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Last active March 27, 2019 15:51
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Palindromes in C# 7. Test-driven using xUnit
// This code is API-compatible with .NET Standard 1.2.
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Palindrome
public class PalindromeChecker : IPalindromeChecker
public bool IsPalindrome(string input)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
return false;
var loweredLettersAndNumbers = input
if (!loweredLettersAndNumbers.Any())
// we need letters or numbers to qualify as a palindrome
return false;
// do the reversed characters match? if so, we have a palindrome.
return loweredLettersAndNumbers
using Xunit;
namespace XUnitTestProject1
public class PalindromeTests
[InlineData("madam", true)]
[InlineData("nurses run", true)]
[InlineData("Nurses run", true)]
[InlineData("nur sesrun", true /*?*/)] // needs requirements clarification - this is nonsensical, but is it a palindrome?
[InlineData("Madam, I'm Adam.", true)] // from
[InlineData("12321", true)]
[InlineData("12320", false)]
[InlineData("a", true)] // single-letter word
[InlineData("b", true /*?*/)] // needs requirements clarification. - While "a" is a single-letter word, "b" is NOT a word by itself so it doesn't really "read" backwords nor forwards according to the definition of palindrome.
[InlineData("ab", false)]
[InlineData("", false)]
[InlineData(" ", false)]
[InlineData(" , ", false)]
[InlineData("_", false)] // _ is part of the \w regex character class (
[InlineData(null, false)] // since we don't have non-nullable reference types (yet) :)
public void ShouldCorrectlyIdentifyPalindromes(string input, bool expected)
var sut = new PalindromeChecker();
var result = sut.IsPalindrome(input);
Assert.Equal(expected, result);
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