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Last active September 18, 2020 08:09
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  • Save ankurloriya/61c95a00ad8c3f6bf754a3913a0fe818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ankurloriya/61c95a00ad8c3f6bf754a3913a0fe818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
description = "Ping Google DNS"
command = "ping"
tag = ["network", "tool", "ping", "test", "dns", "google"]
output = ""
description = "Ping"
command = "ping <ip>"
tag = ["network", "tool", "ping", "test"]
output = ""
description = "Run GTK application in sudo mode"
command = "gksudo <app>"
tag = ["sudo", "gtk", "runas"]
output = ""
description = "List lisining ports with proccess"
command = "sudo netstat -ntlvp"
tag = ["network", "tool", "port"]
output = ""
description = "Domain Revers lookup"
command = "dig <ip>"
tag = ["network", "tool", "ip", "domain", "lookup", "revers"]
output = ""
description = "Get current kernel name and arch"
command = "uname -mrs"
tag = ["kernel", "linux", "name", "architecture"]
output = ""
description = "Get list of installed kernels"
command = "dpkg -l | grep \"linux\\-image\" | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq"
tag = ["kernel", "list"]
output = ""
description = "List of current kernel modules"
command = "find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name '*.ko'"
tag = ["kernel", "module", "list", "linux"]
output = ""
description = "HDD temperature"
command = "hddtemp /dev/sda"
tag = ["hdd", "temperature", "heat", "monitor"]
output = ""
description = "CPU / Core temperatures"
command = "sensors"
tag = ["temperature", "heat", "monitor", "cpu"]
output = ""
description = "Current LAN IP address"
command = "ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d '/'"
tag = ["netowokr", "ip", "lan"]
output = ""
description = "Server IP address"
command = "nslookup <domain>"
tag = ["network", "ip", "domain", "server", "dns"]
output = ""
description = "Mail server ip address"
command = "nslookup -query=mx <domain>"
tag = ["network", "mail", "ip", "domain"]
output = ""
description = "List only physical partitions on current HDD"
command = "df --type btrfs --type ext4 --type ext3 --type ext2 --type vfat --type iso9660"
tag = ["hdd", "partitions", "harddisk"]
output = ""
description = "Git add without whitespace"
command = "git diff -w --no-color | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace"
tag = ["whitespace", "git", "add"]
output = ""
description = "Broken APT packages"
command = "grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | awk -F ' |:' '{print $2}'"
tag = ["atp", "brken", "packages"]
output = ""
description = "Docker remove all <none> images"
command = "sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -f \"dangling=true\" -q)"
tag = ["docker", "images", "remove"]
output = ""
description = "Remove all Docker images"
command = "sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -q)"
tag = ["images", "docker", "remove", "all"]
output = ""
description = "Remove all containers"
command = "sudo docker container rm $(sudo docker container ls -a -q)"
tag = ["containers", "docker", "remove", "all"]
output = ""
description = "Get Running docker container"
command = "sudo exec -it <container> /bin/bash"
tag = ["docker", "container", "bash", "access"]
output = ""
description = "Get root user access"
command = "sudo -su root"
tag = ["root", "sudo", "access"]
output = ""
description = "Total directory size"
command = "du -sh <path>"
tag = ["directory", "size"]
output = ""
description = "Make file to reserver disk space"
command = "dd if=/dev/zero of=upload_test bs=102400000 count=1 (bs - size in byte)"
tag = ["hdd", "disk", "space", "blank"]
output = ""
description = "Git log of given user name"
command = "git log --author=\"<user name>\""
tag = ["git", "log", "auther", "user"]
output = ""
description = "nginx reload setting"
command = "nginx -s reload"
tag = ["reload", "config", "nginx", "server"]
output = ""
description = "Force stop nginx"
command = "nginx -s stop"
tag = ["nginx", "force", "stop", "server"]
output = ""
description = "shutdown gracefully"
command = "nginx -s quit"
tag = ["nginx", "shutdown", "turnoff", "server"]
output = ""
description = "Running docker container name"
command = "sudo docker ps --format \"{{$.Names}}\""
tag = ["docker", "containers", "running", "name"]
output = ""
description = "Stop docker running containers"
command = "sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps --format \"{{$.Names}}\")"
tag = ["containers", "stop", "docker", "shutdown"]
output = ""
description = "Debug NodeJS application"
command = "sudo node --inspect index.js"
tag = ["debug", "application", "nodejs", "node", "inspect", "chrome"]
output = ""
description = "Debug nodejs application with startup break"
command = "sudo node --inspect-brk index.js"
tag = ["debug", "nodejs", "node", "inspect", "starup", "application", "chrome"]
output = ""
description = "Start mongodb server in background"
command = "sudo mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf &"
tag = ["mongodb", "process", "server", "start", "background"]
output = ""
description = "Find process from ps command list"
command = "ps -aef | grep <process name>"
tag = ["ps", "process", "find", "grep", "name"]
output = ""
description = "Active TCP UDP port list"
command = "lsof -Pan -i tcp -i udp"
tag = ["list", "open", "active", "network", "port", "applications", "ip", "remote"]
output = ""
description = "Top 10 memory used app"
command = "ps aux | sort -nrk +4 | head -n 10 | awk '{print $2\"\\t\"$11}'"
tag = ["applications", "debug", "monitor", "ps", "list", "memory"]
output = ""
description = "Check expiration date of SSL certficate"
command = "echo | openssl s_client -connect <domain>:443 2> /dev/null | openssl x509 -dates -noout"
tag = ["ssl", "openssl", "certificate", "date", "verification", "verify", "server", "tool", "tls"]
output = ""
description = "My Public address"
command = "curl"
tag = ["public", "dns", "network", "ip", "address", "tool", "get", "find"]
output = ""
description = "Delete gil local branch"
command = "git branch -D <branch-name>"
tag = ["git", "delete", "branch", "local"]
output = ""
description = "delete remote branch"
command = "git push origin :<branch-name>"
tag = ["git", "delete", "branch", "remote"]
output = ""
description = "Create 100MB file containing all zeroes"
command = "head -c 100MB /dev/zero > <file-name>"
tag = ["hdd", "blank", "file", "partition"]
output = ""
description = "Change the message of the last commit"
command = "git commit --amend"
tag = ["git", "rename", "message", "commit", "edit"]
output = ""
description = "Undo the last commit (soft reset)"
command = "git reset --soft HEAD^"
tag = ["git", "rename", "undo", "soft", "reset", "message", "commit", "edit"]
output = ""
description = "List first commit in a repo"
command = "git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD"
tag = ["git", "fist", "commit", "repo"]
output = ""
description = "Get current linux/system name"
command = "uname -n"
tag = ["user", "get", "name", "linux"]
output = ""
description = "Get server SSL cerificate issuer name"
command = "openssl s_client -connect <domain>:443 2> /dev/null | openssl x509 -issuer | head -n 1"
tag = ["ssl", "openssl", "issuer", "certificate", "find", "get"]
output = ""
description = "Git current branch name"
command = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
tag = ["git", "branch", "current"]
output = ""
description = "Execute command as different user (run as)"
command = "sudo -u <user> -H <command>"
tag = ["process", "command", "execute", "user", "run-as"]
output = ""
description = "About me - Ankur Loriya"
command = "xdg-open"
tag = ["ankur", "loriya", "about", "me"]
output = ""
description = "Lookup for domain name server"
command = "nslookup -type=ns <domain>"
tag = ["name-server", "server", "ip", "domain", "dns", "lookup", "get"]
output = ""
description = "Get gnome extension UUID"
command = "cat metadata.json | grep uuid | cut -d \\\" -f4"
tag = ["UUID", "gnome", "extension", "metadata", "json", "read", "get"]
output = ""
description = "Snap revert package to specific revision number"
command = "sudo snap revert <package> --revision <revision>"
tag = ["snap", "snapcraft", "package", "revert", "specific", "version", "revision"]
output = ""
description = "Start mongodb in background"
command = "sudo mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf &"
tag = ["mongo", "mongodb", "start", "process", "service", "background"]
output = ""
description = "Get OpenGL version"
command = "glxinfo | grep \"OpenGL version\""
tag = ["intel", "amd", "graphis", "nvidia", "get", "opengl", "version", "hardware"]
output = ""
description = "SSH remote port tunneling"
command = "ssh <user>@<host> -L <local-port>:<remote-port> -N"
tag = ["tunneling", "remote", "local", "network", "ssh", "access", "forword"]
output = ""
description = "Alpine install new package"
command = "apk --no-cache add <package>"
tag = ["os", "kernel", "package", "install", "alpine", "download", "install", "docker"]
output = ""
description = "Restart docker container"
command = "docker update --restart=always <container-id>"
tag = ["docker", "container", "restart", "service"]
output = ""
description = "Kill process by command name"
command = "ps -afe | grep <process-name> | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs <sudo> kill -9"
tag = ["process", "kill", "remove", "application"]
output = ""
description = "Set Network default Gateway"
command = "route add default gw <gw-ip>"
tag = ["netowkring", "gateway", "set"]
output = ""
description = "Get network default gateway"
command = "ip r | grep default"
tag = ["gateway", "networking", "ip", "address"]
output = ""
description = "kill specific port proccess"
command = "sudo netstat -ntlvp | grep \":<port>\" | awk '{ print $7 }' | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $1 }' | xargs sudo kill -9"
tag = ["proces", "kill", "prot", "network"]
output = ""
description = "Apache List Virtual Host details"
command = "sudo apachectl -S"
tag = ["apache", "proxy", "virtual", "host", "list", "details"]
output = ""
description = "Gnome Screen Recorder setting up limit time"
command = "gsettings set max-screencast-length <seconds>"
tag = ["time", "limit", "setting", "gnome", "screen", "record", "recoreder", "tools"]
output = ""
description = "Get Memory and Swap details"
command = "free -h"
tag = ["memory", "swap"]
output = ""
description = "Force reload network service"
command = "sudo /etc/init.d/networking force-reload"
tag = ["networking", "reload", "dns", "cache", "flush"]
output = ""
description = "ls command with full path"
command = "ls -d -1 $PWD/"
tag = ["path", "ls", "command"]
output = ""
description = "Get git repo directory full path"
command = "git rev-parse --show-toplevel"
tag = ["git", "path", "repo"]
output = ""
description = "current branch name"
command = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
tag = ["git", "branch", "current", "detail"]
output = ""
description = "git log with online with all branches"
command = "git log --full-history --pretty=oneline --date-order --decorate=full --skip=0 --max-count=100 master --follow -- <directory-file-path>"
tag = ["branch", "git", "find", "directory", "file", "commit", "detail", "log"]
output = ""
description = "git number of commits by authors"
command = "git shortlog -e -s -n HEAD"
tag = ["auther", "git", "commit", "count"]
output = ""
description = "Specific commit contain in which branches"
command = "git branch --all --contains <commit-id>"
tag = ["branch", "commit", "git"]
output = ""
description = "Get git repo remote URL"
command = "git remote get-url <remote-name>"
tag = ["ulr", "remote", "git", "repo"]
output = ""
description = "Find v8 version in current nodejs"
command = "node -p process.versions.v8"
tag = ["node", "js", "v8", "engine", "version", "javascript"]
output = ""
description = "Which V8 options in progress in current nodejs"
command = "node --v8-options | grep \"in progress\""
tag = ["nodejs", "v8", "options", "engine", "in-progress"]
output = ""
description = "get path of ubuntu default wallpapers"
command = "dpkg -L ubuntu-wallpapers-$(lsb_release -cs)"
tag = ["wallpaper", "path", "location", "image"]
output = ""
description = "Get IP address from MAC address"
command = "arp -a | sed -r 's/[-]+/:/g' | awk '{ x=\"IP \"$2\" Mac \"$4; print x }' | sed -r 's/[()]//g' | grep -i <mac>"
tag = ["mac", "address", "ip", "arp", "network"]
output = ""
description = "set default shell as bash for the user"
command = "usermod --shell /bin/bash <username>"
tag = ["user", "shell", "default", "login"]
output = ""
description = "Ethernet Interface setting details"
command = "ethtool <interface-name>"
tag = ["ethernet", "interface", "network", "setting", "link", "negotiation", "modes", "duplex", "frame", "advertise", "speed"]
output = ""
description = "Computer IP Address"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 1 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"pci\" | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'"
tag = ["ip", "address", "network"]
output = ""
description = "IP address IPv4 and IPv6 with netmask"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 2 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"pci\" | awk -F \"\\/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep inet | awk '{ print $2\" / \"$4 }'"
tag = ["ip", "ipv4", "ipv6", "netmask", "network", "address"]
output = ""
description = "Ethernet PCI mac address"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 3 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"pci\" | awk -F \"\\/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'"
tag = ["network", "mac", "address", "pci", "ethernet"]
output = ""
description = "Docker bridge ip information"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 2 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"docker\" | awk -F \"\\/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep inet | awk '{ print $2\" / \"$4 }'"
tag = ["docker", "ip", "address", "ipv4", "ipv6", "netmask"]
output = ""
description = "Docker virtual mac address"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 3 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"docker\" | awk -F \"\\/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'"
tag = ["mac", "address", "docker", "virtual"]
output = ""
description = "My Computer MAC address"
command = "ifconfig -a | grep -A 3 $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | grep \"pci\" | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $NF }') | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'"
tag = ["mac", "address", "network", "ethernet", "controller"]
output = ""
description = "Weather detail in terminal"
command = "curl"
tag = ["weather", "terminal"]
output = ""
description = "Disk IO Scheduler name"
command = "cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler"
tag = ["disk", "io", "scheduler", "info", "device", "hdd", "queue"]
output = ""
description = "List system targets crons timers startup file with status"
command = "sudo systemctl list-unit-files"
tag = ["system", "systemctl", "list", "file", "startup", "cron", "socket", "service"]
output = ""
description = "List of startup service name"
command = "systemctl list-units --type service"
tag = ["system", "startup", "service"]
output = ""
description = "SSL certificate expiry date"
command = "openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <pem-file-path>"
tag = ["ssl", "openssl", "certificate", "date", "expiry"]
output = ""
description = "Git tags list with commit id"
command = "git show-ref --tags | awk '{ print $2\"/\"$1 }' | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $3\" \"$4 }' | column -t"
tag = ["git", "tag", "commit", "id", "list"]
output = ""
description = "Git Local Branches with Commit ID"
command = "git show-ref --head | grep -v \"tags\\|remotes\\| HEAD\\|stash\" | awk '{ print $2\"/\"$1 }' | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $3\" \"$4 }' | column -t"
tag = ["git", "commit", "id", "local", "branch", "list"]
output = ""
description = "Git remote branches with commit ID"
command = "git show-ref --head | grep -v \"tags\\|heads\\| HEAD\\|stash\" | awk '{ print $2\"/\"$1 }' | awk -F \"/\" '{ print $4\" \"$5 }' | column -t"
tag = ["git", "branch", "commit", "id", "remote", "list"]
output = ""
description = "Update locate mlocate database"
command = "sudo updatedb"
tag = ["find", "file", "update", "database", "locate", "mlocate"]
output = ""
description = "Docker PS Short list"
command = "docker ps --format \"table {{.Status}}\\t{{.Ports}}\\t{{.Names}}\\t{{.Image}}\""
tag = ["docker", "ps", "short", "format", "output", "pretty"]
output = ""
description = "SSL Certificate using certbot"
command = "sudo certbot --apache -d <domain>"
tag = ["Encrypt", "certbot", "ssl", "https", "apache", "config", "server", "certificate", "lets"]
output = ""
description = "Git All Branches with Tree layout"
command = "git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all"
tag = ["git", "tree", "view", "layout", "log", "commit", "branch"]
output = ""
description = "Git Clean Repositry Remove unwanted file"
command = "git clean -f -d"
tag = ["remove", "clean", "git", "repo"]
output = ""
description = "Git Commit Message Reports By Users Between 2 Commits or Branches"
command = "git shortlog <source-commit-branch>..<destination-commit-branch>"
tag = ["git", "commit", "branch", "message", "auther", "user", "report"]
output = ""
description = "List all store git alias (shortcuts)"
command = "git config -l | grep alias | sed 's/^alias\\.//g'"
tag = ["alias", "shortuct", "command", "git", "config"]
output = ""
description = "Search Git Commit message sub string"
command = "git log -S\"<string>\""
tag = ["string", "search", "find", "git", "commit", "message"]
output = ""
description = "Git remove remote unwanted merged branch"
command = "git branch --no-color -r --merged | sed 's/*//g' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/remotes\\///g' | awk 'BEGIN { ORS = \" \" } { if (NR!=1) {print} }' | xargs git branch -r -d"
tag = ["remote", "branch", "git", "remove", "delete", "merged"]
output = ""
description = "Git remove local Unwanted branches"
command = "git branch --no-color --merged | sed 's/*//g' | sed 's/ //g' | awk 'BEGIN { ORS = \" \" } { if (NR!=1) {print} }' | xargs git branch -d"
tag = ["git", "remove", "delete", "branch", "merged"]
output = ""
description = "Git remove remote local branches which removed from remote repo"
command = "git fetch --prune"
tag = ["remote", "repo", "git", "branch", "remote", "delete"]
output = ""
description = "Create Directory and move to directory without type path"
command = "mkdir /foo/bar && cd $_"
tag = ["tips", "bash", "directory", "folder"]
output = ""
description = "Create backup file without type path again"
command = "cp /some/path/to/file.txt{,.bak}"
tag = ["tips", "bash", "backup", "file"]
output = ""
description = "Create all file backups in directory"
command = "for file in * ; do cp $file $file.bak; done"
tag = ["tips", "bash", "backup", "files"]
output = ""
description = "generate letencrypt ssl sertificate"
command = "certbot certonly --standalone -n --preferred-challenges http -d <domain>"
tag = ["ssl", "cert", "certificate", "letencrypt", "certbot"]
output = ""
description = "Git remove all remote branches from local repo"
command = "git branch -r | xargs git branch -r -d"
tag = ["git", "remove", "branch", "remote", "local", "repo"]
output = ""
description = "list file and directory with seconds and timezone"
command = "ls -l --time-style=full-iso"
tag = ["iso", "time", "timezone", "list", "directory", "file", "ls", "command", "detail"]
output = ""
description = "docker image update with latest tag"
command = "sudo docker image ls | awk '{ system(\"docker pull \"$1) }' # not sure about"
tag = ["docker", "pull", "image", "update", "latest"]
output = ""
description = "docker web UI"
command = "docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /opt/portainer:/data portainer/portainer && echo \"open http://localhost:9000\""
tag = ["tool", "ui", "docker", "web", "management"]
output = ""
description = "Directory Size"
command = "du -sch * .[!.]* | sort -rh"
tag = ["directory", "size", "sort", "folder", "file"]
output = ""
description = "Clean Swap memory"
command = "sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a"
tag = ["clean", "swap", "memory", "perfomance", "usage"]
output = ""
description = "MySQL Import SQL File Progress Watch"
command = "watch -n 3 'echo \"show processlist;\" | mysql -h --port 3306 -uroot -pab@123';"
tag = ["watch", "mysql", "process", "monitor", "import", "query", "file", "database", "list"]
output = ""
description = "Import MYSQL File with file upload progress."
command = "pv ~/Downloads/my.sql | mysql -u root -h --port 3306 db_name_1 -p"
tag = ["mysql", "import", "progress", "file", "upload", "database"]
output = ""
description = "MySQL Cli get all database size"
command = "SELECT table_schema AS \"Database Name\", ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS \"Size in (MB)\" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;"
tag = ["mysql", "database", "db", "size", "memory", "space", "disk", "usage"]
output = ""
description = "Rsync with SSH and PEM file Copy content from remote to local"
command = "rsync --progress --partial -v -e \"ssh -i /home/ankur/server.pem\" ./destinatation.txt"
tag = ["remote", "local", "server", "ssh", "rsync", "copy", "download", "file", "directory", "folder", "pem", "key"]
output = ""
description = "APT list seurity updates"
command = "apt list --upgradable | grep \"\\-security\""
tag = ["apt", "list", "security", "package"]
output = ""
description = "Get SSL cert Subject and Common Name"
command = "openssl x509 -noout -subject -in ./domain3.cert"
tag = ["ssl", "detail", "certificate", "cert", "subject", "common", "name", "openssl", "information"]
output = ""
description = "Mongo DB Current Process Information"
command = "db.currentOp()"
tag = ["mongo", "database", "process", "active", "query", "db", "shell"]
output = ""
description = "Find thunderbird filter rules data"
command = "find ~/.thunderbird/ -name \"msgFilterRules.dat\" -exec ls -lthu {} \\;"
tag = ["filter", "mail", "thunderbirtd", "mozilla", "rule", "data", "backup"]
output = ""
description = "Get SSL expiry issue dates, issuer details, and Subject"
command = "openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -dates -issuer -subject -noout -in /dev/stdin"
tag = ["ssl", "certificate", "issuer", "expiry", "after", "before", "date", "server", "website", "fingerprint", "subject"]
output = ""
description = "Process count by user"
command = "ps hax -o user | sort | uniq -c | sort -r"
tag = ["user", "count", "process"]
output = ""
description = "Process Tree move 4 scroll way"
command = "ps awwfux | less -S"
tag = ["process", "tree", "list"]
output = ""
description = "Disk IO performance monitor summery"
command = "dstat -tdD total,sda,sdb,sdc,md1 60"
tag = ["disk", "io", "usage", "monitor", "performace", "tool", "top"]
output = ""
description = "Docker Inspect Network IP"
command = "docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container>"
tag = ["docker,netowkr,ip,inspect"]
output = ""
description = "Network attached containers IP"
command = "docker network inspect -f '{{json .Containers}}' <network-name-id> | jq '.[] | .Name + \":\" + .IPv4Address'"
tag = ["ip,network,container,docker,inspect,debug"]
output = ""
description = "Docker Netowork Subnet Gateway"
command = "docker network inspect -f '{{json .}}' <network-name-id> | jq '.IPAM.Config'"
tag = ["docker,gateway,network,subnet,inspect"]
output = ""
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