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Created December 17, 2012 17:06
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If you have [Tweenest]( installed, then the following two functions will pull that data in to your WordPress install. This code assumes that the default table prefix is used (tn_).
function get_tweetnest_tweets($args) {
global $wpdb;
$args = shortcode_atts(array(
'count' => 5,
), $args);
$sql = sprintf("SELECT `tn_tweets`.*, `tn_tweetusers`.`screenname`, `tn_tweetusers`.`realname`, `tn_tweetusers`.`profileimage`
FROM `tn_tweets`
LEFT JOIN `tn_tweetusers` ON `tn_tweets`.`userid` = `tn_tweetusers`.`userid`
ORDER BY `tn_tweets`.`time` DESC
LIMIT %d", $args['count']);
$tweets = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
$content = array();
foreach($tweets as $tweet) {
$html = wptexturize($tweet->text);
$href = esc_url(get_twitter_status_url($tweet->screenname, $tweet->tweetid));
$time = sprintf('%s ago', human_time_diff($tweet->time));
$content[] = sprintf('<li>%s <a href="%s" class="tweet_time" rel="external">%s</a></li>', $html, $href, $time);
return sprintf('<div class="tweets"><ul>%s</ul></div>', implode("\r\n", $content));
function get_twitter_status_url($username, $id) {
return sprintf('', urlencode($username), urlencode($id));
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