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Created December 16, 2012 22:42
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import scalaz._, Scalaz._
sealed trait MyOption[+A]
case class MySome[A](value: A) extends MyOption[A]
case object MyNone extends MyOption[Nothing]
object MyOption {
implicit object MyOptionFunctor extends Functor[MyOption] {
def map[A, B](m: MyOption[A])(f: A => B) = m match {
case MySome(a) => MySome(f(a))
case MyNone => MyNone
object Main extends App {
val m: MyOption[String] = MySome("1234")
assert( == MySome(4))
def f[F[_]: Functor](m: F[String]) = m map (_.toInt)
assert(f(m) == MySome(1234))
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