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Created June 29, 2016 17:50
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# Create an index with a single nested field "foo"
curl -XPOST localhost:9200/testmissing -d '{
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1
"mappings": {
"test1": {
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "nested",
"dynamic": "false",
"properties": {
"k": {
"type": "string"
"v": {
"type": "string"
# Add a single document with a "foo"
curl -XPUT -d '{"foo": {"k": "k1", "v": "v1"}}' localhost:9200/testmissing/test1/doc1
# Search and do a Missing aggregation on foo
curl -XPOST -d '{"aggs": {"foomissing": {"missing": {"field": "foo"} } } }' localhost:9200/testmissing/_search?pretty
# Output:
# {
# "took" : 1,
# "timed_out" : false,
# "_shards" : {
# "total" : 1,
# "successful" : 1,
# "failed" : 0
# },
# "hits" : {
# "total" : 1,
# "max_score" : 1.0,
# "hits" : [ {
# "_index" : "testmissing",
# "_type" : "test1",
# "_id" : "doc1",
# "_score" : 1.0,
# "_source" : {
# "foo" : {
# "k" : "k1",
# "v" : "v1"
# }
# }
# } ]
# },
# "aggregations" : {
# "foomissing" : {
# "doc_count" : 1
# }
# }
# }
# Why does foomissing=1 when foo is clearly present?
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