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Last active April 19, 2023 19:30
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"author": "",
"content": "Dialogar con otras personas es encontrarte a ti mismo."
"author": "Oscar Wilde",
"content": "Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power."
"author": "Nick Land",
"content": "Nothing human makes it out of the near-future."
"author": "Gregory Bateson",
"content": "The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think"
"author": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"content": "Die Welt des Glücklichen ist eine andere als die des Unglücklichen."
"author": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"content": "Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt."
"author": "Antonio Porchia",
"content": "Cuando tú y la verdad me hablan, no escucho a la verdad. Te escucho a tí."
"author": "Lo leí en Dilla Time de Dan Charnas.",
"content": "Art is a process, not a product. The full dimensions of a work, even your own, aren’t always apparent on the first viewing or listening. It takes other people’s reactions for you to see it fully. "
"author": "Ernest Becker",
"content": "El ser humano, literalmente, se sume en el ciego olvido mediante juegos sociales, engaños psicológicos, preocupaciones personales tan alejadas de la realidad de su situación (mortal) que son formas de locura, locura acordada, locura compartida, locura disfrazada y dignificada, pero locura de todos modos."
"author": "Proverbio mercadológico.",
"content": "People don't want to buy a drill, they want to buy a hole."
"author": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"content": "Nous sommes ce que nous faisons de ce qu'ils ont fait de nous."
"author": "?",
"content": "Me estoy tocando la columna vertebral y como que ya me da miedo."
"author": "",
"content": "Haz lo que en un universo paralelo vas a hacer."
"author": "",
"content": "Vive a la altura de tus mentiras."
"author": "Yukio Mishima",
"content": "真の美しさは、攻撃し、圧倒し、奪い、そして最終的に破壊するものです。"
"author": "Anaïs Nin",
"content": "Nous écrivons pour goûter la vie deux fois, dans l'instant et rétrospectivement."
"author": "Bertrand Russell",
"content": "The point of Philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it."
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