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Created December 24, 2017 07:47
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CLI cheat sheet

My personal cheatsheet for using the Linux command line.

Zip / Unzip


tar -jxvf file.tar.bz2


tar xvfJ file.tar.xz


tar -zxvf file.tar.gz


gunzip file.gz

Zip something

zip foo

Zip recursively

zip -r directory/


Configure GIT

git config --global ""
git config --global "Name Surname"

Commit to master

git init
git add
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master


To add a new Samba user, you first have to create a new Unix user.

sudo useradd --shell /bin/false USER    # new unix user
sudo passwd USER                        # set password
sudo smbpasswd -a USER                  # create samba user

Burning .iso to a USB drive

lsblk -l            #find the usb drive
umount /dev/sdX
dd bs=4MB if=file.iso of=/dev/sdX


Check for how long your SSL certificate remains valid.

openssl x509 -noout -dates -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain.tld/cert.pem

C / C++

Nixcraft: How To Compile And Run a C/C++ Code In Linux

Compile a C++ file

g++ CODE.cpp -o BINARY.exe

Compile a C file

gcc CODE.c -o BINARY.exe

Directory and Files

Size of a directory

du -sh DIR/

Random Filename argument

echo `ls dir | sort -R | tail -n 1`


sudo dpkg -i pack.deb

Background Process

nohup command > /dev/null 2>&1


SSH tunnel

-D [Bind Port]

-p [Remote Port]

ssh -CnN -D 9999 -p 22 # forwards local port 9999 via ssl tunnel

SSH tunnel settings for PuTTY

Connection > SSH > Tunnels :
      Source Port: port
      ☒ Dynamic
      ☒ Auto
Session :
      Host Name: server
      Port: port
      Saved Sessions: name
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