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Forked from janasco/AnyDesk-Reset.cmd
Created June 3, 2024 07:47
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AnyDesk Reset
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
title Reset AnyDesk
reg query HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19 >NUL || (echo Please Run as administrator.& pause >NUL&exit)
chcp 437
call :stop_any
del /f "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\AnyDesk\service.conf"
del /f "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\service.conf"
copy /y "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\user.conf" "%temp%\"
rd /s /q "%temp%\thumbnails" 2>NUL
xcopy /c /e /h /r /y /i /k "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\thumbnails" "%temp%\thumbnails"
del /f /a /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\AnyDesk\*"
del /f /a /q "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\*"
call :start_any
type "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\AnyDesk\system.conf" | find "" || goto lic
call :stop_any
move /y "%temp%\user.conf" "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\user.conf"
xcopy /c /e /h /r /y /i /k "%temp%\thumbnails" "%APPDATA%\AnyDesk\thumbnails"
rd /s /q "%temp%\thumbnails"
call :start_any
echo *********
echo Completed.
goto :eof
sc start AnyDesk
sc start AnyDesk
if %errorlevel% neq 1056 goto start_any
set AnyDesk1=%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\AnyDesk\AnyDesk.exe
set AnyDesk2=%SystemDrive%\Program Files\AnyDesk\AnyDesk.exe
if exist "%AnyDesk1%" start "" "%AnyDesk1%"
if exist "%AnyDesk2%" start "" "%AnyDesk2%"
exit /b
sc stop AnyDesk
sc stop AnyDesk
if %errorlevel% neq 1062 goto stop_any
taskkill /f /im "AnyDesk.exe"
exit /b
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