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Last active December 21, 2021 21:56
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Directus http endpoint integration

The documentation on Directus 9 extensions is scarce. This is a slightly more detailed implementation than the example given.


  • router is an express.Router object
  • services is a bunch of getters of available services (see below)
  • database is the knex instance
  • directus.auth.refresh() will throw. It's assumed that the user has authenticated in before calling fetchJson

services: {
  ItemsService: [Getter],
  ActivityService: [Getter],
  AssetsService: [Getter],
  AuthenticationService: [Getter],
  CollectionsService: [Getter],
  DashboardsService: [Getter],
  FieldsService: [Getter],
  FilesService: [Getter],
  FoldersService: [Getter],
  GraphQLGeoJSON: [Getter],
  GraphQLDate: [Getter],
  GraphQLService: [Getter],
  ImportService: [Getter],
  MailService: [Getter],
  MetaService: [Getter],
  NotificationsService: [Getter],
  PanelsService: [Getter],
  PayloadService: [Getter],
  PermissionsService: [Getter],
  PresetsService: [Getter],
  RelationsService: [Getter],
  RevisionsService: [Getter],
  RolesService: [Getter],
  ServerService: [Getter],
  SettingsService: [Getter],
  SpecificationService: [Getter],
  TFAService: [Getter],
  UsersService: [Getter],
  UtilsService: [Getter],
  WebhooksService: [Getter]


// directus client setup ...
const fetchJson = async (path, options={}) => {
try {
await directus.auth.refresh()
const url = new URL(path, directus.url)
options.headers = options.headers || {}
const { token } = directus.auth
options.headers["Authorization"] = `Bearer ${token}`
const res = await fetch(url, options)
if (!res.status == 200) {
throw new Error(`Invalid status code ${res.status}`)
const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type")
if (!/^application\/json/.test(contentType)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid return content type ${contentType}`)
return await res.json()
} catch (error) {
return { error }
fetchJson('/my-endpoint/accounts', {method: "GET"}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
export default (router, { services, logger, database, env }) => {
router.get("/accounts", async (req, res) => {
try {
const { accountability, schema } = req
const { user, admin, app } = accountability
const userService = new services.UsersService({
const users = await userService.readByQuery({ limit: 10 })
return res.json({ status: "ok", users, user, admin, app })
} catch (error) {
return res.json({error: `${error}`})
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