
0 1]
const α = .1
f(r) = exp(-α*r^2)
fp(r) = -α * 2 * r * exp(-α*r^2)
Rmax = 100
# sum_{r in latt, |r| ≤ R} f(r)
function S(R, Rmax=100)
s = 0.0
for i = -Rmax:Rmax
for j = -Rmax:Rmax
r = latt * @SVector[i, j]
nr = norm(r)
if nr R
s += f(nr)
function Sbound(R)
diam = norm(latt * ones(2)) # /!\ assumes the lattice is positively oriented
area = det(latt)
# S = ∫ N'(r) V(r) ≤ N(R) V(R) + ∫ N(r) |V'(r)|
# N(r) = number of points inside a ball of radius r
# N(r) ≤ 1/area area of ball of radius r+diam/2
N(r) = 1/area * π * (r+diam/2)^2
# N(r) = 1/area * π * (r)^2
N(R) * abs(f(R)) + quadgk(r -> N(r) * abs(fp(r)), R, Inf)[1]
function Sbound2(R)
diam = norm(latt * ones(2)) # /!\ assumes the lattice is positively oriented
area = det(latt)
1/area * 2π * quadgk(r -> r * min(f(R), f(r)), R-diam, Inf)[1]
Rs = 0:20
semilogy(Rs, S.(Rs))
semilogy(Rs, Sbound.(Rs))
semilogy(Rs, Sbound2.(Rs))
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