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Generate ProcessWire pages with random titles, body and image
for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++)
$title = file_get_contents("");
$body = file_get_contents("");
$template = "INSERT_TEMPLATE_HERE"; // i.e. 'basic-page'
$parent = "INSERT_PARENT_HERE"; // i.e. /about-us/
$c = new Page();
$c->template = $template;
$c->title = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', $title), 8, 11));
$c->body = $body;
$c->parent = wire()->pages->get($parent);
$c->news_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime( "+" . mt_rand(0,30) . " days")); // Create a random date in the next 0 to 30 days
$c->save(); // Save first because we need an directory to place the files in
$c->news_image = "";
$c->save(); // Save again to append the image
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