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"""Script to automate insertion of values in Google Sheets.
Google Sheets API credentials are required that can be obtained at
Example usage:
client = GoogleSheetsClient('',
client.set_cell_value('Column name', 'Row name', 'New value')
set_value = client.get_cell_value_formatted('Column name', 'Row name')
from heapq import heappop, heappush
import itertools
class Node:
'Represents a vertex in an undirected weighted graph'
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
self.parent = None
anikkon / BattleshipSimulation.kt
Last active December 25, 2017 23:06
val random = java.util.Random()
data class TorpedoAttack(val source: Int, val target: Int)
// CommandCenter interface with the default behaviour
interface CommandCenter {
fun fireTorpedo(ships: BooleanArray): TorpedoAttack {
// Flagship is marked as Boolean TRUE
val flagship = ships.indexOfFirst { it }