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Created January 16, 2015 15:46
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google autocomplete scrapper
d = function(msg) {
A = []
var arrayUnique = function(a) {
return a.reduce(function(p, c) {
if (p.indexOf(c) < 0) p.push(c);
return p;
}, []);
var splitByNewLine = function(s) {
if (!s) { return []; }
return s.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)
gac_scrapper = function () {
new MutationObserver(
// select the target node
var target = document.querySelector('#gsr > div.gstl_0.sbdd_a > div:nth-child(2) > div.sbdd_b > div > ul');
//var target = document.body
//var target = document.querySelector('#gsr');
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
//lines = splitByNewLine(
//ac_list = document.querySelector('#gsr > div.gstl_0.sbdd_a > div:nth-child(2) > div.sbdd_b > div > ul');
ac_list =
if (ac_list) {
lines = splitByNewLine(ac_list.innerText.toLowerCase())
A = arrayUnique(A);
A = A.sort();
// configuration of the observer:
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true };
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(target, config);
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