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/colab_paste Secret

Created March 6, 2015 13:57
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Gist created from Colab DPaste
Backup Colab DB
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_dump colab > colab.dump
Backup Gitlab
cd /usr/lib/gitlab
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create
Restore Colab
* On the DB host drop and recreate colab db (using postgres user):
dropdb colab
createdb colab
* restore the backup:
``psql colab < colab.dump``
* restore gitlab user permissions:
``echo 'GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO "colab";' | psql colab``
On the integration host:
* run colab migrations using the colab user:
``colab-admin migrate``
* Restart the colab process:
``sudo systemctl restart colab``
Restore Gitlab
* untar the backup file
* On the DB host drop and recreate gitlab db (using postgres user):
dropdb gitlab
createdb gitlab
* restore the backup:
``psql gitlab < backup/db/database.sql``
* restore gitlab user permissions:
``echo 'GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO "gitlab";' | psql gitlab``
* On the integration host:
sudo chgrp git /usr/lib/gitlab/db/schema.rb
sudo chmod g+w /usr/lib/gitlab/db/schema.rb
* Run migrations:
cd /usr/lib/gitlab
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
* Copy the repositories:
sudo cp -a /vagrant/backup/repositories/* /var/lib/gitlab/repositories
sudo chown -fR git:git /var/lib/gitlab/repositories
* Unbundle repositories:
cd /var/lib/gitlab/repositories
for ORG in `ls -1`
for FILE in `ls -1 $ORG/*.bundle`
sudo -u git git clone --mirror $FILE $repo.git
* Create satellites:
cd /usr/lib/gitlab
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:satellites:create RAILS_ENV=production
* Restart the Colab host:
sudo systemctl restart gitlab
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