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Last active August 26, 2024 09:12
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  • Save andypiper/463ff260fcdf5a3c9a07b961b0155403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Setup iSH / Alpine Linux on iPad
# edit the login message
vi /etc/motd
# switch to usable repos - iSH defaults often failed with EOF errors
echo > /etc/apk/repositories
echo >> /etc/apk/repositories
# install some basics
apk add zsh bash
apk add sed attr dialog dialog-doc bash bash-doc bash-completion grep grep-doc
apk add util-linux util-linux-doc pciutils usbutils binutils findutils readline
apk add lsof lsof-doc less less-doc nano nano-doc curl curl-doc
# add utilities
apk add git bat jq mosquitto-clients
# install Ruby (NB ruby-json req'd for some gems)
apk add ruby ruby-dev build-base ruby-json
# refresh
apk upgrade
# install and setup twurl
gem install twurl
# (copy in a usable .twurlrc)
twurl -j "/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=andypiper" | jq
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