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Last active August 20, 2023 08:19
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  • Save answerquest/7e77a87a6c2a0654a8eea7da0dfdede4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save answerquest/7e77a87a6c2a0654a8eea7da0dfdede4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
google buildings extract for given area.
MINLAT = 21.0762
MAXLAT = 21.2057
MINLON = 78.9929
MAXLON = 79.1738
DATA_FILE = '3bd_buildings.csv'
OUTPUT_CSV = 'nagpur.csv'
import json, os
def write2file(line):
with open(OUTPUT_CSV, 'a') as file:
def checkBounds(lat, lon):
if (MINLAT <= lat <= MAXLAT) and (MINLON <= lon <= MAXLON):
return True
return False
print("Starting script")
counter = 0
foundCounter = 0
with open(DATA_FILE, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if counter == 0:
# write header to output file and skip
counter += 1
latlon = line.split(',')[:2]
lat = float(latlon[0])
lon = float(latlon[1])
# Check if the point is inside the polygon
is_inside = checkBounds(lat, lon)
if is_inside:
foundCounter += 1
counter += 1
if counter % 10**5 == 0:
print(f"Parsed {counter/(10**6)}M lines, found {foundCounter}")
print(f"done, parsed {counter/(10**6)}M rows total, got {foundCounter/(10**3)}K matches")
DATA_FILE = '39f_buildings.csv'
AREA_FILE = 'jalpaiguri.geojson'
OUTPUT_CSV = 'output.csv'
# pip install shapely
import json, os
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
def write2file(line):
with open(OUTPUT_CSV, 'a') as file:
def fetch_polygon(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
polygon_data = json.load(f)
polygon_coordinates = polygon_data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
polygon = Polygon(polygon_coordinates)
return polygon
polygon = fetch_polygon(AREA_FILE)
print("polygon loaded")
counter = 0
foundCounter = 0
with open(DATA_FILE, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if counter == 0:
# write header to output file and skip
counter += 1
latlon = line.split(',')[:2]
lat = float(latlon[0])
lon = float(latlon[1])
# Create a Point object
point = Point(lon, lat)
# Check if the point is inside the polygon
is_inside = point.within(polygon)
if is_inside:
foundCounter += 1
counter += 1
if counter % 10**5 == 0:
print(f"Parsed {counter/(10**6)}M lines, found {foundCounter}")
print(f"done, parsed {counter/(10**6)}M rows total, got {foundCounter/(10**3)}K matches")

Steps for extraction by lat-long bounds

  1. Fetch the .gz from
  2. Unzip it
  3. Get your max and min lat-long values. You can use or any other tool
  4. Populate them in the top lines in the -bounds python script. Take care not to put min in max etc.
  5. Change the filename values as appropriate
  6. Run the -bounds python script
  7. You'll see the output CSV file
  8. Open QGIS
  9. Menu > Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer
  10. Select the file, make sure WKT / Well Known Text option is chosen. Press Add
  11. Now you see your shapes in QGIS map
  12. Right-click layer, Export
  13. Export to Geojson or the shapefile format of your choice

Steps for extraction by polygon/shape

  1. Fetch the .gz from
  2. Unzip it
  3. Draw the area you want in (single shape only, modify the script if you do multi-polygon etc), and save the file as .geojson
  4. pip install shapely
  5. Change the filename values at top
  6. Run the -polygon python script
  7. You'll see the output CSV file
  8. Open QGIS
  9. Menu > Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer
  10. Select the file, make sure WKT / Well Known Text option is chosen. Press Add
  11. Now you see your shapes in QGIS map
  12. Right-click layer, Export
  13. Export to Geojson or the shapefile format of your choice


  • This takes the centroid lat-long which are the first two columns in the source CSV data, and does a lat-long comparison (for bounds) or point-in-polygon operation (for polygon) on every line. Dumps the matching ones into output file
  • The scripts loads and processes only one line at a time, so should work on the very large CSV files on regular / entry-level laptops etc also. Let me know if that's not happening for you.


  • All mentioned files must be located in the same folder and this script also in that same folder. Else put in folder paths as needed.
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