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Last active June 30, 2023 03:37
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python SMTP emailing function
# by Nikhil VJ, ,
# generic SMTP emailing function in Python, using SSL
# will take values from these env params:
# EMAIL_SERVER : SMTP server url
# EMAIL_PORT : SMTP port num (must be the SSL port)
# EMAIL_SENDER : Email account whose SMTP login you're using
# EMAIL_PW : SMTP password of the email account (likely same as regular password used to login to that account)
# tested and works well with hosting account's email accounts.
# ..and with Google workspace account IF you enable "allow less secure apps".
import smtplib, os
from email.message import EmailMessage
from email.headerregistry import Address
def makeAddress(emails):
# have to split "" into Address("name","name",""), and if multiple then have to string them together into tuple
if type(emails) == str:
holder = emails.strip().split('@')
if len(holder) != 2:
print("makeAddress: Invalid email id:",emails)
return os.environ.get('EMAIL_SENDER','')
return Address(holder[0],holder[0],holder[1])
elif type(emails) == list:
collector = []
for oneEmail in emails:
holder = oneEmail.strip().split('@')
if len(holder) != 2:
print("makeAddress: Invalid email id:",oneEmail)
# after for loop:
if len(collector): return tuple(collector)
# default
return os.environ.get('EMAIL_SENDER','')
def sendEmail(content, subject, recipients, cc=None, html=None):
Emailing function.
# from
msg = EmailMessage()
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = makeAddress(os.environ.get('EMAIL_SENDER',''))
msg['To'] = makeAddress(recipients)
if cc: msg['Cc'] = makeAddress(cc)
# adding html formatted body: from
if html:
msg.add_alternative(f"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>{html}</body></html>", subtype = 'html')
# login to server and send the actual email
# try:
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(os.environ.get('EMAIL_SERVER',''), os.environ.get('EMAIL_PORT','')) # We are specifying TLS here
status = server.send_message(msg)
return status
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