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Last active April 10, 2019 13:57
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Python script for querying CMake project model
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pexpect
import re
import sys
import time
import json
import os
from os import path
from pprint import pprint as pp
from pprint import pformat
import begin
cmk_req_fmt = '[== "CMake Server" ==[\n{}\n]== "CMake Server" ==]'
cmk_response = re.compile(r'''==\[\s*(.*)\s*\]==''')
def parse_response(proc):
resp =
return json.loads(resp)
def send_receive(proc, snd=None):
if snd is not None:
if isinstance(snd, str):
snd = json.loads(snd)
snd['cookie'] = cookie
if log_messages:
print("SEND >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n{}".format(pformat(snd)))
snd = json.dumps(snd)
resp = parse_response(proc)
if 'cookie' in resp:
while resp['cookie'] != cookie:
resp = parse_response(proc)
if log_messages:
print("RECV <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n{}".format(pformat(resp)))
return resp
def send_receive_multi(proc, msg, snd=None):
resp = send_receive(proc, snd)
while 'inReplyTo' not in resp or resp['inReplyTo'] != msg or resp['type'] != 'reply':
resp = send_receive(proc)
return resp
def cmk_handshake(source_dir, build_dir, major=1):
protov = {'major':major}
return {"type":"handshake",
"generator":"Unix Makefiles"
def cmk_query_globals():
return {"type":"globalSettings"}
def cmk_query_codemodel():
return {"type":"codemodel"}
def cmk_configure(build_type='Debug'):
return {"type":"configure",
def cmk_generate():
return {"type":"compute"}
def main(source_dir, build_dir, trace=False):
global log_messages
log_messages = trace
source_dir = path.abspath(source_dir)
build_dir = path.abspath(build_dir)
cmk = pexpect.spawn('cmake -E server --experimental --debug', encoding='utf-8', maxread=1024*50) # , logfile=sys.stdout)
hello = send_receive(cmk)
major = hello['supportedProtocolVersions'][0]['major']
resp = send_receive(cmk, cmk_handshake(source_dir, build_dir, major))
print("Configuring...", file=sys.stderr)
resp = send_receive_multi(cmk, 'configure', cmk_configure())
print("Generating...", file=sys.stderr)
resp = send_receive_multi(cmk, 'compute', cmk_generate())
print("Querying...", file=sys.stderr)
resp = send_receive_multi(cmk, 'codemodel', cmk_query_codemodel())


./ ~/src ~/src/build > codemodel.json

Find all shared libraries:

jq '.configurations[].projects[].targets[] | select(.type == "SHARED_LIBRARY") | .name' codemodel.json

Find all top-level buildables:

jq '.configurations[].projects[].targets[] | select(.type == "SHARED_LIBRARY" or .type == "EXECUTABLE" or .type == "STATIC_LIBRARY") | .name' codemodel.json
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