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Last active February 7, 2024 04:58
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Extract data from a vector tile layer for a given area
Program by Nikhil VJ,
Based on solution worked out at
License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal, ref:
What this does:
- Given any vector tile layer in .pbf format, and a poylgon or similar shape,
- Extracts all the data from the vector tile layer falling over that shape,
- And save it to local disk as a .gpkg shapefile which you can further use
- If the vector tile layer had multiple layers, then .gpkg will have all those layers
- You can fetch data from sources where just vector tile layer is available, original data is not.
- Can take just what you need and avoid having to download and process the huge source data
- This becomes static local data, so you can work with this offline, edit it, do operations on it etc
Install reqd libs :
pip install mapbox-vector-tile mercantile geopandas shapely requests
The part where shape is converted to tile ranges and each tile is downloaded, was got from this chatgpt prompt,
but I had to flip the Y part to make it work:
"given a vector tile url like `{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf` and a polygon,
give python code to fetch all vector data from all tiles that are within or intersecting with this polygon,
at a specified zoom level."
And I had to search further online for how to convert the downloaded binary tile data to vector;
chatgpt went down full protocol buffer type rabbit holes for it which didn't work.
Disclaimer / Warning:
This program is made for SMALL REGIONS use cases,
where you just want data for a small target area like a city or district or so.
Do NOT try to download entire countries or continents using this;
your computer will probably hang up from all the data being collected,
and your IP might get blacklisted by the tile layer's publisher too.
If you MUST do this with large number of tiles, then ensure you keep a pause between batches,
and run the program overnight so that you don't spam the publisher. You have been warned.
Warning for Teachers:
Do NOT give this as an assignment to all your students to do at the same time;
instead, modify the program to download the tiles and SAVE them to a local folder, then share that folder with everyone.
Please add comment below if you need help.
# fill all vital info here
tile_url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf" # google buildings data, from
pfile = "shape1.geojson"
zoom_level = 14 # vector tiles, they typically don't go more than this. Use lower if you want lower-res data
output_filename = "output" # don't put extension, we're sticking to .gpkg only
TILES_LIMIT=0 # set to a positive integer to set global upper limit on number of tiles to fetch, even if the shape needs more tiles
import json
import time
import math
import requests
from shapely.geometry import shape
import mercantile
import mapbox_vector_tile
import geopandas as gpd
def pixel2deg(xtile, ytile, zoom, xpixel, ypixel, extent = 4096):
# from
n = 2.0 ** zoom
xtile = xtile + (xpixel / extent)
ytile = ytile + ((extent - ypixel) / extent)
lon_deg = (xtile / n) * 360.0 - 180.0
lat_rad = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi * (1 - 2 * ytile / n)))
lat_deg = math.degrees(lat_rad)
return (lon_deg, lat_deg)
def fetch_file(url):
attempts = 0
while True:
response = requests.get(url)
attempts += 1
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.content
if attempts > MAX_ATTEMPTS:
print(f"Max attempts to fetch {url} crossed, giving up.")
return False
print(f"Failed to fetch {url}, status: {response.status_code} trying after 10secs cooloff")
with open(pfile ,'r') as f:
poly1 = json.loads(
polygon = poly1['features'][0]['geometry']
shapely_polygon = shape(polygon)
bounding_box = shapely_polygon.bounds
# Calculate the tiles covering the bounding box at the given zoom level
SWTile = mercantile.tile(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], zoom_level)
NETile = mercantile.tile(bounding_box[2], bounding_box[3], zoom_level)
print(f"{SWTile=} {NETile=}")
# get the tile ranges, x and y
min_x = SWTile.x
max_x = NETile.x
min_y = NETile.y
max_y = SWTile.y
# Note: FLIPPING for y, as in tiles system y goes from north to south, wherease latitude goes from south to north
total_tiles = (max_x - min_x + 1) * (max_y - min_y + 1)
print(f"X ranging from {min_x}->{max_x}, Y ranging from {min_y}->{max_y}, total tiles: {total_tiles}")
# Iterate through each tile and fetch its vector data
feature_collector = {}
tilecounter = 0
breakFlag = False
for tile_x in range(min_x, max_x + 1):
for tile_y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
if tilecounter >= TILES_LIMIT:
breakFlag = True
tile_url_with_coords = tile_url.format(z=zoom_level, x=tile_x, y=tile_y)
pbf_data = fetch_file(tile_url_with_coords)
if not pbf_data:
print(f"Failed to fetch {tile_url_with_coords}, skipping")
tilecounter += 1
if total_tiles >= 100 and tilecounter % 10 == 0:
# give the server a breather!
vector_data = mapbox_vector_tile.decode(tile=pbf_data,
transformer = lambda x, y: pixel2deg(tile_x, tile_y, zoom_level, x, y)
# if you're unsure which all layers are avaialable in the tile, uncomment the line below and run once
# print(list(vector_data.keys())
this_tile_count = 0
layer_count = 0
for layer_name in vector_data.keys():
features = vector_data.get(layer_name,{}).get('features',[])
this_tile_count += len(features)
layer_count += 1
if not feature_collector.get(layer_name,False):
feature_collector[layer_name] = features
feature_collector[layer_name] += features
print(f"{tile_url_with_coords}: {round(len(pbf_data)/(2**10),2)} KB, {this_tile_count} features from {layer_count} layers")
if breakFlag:
print(f"Total {tilecounter} tiles processed, total layers: {len(feature_collector.keys())}")
# Save to local file
for lN, layer in enumerate(list(feature_collector.keys())):
print(f"Layer {layer} has {len(feature_collector[layer])} features")
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(feature_collector[layer])
if lN == 0:
gdf.to_file(f"{output_filename}.gpkg", layer=layer, driver='GPKG')
gdf.to_file(f"{output_filename}.gpkg", layer=layer, driver='GPKG', append=True)
# geopandas' to_file command, supports a range of formats like .gpkg, .geojson etc.
# Ref:
print("Ok we're done")
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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2024-02-07 : Updated to grab all layers present in the tile, and you don't need to know the layer name in advance.

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