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Created July 31, 2024 01:31
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VESC macOS Universal Build

Some parts referenced from

I will be working on a Mac Studio M2 with macOS 14.5. But these instructions should work on any Mac with macOS 12.0 or later. I will also be downloading and building in $HOME/qt but feel free to change VESCBUILDBASE to another folder you with to use.

The resulting build will be in /opt/external/qt-5.15.14 so change the -prefix option if you wish to change that. Also feel free to change -j8 to a higher number if you have more cores available to speed up the build.

Open up Terminal and let's get started!

Qt and Xcode

  • Create our /opt/external folder and give ourselves permission to write to it:
    • sudo mkdir -p /opt/external && sudo chown $USER /opt/external
  • Create our build folder and export it as VESCBUILDBASE:
    • mkdir -p "$HOME/qt" && export VESCBUILDBASE="$HOME/qt" && cd $VESCBUILDBASE
  • Download and extract Qt 5.15.9+ (5.15.14 used here):
    • wget qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.15.14.tar.xz && tar -xf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.15.14.tar.xz
  • Download and extract Xcode 14.0.1 (which is the last version supporting the macOS 12 SDK):
  • Create a qt-build folder outside of Qt sources for our build:
    • mkdir -p "$VESCBUILDBASE/qt-build" && cd "$VESCBUILDBASE/qt-build"
  • Make sure we are using the downloaded Xcode by exporting the DEVELOPER_DIR:
  • Run ../qt-everywhere-src-5.15.14/configure QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS="x86_64 arm64" -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-openssl -securetransport -prefix /opt/external/qt-5.15.14 in qt-build
  • You can take a peek at the resulting .qmake.stash file to confirm that it is using our downloaded if you like.
  • Run make -j8 in qt-build
  • This took about 15 minutes on my Mac. Get coffee and wait for the build to finish.
  • Run make -j8 install in qt-build
  • Get more coffee and wait another couple minutes for the install to finish.

Congrats, you should now have a Universal Binary build of Qt at /opt/external/qt-5.15.14:

❯ ls -al /opt/external/qt-5.15.14
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   11 andy  admin    352 Jul 30 15:05 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 andy  admin     96 Jul 30 14:55 ..
drwxr-xr-x   56 andy  admin   1792 Jul 30 19:59 bin
drwxr-xr-x    4 andy  admin    128 Jul 30 14:55 doc
drwxr-xr-x   24 andy  admin    768 Jul 30 15:01 include
drwxr-xr-x  189 andy  admin   6048 Jul 30 19:59 lib
drwxr-xr-x   79 andy  admin   2528 Jul 30 19:58 mkspecs
drwxr-xr-x   15 andy  admin    480 Jul 30 19:59 phrasebooks
drwxr-xr-x   31 andy  admin    992 Jul 30 15:07 plugins
drwxr-xr-x   27 andy  admin    864 Jul 30 19:59 qml
drwxr-xr-x  347 andy  admin  11104 Jul 30 19:59 translations`

VESC Tool Modifications

We need a clone of the VESC Tool repository and some modifications to the build process to make it work with our new Qt build. Feel free to use a folder other than $VESCBUILDBASE if you wish. But these steps will clone into the same folder as the Qt build.

On my macOS ARM build it tries to write a file named QCodeEditor which conflicts with the folder name which is why we move it to src/include and include from there instead.

  • Clone the VESC Tool repository:
    • git clone
    • cd vesc_tool
  • If you are wanting to build a specific version you'll need to checkout that versions branch:
    • git checkout release_6_02
  • At this point if you have built firmware you can copy them to the res/firmwares folder. Otherwise you can skip this step. But you will need to add exclude_fw to the CONFIG variable when we build with `qmake later on.
  • Edit the file and and modify the following lines:
    • QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS should be modified to be: QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS = x86_64 arm64
    • include(QCodeEditor/qcodeeditor.pri) should be modified to be: include(src/include/QCodeEditor/qcodeeditor.pri)
  • Edit the qmarkdowntextedit/markdownhighlighter.cpp file and modify the following line:
    • #include "QCodeEditor/include/internal/QSyntaxStyle.hpp" should be modified to be: #include "src/include/QCodeEditor/include/internal/QSyntaxStyle.hpp"
  • Move the QCodeEditor folder to the src/include folder:
    • mkdir -p src/include
    • mv QCodeEditor src/include

Build VESC Tool

We can now configure and build the VESC Tool with our new Qt build. I am re-exporting variables we may have set earlier because I happen to be doing the VESC Tool build in another terminal window.

  • Export some variables to make the build process easier:
    • export VESCBUILDBASE="$HOME/qt"
    • export PATH="/opt/external/qt-5.15.14/bin:$PATH"
    • export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/external/qt-5.15.14/lib"
    • export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/external/qt-5.15.14/include"
  • Run qmake to configure the build:
    • If you don't have firmware available be sure to add exclude_fw like: qmake -config release "CONFIG += release_macos build_original exclude_fw"
    • Otherwise, you can run: qmake -config release "CONFIG += release_macos build_original"
  • Time to build the VESC Tool:
    • make -j8
  • Now bundle up the QML and framework:
    • macdeployqt "build/macos/VESC" -qmldir="$PWD" -always-overwrite

You should now have a working VESC Tool Universal Binary build in build/macos/VESC Try running it on an Intel and ARM Mac to confirm it works on both architectures.

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