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A GDScript example - a single node game that lets you move a sprite around with the mouse, with or without having to hold the mouse button down. Tested with the standard edition (no C# support) of Godot v3.5.1
# This is a simple Godot game that lets you move a sprite around in two ways:
# * by clicking, and then without moving, releasing. Then you can drag
# the sprite around without holding down the mouse button. When you
# want to drop the sprite, release the mouse button.
# * by clicking, and then while holding the mouse button down, dragging
# the sprite to where you want it by moving the mouse. When you want
# to drop the sprite, release the mouse.
# To run this code, just open Godot, create a Sprite, load icon.png from the
# the FileSystem tab into your Sprite, name your Sprite, attach an empty script
# to your Sprite, drop this code into it, save, and run.
# This line of code is what lets you use methods and properties Sprite has,
# like set_process_input, and global_position.
extends Sprite
# Define the status of the sprite: "none", "clicked", "released", or "dragging".
var status = "none"
# Define the vector that will contain the (width, height) of the sprite
var tsize = Vector2()
# Define the mouse position.
var mpos = Vector2()
# The is one of Godot's "hooks" or "callbacks" - a function called at a certain
# time in another program's execution. You can search for the functions that
# start with an underscore "_" in the Godot documentation online. This function
# gets called whenever your sprite enters the scene tree.
func _ready():
tsize = get_texture().get_size()
# Set the initial global position of the sprite to be the center of the
# viewport. Note GDScript supports vector math.
global_position = get_viewport_rect().size / 2
# This is another Godot hook. It is called every single frame!
func _process(delta):
# If the sprite is being dragged in either of the two modes, update its
# position every frame. To update the position, we use the position of
# the mouse, plus an offset. The offset is the vector pointing from the
# last mouse event's position to the current global_position of the sprite.
if status == "dragging":
global_position = mpos + offset
# Yet another Godot hook. It is called every time an input event @ev is
# received. The input events we care about are clicks (InputEventMouseButton)
# and movement (InputEventMouseButton). We do something special for each event,
# in order control the state of the game. No matter what, every time this
# hook is called, we update the mouse position to match the position at which
# the input event was generated.
func _input(ev):
# This is the Godot 3.1.5 way to check event type. There is no longer a
# "type" property on @ev. That's going to break a lot of people's code...
# If the event is for a left-button click, do things.
if ev is InputEventMouseButton and ev.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
# If the sprite is not being dragged, and if the mouse button was
# clicked (as opposed to released, or "unclicked"), do things.
if status != "dragging" and ev.pressed:
# Define a event position variable (scoped to this if block)
var evpos = ev.global_position
# Define a global sprite position variable (scoped to this if
# block)
var gpos = global_position
# The Sprite can be centered or not, and this can change during
# the game. That's why we check for it in the loop. We are creating
# a rect with the sprites dimensions and position in order to
# check if the sprite was clicked or not, so it's important to
# know whether or not the sprite is centered!
var rect = Rect2()
if is_centered():
# If the sprite is centered, be sure to switch the x and y
# coordinates of the position by half the width and half the
# height of the sprite, respectively.
rect = Rect2(gpos.x - tsize.x / 2, gpos.y - tsize.y / 2, tsize.x, tsize.y)
# If the sprite is not centered, no need to shift the
# coordinates. We can just use the sprite's global position
# by itself.
rect = Rect2(gpos.x, gpos.y, tsize.x, tsize.y)
# This is where we actually check if the sprite was clicked or not,
# by checking if the clicked point is in the Sprite's rectangle.
if rect.has_point(evpos):
# If the sprite's rectangle was clicked, update the sprite
# status to "clicked", and update the offset. The offset is
# the vector pointing from @evpos to @gpos.
status = "clicked"
offset = gpos - evpos
# If the sprite is being dragged and the mouse button is being released,
# set the sprite status to "released" to stop dragging and drop the
# sprite.
elif status == "dragging" and not ev.pressed:
status = "released"
# If the card status is "clicked" and the mouse is being moved, set the
# sprite status to "dragging", so the appropriate loop can run when a mouse
# button click or release event is next received.
if status == "clicked" and ev is InputEventMouseMotion:
status = "dragging"
# Not matter what, every time an input event is received, update the mouse
# position with the event's global position. This may need to be moved
# into the other "if" statements when we start handling other input events
# here.
mpos = ev.global_position
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Nice code, what version of Godot is this capable with?

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angstyloop commented Mar 21, 2023

@ItsSamiGuess I tested this code using the standard installation (no C# support) of Godot v3.5.1.stable.official

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How would you deal with transparency in sprites that don't have a rectangular shape? For example, a diamond.

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