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Last active August 28, 2024 03:48
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TailwindCSS plugin for variable fonts: Italic, Width/Stretch, Weight
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
const fontVariationSettings = plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) {
const stretch = {
'ultracondensed': 50,
'extracondensed': 62.5,
'condensed': 75,
'semicondensed': 87.5,
'base': 100,
'semiexpanded': 112.5,
'expanded': 125,
'extraexpanded': 150,
'ultraexpanded': 200
const weights = {
'thin': 100,
'extraLight': 200,
'light': 300,
'normal': 400,
'medium': 500,
'semibold': 600,
'bold': 700,
'extrabold': 800,
'black': 900
// Custom weights with italic, stretch, italic and stretch.
Object.entries(weights).forEach(i => {
const [key, value] = i;
const select = `.font-${key}`
const baseData = {}
baseData[select] = {
fontWeight: value,
fontVariationSettings: `'wght' ${value}`,
Object.entries(stretch).forEach(i => {
const [sKey, sValue] = i;
const sSelect = `&.font-${sKey}`
const sSelectItalic = `&.italic.font-${sKey}`
baseData[select][sSelectItalic] = {
fontVariationSettings: `'slnt' 1, 'wdth' ${sValue}, 'wght' ${value}`,
baseData[select][sSelect] = {
fontVariationSettings: `'wdth' ${sValue}, 'wght' ${value}`,
baseData["&.italic"] = {
fontVariationSettings: `'slnt' 1, 'wght' ${value}`,
// Custom stretch alone and with italic.
Object.entries(stretch).forEach(i => {
const [key, value] = i;
const select = `.font-${key}`
const stretchData = {}
stretchData[select] = {
fontStretch: value,
fontVariationSettings: `'wdth' ${value}`,
'&.italic': {
fontVariationSettings: `'slnt' 1, 'wdth' ${value}`,
// Plain italic.
".italic": {
fontStyle: "italic",
fontVariationSettings: "'slnt' 1",
module.exports = fontVariationSettings;
module.exports = {
corePlugins: {
fontWeight: false
plugins: [
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