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Created August 2, 2016 20:47
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import javax.swing.JFrame;
import asciiPanel.AsciiPanel;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Color;
public class EscapeTheTrolls extends JFrame implements KeyListener {
public static final int WIDTH = 39;
public static final int HEIGHT = 27;
public static final double LOS_RADIUS = 6.0;
public static final int LASER_LENGTH = 8;
public static final int GORE = 4;
public static final Color FLOOR_COLOR = new Color(30, 30, 30);
private AsciiPanel terminal;
private String maze =
"#######################################\n" +
"#######################################\n" +
"## # # # # # ##\n" +
"## # ##### # ### ##### ### ### ### # ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"###### # ##### ##### ### # # # ##### ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## # ####### # # ##### ### # ##### # ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## ####### ### ### # ### ##### # ### ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## ### ### # ### # ##### # # # ########\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"######## # # # ##### # ### # ### ### ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## ### # ##### ### # ### ### ####### ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## # ##### # ### ##### # # ####### # ##\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## ##### # # # ### ##### ##### # ######\n" +
"## # # # # # # # # ##\n" +
"## # ### ### ### ##### ### # ##### # ##\n" +
"## # # # # # ##\n" +
"##X####################################\n" +
private Random rng = new Random();
private char[][] map;
private List<Troll> trolls = new ArrayList<>();
int x;
int y;
private boolean won = false;
private boolean lost = false;
private boolean standingOnCorpse = false;
private boolean standingOnGibs = false;
String statusMsg = "";
private boolean hasLaser = false;
private int laser = 0; //number of turns to render laser
private int laserAmmo = 0;
private int gibs = 0;
public EscapeTheTrolls() {
super("Escape The Trolls v. 0.01");
terminal = new AsciiPanel(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
map = loadMap();
public void placePlayerRandomly() {
while (true) {
x = rng.nextInt(WIDTH);
y = rng.nextInt(HEIGHT);
if (map[y][x] == ' ')
map[y][x] = '>';
public void placeMiningLaser() {
int c = 0;
int r = 0;
while (true) {
c = rng.nextInt(WIDTH);
r = rng.nextInt(HEIGHT);
if (map[r][c] == ' ')
map[r][c] = 'L';
//n = how many to add
public void addTrolls(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int tx = 0;
int ty = 0;
while (true) {
tx = rng.nextInt(WIDTH);
ty = rng.nextInt(HEIGHT);
if (map[ty][tx] == ' ')
map[ty][tx] = 'T';
trolls.add(new Troll(tx, ty));
public void repaint() {
public void movePlayer(int x, int y) {
char ch = map[this.y + y][this.x + x];
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '%' || ch == 'L' || ch == '*' || ch == '.') {
this.x = this.x + x;
this.y = this.y + y;
if (standingOnCorpse) {
map[this.y - y][this.x - x] = '%';
standingOnCorpse = false;
else if (standingOnGibs) {
map[this.y - y][this.x - x] = '.';
if (gibs != 0)
standingOnGibs = false;
else {
char g = gibs == 0 ? ' ' : '.';
map[this.y - y][this.x - x] = g;
if (gibs != 0)
if (ch == '%') {
standingOnCorpse = true;
gibs = GORE;
if (ch == '.') {
standingOnGibs = true;
if (ch == 'L') {
hasLaser = true;
statusMsg = "You pick up a laser!";
laserAmmo = 2;
else if (ch == '#')
pushWall(this.x + x, this.y + y, x, y);
else if (ch == 'T')
lost = true;
else if (ch == 'X') {
won = true;
char c = '@';
if (x == 1) c = '>';
else if (x == -1) c = '<';
else if (y == 1) c = 'v';
else if (y == -1) c = '^';
map[this.y][this.x] = c;
//from (c, r) toward (x, y)
public void pushWall(int c, int r, int x, int y) {
char ch = map[r + y][c + x];
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '.') {
statusMsg = "You hear a rumble.";
map[r][c] = ' ';
map[r + y][c + x] = '#';
else if (ch == 'T') {
map[r][c] = ' ';
map[r + y][c + x] = '%';
killTroll(c + x, r + y);
public boolean inBounds(int x, int y) {
return x > 1 && x < WIDTH - 2 && y > 1 && y < HEIGHT - 4;
//kill the troll at x, y
public void killTroll(int x, int y) {
statusMsg = "The troll is smushed.";
Troll t = null;
for (Troll troll : trolls)
if (troll.tx == x && troll.ty == y)
t = troll;
public void displayOutput(AsciiPanel term) {
if (laser > 0) {
if (laser == 0) {
for (int r = 0; r < HEIGHT; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < WIDTH; c++)
if (map[r][c] == '*')
map[r][c] = ' ';
Color color = Color.WHITE;
for (int r = 0; r < HEIGHT - 2; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < WIDTH; c++) {
char ch = map[r][c];
if (player(ch))
color = Color.YELLOW;
else if (ch == 'X')
color = Color.MAGENTA;
else if (ch == 'T') {
for (Troll t : trolls) {
if (t.tx == c && t.ty == r)
if (t.speed > 0.0D)
color = Color.ORANGE;
color = Color.RED;
else if (ch == '%')
color = Color.PINK;
else if (ch == '.')
color = Color.RED;
else if (ch == 'L' || ch == '*')
color = Color.CYAN;
color = Color.GRAY;
boolean visable = distance(c, r) < LOS_RADIUS;
if (visable) {
if (ch == '#')
term.write(map[r][c], c, r, color, Color.DARK_GRAY);
else if (ch == '.' || ch == '%')
term.write(map[r][c], c, r, color, new Color(50, 10, 15));
else if (player(ch) && (standingOnGibs || standingOnCorpse || gibs > 0))
term.write(map[r][c], c, r, color, new Color(50, 10, 15));
term.write(map[r][c], c, r, color, FLOOR_COLOR);
term.write("Mining Laser Ammo: " + laserAmmo, 0, 26, Color.CYAN);
if (won) {
term.writeCenter("YOU WON THE GAME!!!", 10, Color.GREEN);
term.writeCenter("Press --[Esc]-- to exit.", 12, Color.GREEN);
else if (lost) {
term.writeCenter("You were eaten by a troll...", 10, Color.GREEN);
term.writeCenter("Press --[Esc]-- to exit.", 12, Color.GREEN);
public void displayStatusMsg() {
terminal.write(statusMsg, 0, 25);
public double distance(int x, int y) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x - x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y - y, 2));
public boolean player(char c) {
return c == '>' || c == '<' || c == '^' || c == 'v';
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.VK_UP: if (!won && !lost) movePlayer(0, -1); break;
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: if (!won && !lost) movePlayer(0, 1); break;
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: if (!won && !lost) movePlayer(-1, 0); break;
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: if (!won && !lost) movePlayer(1, 0); break;
case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
if (!won && !lost && hasLaser && laserAmmo > 0) {
int dx = 0;
int dy = 0;
laser = 2;
switch (map[y][x]) {
case '>': dx = 1;
case '<': dx = -1;
case '^': dy = -1;
case 'v': dy = 1;
if (dy == 0) {
for (int c = x + dx; c != x + LASER_LENGTH * dx; c += dx) {
if (inBounds(c, y)) {
if (map[y][c] == 'T') {
killTroll(c, y);
statusMsg = "The troll is vaporized.";
map[y][c] = '*';
else if (dx == 0) {
for (int r = y + dy; r != y + LASER_LENGTH * dy; r += dy) {
if (inBounds(x, r)) {
if (map[r][x] == 'T') {
killTroll(x, r);
statusMsg = "The troll is vaporized.";
map[r][x] = '*';
laserAmmo -= 1;
case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: System.exit(0); break;
if (!won && !lost)
for (Troll t : trolls) {
if (Math.random() < t.speed)
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
public char[][] loadMap() {
char[][] map = new char[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
int r = 0;
int c = 0;
for (char ch : maze.toCharArray()) {
if (c >= WIDTH)
c = 0;
if (r >= HEIGHT)
else if (ch == '\n')
else {
map[r][c] = ch;
return map;
public static void main(String[] args) {
EscapeTheTrolls window = new EscapeTheTrolls();
private class Troll {
int tx;
int ty;
double speed = 0.0D;
Troll(int x, int y) {
tx = x;
ty = y;
//am I close to the player?
boolean close() {
return distance(tx, ty) < 6.0;
boolean canSeePlayer() {
boolean canSee = false;
if (x == tx) {
int dir = y > ty ? 1 : -1;
for (int r = ty + dir; r != y; r += dir) {
if (map[r][x] == '#') {
return false;
return true;
else if (y == ty) {
int dir = x > tx ? 1 : -1;
for (int c = tx + dir; c != x; c += dir) {
if (map[y][c] == '#') {
return false;
return true;
return canSee;
//moving aimlessly for when the player is not nearby
void shuffle() {
int dx = 0;
int dy = 0;
int randomDir = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
if (rng.nextInt(100) > 50)
dx = randomDir;
dy = randomDir;
char ch = map[ty + dy][tx + dx];
if (ch == ' ') {
if (ch == '%'){ // && close()) {
//statusMsg = "The troll is a cannibal!";
speed += 0.1;
map[ty][tx] = ' ';
map[ty + dy][tx + dx] = 'T';
tx = tx + dx;
ty = ty + dy;
else if (player(ch))
lost = true;
//Player spotted! Run 'em down.
void chase() {
if (x == tx) {
int dir = y > ty ? 1 : -1;
char ch = map[ty + dir][tx];
if (player(ch))
lost = true;
else if (ch != '#') {
if (ch == '%') {
statusMsg = "The troll is a cannibal!";
speed += 0.1;
map[ty][tx] = ' ';
map[ty + dir][tx] = 'T';
ty = ty + dir;
else if (y == ty) {
int dir = x > tx ? 1 : -1;
char ch = map[ty][tx + dir];
if (player(ch))
lost = true;
else if (ch != '#') {
if (ch == '%') {
statusMsg = "The troll is a cannibal!";
speed += 0.1;
map[ty][tx] = ' ';
map[ty][tx + dir] = 'T';
tx = tx + dir;
void move() {
if (close() && canSeePlayer()) {
statusMsg = "The troll roars at you!";
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