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Created November 12, 2014 18:22
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//media API
//Zalmy simply rocks 111111!!!!
adrma.Media = function() {
if (!this instanceof adrma.Media) {
return new adrma.Media();
return this;
adrma.Media.prototype = {
defaults: {
container: "",
playerClass: "mediaPlayer",
dimentions: {
width: 400,
height: 400
init: function(config) {
var self = this;
self.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
$.extend(self, this.defaults, config);
self.container = $(self.container); // covers string, DOM or jQuery object;
self.playerContainer = $("<div>", {
"class": self.playerClass
resetObj: function() {
this.container.find("." + this.playerClass).html("<object id='" + this.playerClass + "_" + this.timeStamp + "'></object>");
play: function(type, id) {
//id can be the video id or the "string resource path"
var self = this,
typeObj = self.types[type];
if (!typeObj) {
return; // throw error
self.resolveDependencies(typeObj.dependencies).done(function() {
typeObj.load.apply(self, [id]);
remove: function() {
types: {
youTube: {
dependencies: [{
swfobject: "/sup/js/lib/swfobject.js"
load: function(id) {
var url = "" + id + "?version=3&f=user_uploads",
objId = this.playerClass + "_" + this.timeStamp;
params = {
allowScriptAccess: "always",
atts = {
id: objId
swfobject.embedSWF(url + "&enablejsapi=1&autoplay=1&theme=light&modestbranding=1&color=white&fs=1&hd=1&autohide=1", objId, this.dimentions.width, this.dimentions.height, "8", null, null, params, atts);
vimeo: {
dependencies: [{
swfobject: "/sup/js/lib/swfobject.js"
load: function (id) {
var flashvars = {
'clip_id': id,
'server': '',
'show_title': 0,
'show_byline': 0,
'show_portrait': 0,
'fullscreen': 0,
'autoplay': 1,
'js_api': 1,
'js_onload': 'vimeo_player_loaded'
var parObj = {
'swliveconnect': true,
'fullscreen': 1,
'allowscriptaccess': 'always',
'allowfullscreen': true
var attObj = {};
swfobject.embedSWF("", "videoObj", this.dimentions.width, this.dimentions.height, "9.0.28", '', flashvars, parObj, attObj);
html5: {
dependencies: [{
"adrma.videoPlayer": "/sup/js/videoPlayer.js"
bindAction: function() {
resolveDependencies: function(dependencies) {
var dfd = $.Deferred(),
deferreds = [];
for (var dependency in dependencies) {
if (window.dependency) { // in case of .'ed resource, augument and apply...
url: "/sup/js/lib/swfobject.js",
dataType: "script"
if (deferreds.length) {
$.when.apply(null, deferreds).done(function() {
return dfd;
} else {
return dfd.resolve();
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