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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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A handy jQuery plugin to scroll an element to top of screen.
Author: Aniket A. Suryavanshi | @44Sur
Gist URL:
A handy jQuery plugin to scroll an element to top of screen.
Example usage:
$( '#selector' ).scrollHere();
$( '#selector' ).scrollHere( 45 );
$( '#selector' ).scrollHere( $( '.header' ).height());
$( '#selector' ).scrollHere( 45, 1000, 'swing', function() {console.log('...'); });
$.fn.scrollHere = function( topOffset, scrollSpeed, scrollEasing, callback ) {
var offset = topOffset || 0, // Optional param.
speed = scrollSpeed || 500,
easing = scrollEasing || 'swing',
wholeBody = $("html, body");
wholeBody.animate({ scrollTop: this.offset().top - offset }, speed, easing, callback );
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