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Created January 7, 2017 11:32
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/* Copyright (C) Etherplay <> - All Rights Reserved */
pragma solidity 0.4.4;
contract Seed {
function computeSeed(uint256 blockHash1, uint256 blockHash2, uint256 blockHash3, uint256 blockHash4,uint256 blockHash5,uint256 blockHash6 ,address player) constant returns(uint64 seed){
return uint64(sha3(blockHash1,blockHash2,blockHash3,blockHash4,blockHash5,blockHash6,player));
/* Copyright (C) Etherplay <> - All Rights Reserved */
pragma solidity 0.4.4;
contract CompetitionStore {
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DATA /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//player's submission store the info required to verify its accuracy
struct Submission{
uint32 score;
uint32 durationRoundedDown; // duration in second of the game session
uint32 version; // version of the game used
uint64 seed; //seed used
uint64 submitBlockNumber; // blockNumber at which the submission is processed
bytes32 proofHash;//sha256 of proof : to save gas, the proof is not saved directly in the contract. Instead its hash is saved. The actual proof will be saved on a server. The player could potentially save it too.
//player start game parameter
struct Start{
uint8 competitionIndex; //competition index (0 or 1) there is only 2 current competition per game, one is active, the other one being the older one which might have pending verification
uint32 version; //version of the game that the player score is based on
uint64 seed; // the seed used for the game session
uint64 time; // start time , used to check if the player is not taking too long to submit its score
// the values representing each competition
struct Competition{
uint8 numPastBlocks;// number of past block allowed, 1 is the minimum since you can only get the hash of a past block. Allow player to start play instantunously
uint8 houseDivider; // how much the house takes : 4 means house take 1/4 (25%)
uint16 lag; // define how much extra time is allowed to submit a score (to accomodate block time and delays)
uint32 verificationWaitTime;// wait time allowed for submission past competition's end time
uint32 numPlayers;//current number of player that submited a score
uint32 version; //the version of the game used for that competition, a hash of the code is published in the log upon changing
uint32 previousVersion; // previousVersion to allow smooth update upon version change
uint64 versionChangeBlockNumber;
uint64 switchBlockNumber; // the blockNumber at which the competition started
uint64 endTime;//The time at which the competition is set to finish. No start can happen after that and the competition cannot be aborted before that
uint88 price; // the price for that competition, do not change
uint128 jackpot; // the current jackpot for that competition, this jackpot is then shared among the developer (in the deposit account for funding development) and the winners (see houseDivider))
uint32[] rewardsDistribution; // the length of it define how many winners there is and the distribution of the reward is the value for each index divided by the total
mapping (address => Submission) submissions; //only one submission per player per competition
address[] players; // contain the list of players that submited a score for that competition
struct Game{
mapping (address => Start) starts; // only 1 start per player, further override the current
Competition[2] competitions; // 2 competitions only to save gas, overrite each other upon going to next competition
uint8 currentCompetitionIndex; //can only be 1 or 0 (switch operation : 1 - currentCompetitionIndex)
mapping (string => Game) games;
address organiser; // admin having control of the reward
address depositAccount; // is the receiver of the house part of the jackpot (see houseDivider) Can only be changed by the depositAccount.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//event logging the hash of the game code for a particular version
event VersionChange(
string indexed gameID,
uint32 indexed version,
bytes32 codeHash // the sha256 of the game code as used by the player
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLAYERS ACTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The seed is computed from the block hash and the sender address
While the seed can be predicted for few block away (see : numPastBlocks) this is has no much relevance since a game session have a bigger duration,
Remember this is not gambling game, this is a skill game, seed is only a small part of the game outcome
function computeSeed(uint64 blockNumber, address player) internal constant returns(uint64 seed){
return uint64(sha3(block.blockhash(blockNumber),block.blockhash(blockNumber-1),block.blockhash(blockNumber-2),block.blockhash(blockNumber-3),block.blockhash(blockNumber-4),block.blockhash(blockNumber-5),player));
probe the current state of the competition so player can start playing right away (need to commit a tx too to ensure its play will be considered though)
function getSeedAndState(string gameID, address player) constant returns(uint64 seed, uint64 blockNumber, uint8 competitionIndex, uint32 version, uint64 endTime, uint88 price, uint32 myBestScore, uint64 competitionBlockNumber, uint64 registeredSeed){
var game = games[gameID];
competitionIndex = game.currentCompetitionIndex;
var competition = game.competitions[competitionIndex];
blockNumber = uint64(block.number-1);
seed = computeSeed(blockNumber, player);
version = competition.version;
endTime = competition.endTime;
price = competition.price;
competitionBlockNumber = competition.switchBlockNumber;
if (competition.submissions[player].submitBlockNumber >= competition.switchBlockNumber){
myBestScore = competition.submissions[player].score;
myBestScore = 0;
registeredSeed = game.starts[player].seed;
function start(string gameID, uint64 blockNumber,uint8 competitionIndex, uint32 version) payable {
var game = games[gameID];
var competition = game.competitions[competitionIndex];
if(msg.value != competition.price){
competition.endTime <= now || //block play when time is up
competitionIndex != game.currentCompetitionIndex || //start happen just after a switch // should not be possible since endTime already ensure that a new competition cannot start before the end of the first
version != competition.version && (version != competition.previousVersion || block.number > competition.versionChangeBlockNumber) || //ensure version is same as current (or previous if versionChangeBlockNumber is recent)
block.number >= competition.numPastBlocks && block.number - competition.numPastBlocks > blockNumber //ensure start is not too old
//if ether was sent, send it back if possible, else throw
if(msg.value != 0 && !msg.sender.send(msg.value)){
competition.jackpot += uint128(msg.value); //increase the jackpot
//save the start params
game.starts[msg.sender] = Start({
seed: computeSeed(blockNumber,msg.sender)
, time : uint64(now)
, competitionIndex : competitionIndex
, version : version
function submit(string gameID, uint64 seed, uint32 score, uint32 durationRoundedDown, bytes32 proofHash){
var game = games[gameID];
var gameStart = game.starts[msg.sender];
//seed should be same, else it means double start and this one executing is from the old one
if(gameStart.seed != seed){
var competition = game.competitions[gameStart.competitionIndex];
// game should not take too long to be submited
if(now - gameStart.time > durationRoundedDown + competition.lag){
if(now >= competition.endTime + competition.verificationWaitTime){
return; //this ensure verifier to get all the score at that time (should never be there though as game should ensure a maximumTime < verificationWaitTime)
var submission = competition.submissions[msg.sender];
if(submission.submitBlockNumber < competition.switchBlockNumber){
if(competition.numPlayers >= 4294967295){ //unlikely but if that happen this is for now the best place to stop
}else if (score <= submission.score){
var players = competition.players;
//if player did not submit score yet => add player to list
if(submission.submitBlockNumber < competition.switchBlockNumber){
var currentNumPlayer = competition.numPlayers;
if(currentNumPlayer >= players.length){
players[currentNumPlayer] = msg.sender;
competition.numPlayers = currentNumPlayer + 1;
competition.submissions[msg.sender] = Submission({
accept donation payment : this increase the jackpot of the currentCompetition of the specified game
function increaseJackpot(string gameID) payable{
var game = games[gameID];
game.competitions[game.currentCompetitionIndex].jackpot += uint128(msg.value); //extra ether is lost but this is not going to happen :)
/////////////////////////////////////// PRIVATE ///////////////////////////////////////////
function CompetitionStore(){
organiser = msg.sender;
depositAccount = msg.sender;
//give a starting jackpot by sending ether to the transaction
function _startNextCompetition(string gameID, uint32 version, uint88 price, uint8 numPastBlocks, uint8 houseDivider, uint16 lag, uint64 duration, uint32 verificationWaitTime, bytes32 codeHash, uint32[] rewardsDistribution) payable{
if(msg.sender != organiser){
var game = games[gameID];
var newCompetition = game.competitions[1 - game.currentCompetitionIndex];
var currentCompetition = game.competitions[game.currentCompetitionIndex];
//do not allow to switch if endTime is not over
if(currentCompetition.endTime >= now){
//block switch if reward was not called (numPlayers > 0)
if(newCompetition.numPlayers > 0){
if(houseDivider == 0){
if(numPastBlocks < 1){
if(rewardsDistribution.length == 0 || rewardsDistribution.length > 64){ // do not risk gas shortage on reward
//ensure rewardsDistribution give always something and do not give more to a lower scoring player
uint32 prev = 0;
for(uint8 i = 0; i < rewardsDistribution.length; i++){
if(rewardsDistribution[i] == 0 || (prev != 0 && rewardsDistribution[i] > prev)){
prev = rewardsDistribution[i];
if(version != currentCompetition.version){
game.currentCompetitionIndex = 1 - game.currentCompetitionIndex;
newCompetition.switchBlockNumber = uint64(block.number);
newCompetition.previousVersion = 0;
newCompetition.versionChangeBlockNumber = 0;
newCompetition.version = version;
newCompetition.price = price;
newCompetition.numPastBlocks = numPastBlocks;
newCompetition.rewardsDistribution = rewardsDistribution;
newCompetition.houseDivider = houseDivider;
newCompetition.lag = lag;
newCompetition.jackpot += uint128(msg.value); //extra ether is lost but this is not going to happen :)
newCompetition.endTime = uint64(now) + duration;
newCompetition.verificationWaitTime = verificationWaitTime;
function _setBugFixVersion(string gameID, uint32 version, bytes32 codeHash, uint32 numBlockAllowedForPastVersion){
if(msg.sender != organiser){
var game = games[gameID];
var competition = game.competitions[game.currentCompetitionIndex];
if(version <= competition.version){ // a bug fix should be a new version (greater than previous version)
if(competition.endTime <= now){ // cannot bugFix a competition that already ended
competition.previousVersion = competition.version;
competition.versionChangeBlockNumber = uint64(block.number + numBlockAllowedForPastVersion);
competition.version = version;
function _setLagParams(string gameID, uint16 lag, uint8 numPastBlocks){
if(msg.sender != organiser){
if(numPastBlocks < 1){
var game = games[gameID];
var competition = game.competitions[game.currentCompetitionIndex];
competition.numPastBlocks = numPastBlocks;
competition.lag = lag;
function _rewardWinners(string gameID, uint8 competitionIndex, address[] winners){
if(msg.sender != organiser){
var competition = games[gameID].competitions[competitionIndex];
//ensure time has passed so that players who started near the end can finish their session
//game should be made to ensure termination before verificationWaitTime, it is the game responsability
if(int(now) - competition.endTime < competition.verificationWaitTime){
if( competition.jackpot > 0){ // if there is no jackpot skip
var rewardsDistribution = competition.rewardsDistribution;
uint8 numWinners = uint8(rewardsDistribution.length);
if(numWinners > uint8(winners.length)){
numWinners = uint8(winners.length);
uint128 forHouse = competition.jackpot;
if(numWinners > 0 && competition.houseDivider > 1){ //in case there is no winners (no players or only cheaters), the house takes all
forHouse = forHouse / competition.houseDivider;
uint128 forWinners = competition.jackpot - forHouse;
uint64 total = 0;
for(uint8 i=0; i<numWinners; i++){ // distribute all the winning even if there is not all the winners
total += rewardsDistribution[i];
for(uint8 j=0; j<numWinners; j++){
uint128 value = (forWinners * rewardsDistribution[j]) / total;
if(!winners[j].send(value)){ // if fail give to house
forHouse = forHouse + value;
//in case sending to house failed
var nextCompetition = games[gameID].competitions[1 - competitionIndex];
nextCompetition.jackpot = nextCompetition.jackpot + forHouse;
competition.jackpot = 0;
competition.numPlayers = 0;
allow to change the depositAccount of the house share, only the depositAccount can change it, depositAccount == organizer at creation
function _setDepositAccount(address newDepositAccount){
if(depositAccount != msg.sender){
depositAccount = newDepositAccount;
allow to change the organiser, in case this need be
function _setOrganiser(address newOrganiser){
if(organiser != msg.sender){
organiser = newOrganiser;
/////////////////////////////////////////////// OTHER CONSTANT CALLS TO PROBE VALUES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function getPlayerSubmissionFromCompetition(string gameID, uint8 competitionIndex, address playerAddress) constant returns(uint32 score, uint64 seed, uint32 duration, bytes32 proofHash, uint32 version, uint64 submitBlockNumber){
var submission = games[gameID].competitions[competitionIndex].submissions[playerAddress];
score = submission.score;
seed = submission.seed;
duration = submission.durationRoundedDown;
proofHash = submission.proofHash;
version = submission.version;
submitBlockNumber =submission.submitBlockNumber;
function getPlayersFromCompetition(string gameID, uint8 competitionIndex) constant returns(address[] playerAddresses, uint32 num){
var competition = games[gameID].competitions[competitionIndex];
playerAddresses = competition.players;
num = competition.numPlayers;
function getCompetitionValues(string gameID, uint8 competitionIndex) constant returns (
uint128 jackpot,
uint88 price,
uint32 version,
uint8 numPastBlocks,
uint64 switchBlockNumber,
uint32 numPlayers,
uint32[] rewardsDistribution,
uint8 houseDivider,
uint16 lag,
uint64 endTime,
uint32 verificationWaitTime,
uint8 _competitionIndex
var competition = games[gameID].competitions[competitionIndex];
jackpot = competition.jackpot;
price = competition.price;
version = competition.version;
numPastBlocks = competition.numPastBlocks;
switchBlockNumber = competition.switchBlockNumber;
numPlayers = competition.numPlayers;
rewardsDistribution = competition.rewardsDistribution;
houseDivider = competition.houseDivider;
lag = competition.lag;
endTime = competition.endTime;
verificationWaitTime = competition.verificationWaitTime;
_competitionIndex = competitionIndex;
function getCurrentCompetitionValues(string gameID) constant returns (
uint128 jackpot,
uint88 price,
uint32 version,
uint8 numPastBlocks,
uint64 switchBlockNumber,
uint32 numPlayers,
uint32[] rewardsDistribution,
uint8 houseDivider,
uint16 lag,
uint64 endTime,
uint32 verificationWaitTime,
uint8 _competitionIndex
return getCompetitionValues(gameID,games[gameID].currentCompetitionIndex);
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