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Created March 17, 2019 07:05
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keyspace: perftesting
CREATE KEYSPACE perftesting WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};
table: users
username text,
first_name text,
last_name text,
password text,
email text,
last_access timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY(username)
- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW perftesting.users_by_first_name AS SELECT * FROM perftesting.users WHERE first_name IS NOT NULL and username IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (first_name, username);
- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW perftesting.users_by_first_name2 AS SELECT * FROM perftesting.users WHERE first_name IS NOT NULL and username IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (first_name, username);
- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW perftesting.users_by_first_name3 AS SELECT * FROM perftesting.users WHERE first_name IS NOT NULL and username IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (first_name, username);
- name: username
size: uniform(10..30)
- name: first_name
size: fixed(16)
- name: last_name
size: uniform(1..32)
- name: password
size: fixed(80) # sha-512
- name: email
size: uniform(16..50)
- name: startdate
cluster: uniform(20...40)
- name: description
size: gaussian(100...500)
partitions: fixed(10)
batchtype: UNLOGGED
cql: select * from users where username = ? and startdate = ?
fields: samerow # samerow or multirow (select arguments from the same row, or randomly from all rows in the partition)
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