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Last active April 6, 2018 14:55
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Spotify Rick Roll
on ApplicationIsRunning(appName)
tell application "System Events" to set appNameIsRunning to exists (processes where name is appName)
return appNameIsRunning
end ApplicationIsRunning
if ApplicationIsRunning("Spotify") then
tell application "Spotify"
if player state is playing and player position is greater than 30 and track is not "spotify:track:4uLU6hMCjMI75M1A2tKUQC" then
play track "spotify:track:4uLU6hMCjMI75M1A2tKUQC"
end if
end try
end tell
end if
end repeat
-- curl[version]/rollme.scpt | osascript
-- ctrl+z
-- bg
-- disown -h %1
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