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Scotland is being dragged further and further into crisis.
Every day, more and more Scots are finding themselves having to make tough decisions just to get by.
Rent and mortgage rates are getting higher.
Energy bills have skyrocketed.
Public services are underfunded.
All while our income has stayed the same.
Homelessness is on the rise.
Drug deaths are increasing.
Our industries are being closed at the time when we need them most.
Our vast wealth and renewable resources are heading in the same direction as our oil - profits swallowed up by international capital, the revenue taken by Westminster.
Leaving ordinary Scots behind to pay the bills.
Our country is being governed for them, not for us.
And these aren't problems with simple solutions.
They require real change - and it's time to send a message.
It's time to say that we have had enough of this system that isn't working for us.
That we will not pause the aspirations of the nation for self-entitled politicians at Westminster who don't care about us, who don't live here, who don't send their children to our schools, who cannot possibly represent our interests.
It's time to make a stand about the nation we were, the nation we are and the nation we will be.
We need a party with a plan.
And Alba is the party with a plan.
To use the ballot box so that each election is an opportunity for the people of Scotland to choose their own future.
When Alex Salmond was First Minister, the Scottish Government built things - like the Queensferry Crossing.
They got on with running the country.
They earned the respect of the people.
But the SNP have lost their way and, above all, lost their way on independence.
Alba know the way to get to independence, and we also know the why of independence.
Getting control of Scotland's resources so we can use them to benefit the people of Scotland.
This is Grangemouth Refinery, a symbol of this campaign and the refinery that Alba are battling to save.
It symbolises Scotland because, after half a century of oil and gas in massive quantities, we've become the only country with such a bounty to get relatively poorer.
And what's going to happen to Scotland's renewables? Unless we control that resource with a public share in every field, a community share at every landfall point, then we'll have the same story as oil and gas.
The Westminster Government will get the riches and the benefits will bypass the people of Scotland - again.
So Alba stand for Scottish control of Scottish resources so we cease to become the land of fuel poverty amid energy plenty.
We stand for a future where the destiny of our country is decided by the people who live here.
So on Thursday, July the 4th, make your vote count for independence.
Vote Alba.
Vote Scotland.
We're sure there are plenty of things you'd like to change about life in Northern Ireland right now.
Things that affect us all.
Access to health care and better outcomes.
More inclusive education and affordable childcare.
More peaceful, vibrant communities.
Combating climate change and promoting a cleaner, greener environment.
That's just a few, and Alliance is leading change on these and more.
Because we know that they aren't just challenges.
They're also opportunities for positive change to deliver more and better for everyone.
To unlock that potential, we need a fairer financial deal for Northern Ireland.
That equals more sustainable finances.
Plus, we need reform of the Assembly and Executive so no one party can collapse things ever again.
That equals more sustainable politics.
Together, they add up to a better future for everyone.
Alliance is growing as more people recognise that a divided society means less for everyone.
The cost of division means hundreds of millions of pounds less to invest each year in what really matters.
Alliance is positive, forward-looking and accountable, focused on progress and delivery.
That's why more people support us than ever before.
Our growth hasn't just added to the number of Alliance representatives.
It has multiplied our ability to deliver at Council, Assembly, Executive and Westminster.
We've led change on domestic abuse and stalking, religious discrimination in teaching and on integrated education, on financial transparency, affordable childcare and championing a Green New Deal.
Imagine how much more we can deliver with more Alliance voices in Westminster leading and shaping key issues.
Because more Alliance MPs there equals more opportunity to deliver change here.
The sort of change that affects everyone every day.
This election is a chance not only to remove a negative, destructive Conservative government.
But also to hold to account those local politicians who propped up, supported and backed some of their most divisive, regressive policies.
But to make that change happen, you have to help us deliver it.
On Thursday, 4th July, you have the opportunity to make positive change to your life and the lives of everyone in Northern Ireland.
Power to lead change is in your hands.
To positively influence the issues that matter to you most, to support a united community and reduce division in our society.
To ensure you have a positive representation at Westminster, committed to a more prosperous, fair and inclusive society.
Together, we can lead change.
Your support plus our commitment equals a brighter, more positive future for everyone.
If that's the sort of leadership you want, play your part.
On July 4th, vote Alliance.
War in Europe and the Middle East.
A reckless dictator in Russia.
Illegal migration fuelled by criminal gangs.
We've faced unprecedented challenges here at home because of global insecurity.
But by sticking with plan, Rishi Sunak is steadying the ship and making progress.
Inflation is down from over 11% to near 2%.
Taxes are being cut.
Wages are rising, and mortgage rates are coming down.
NHS waiting lists are falling month on month.
And flights to deport illegal migrants are about to take off.
That's proof the plan is working.
But the future is far from secure.
In this increasingly uncertain world, we need to build a future where we are safe, secure and prosperous, and, because the ship is steadier, we can now take the steps towards that.
Only Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives have a clear plan, and will take the bold action to do what's needed.
We stepped up to save the economy and 12 million jobs with furlough during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.
We got the Rwanda deterrent into law, despite mountains of opposition from Starmer's Labour trying to block it.
We made Britain the biggest defence power in Europe by increasing defence spending.
We scrapped the over-budget and constantly delayed HS2, and used every penny saved to fund local transport projects near you.
Now we are committed to introducing a bold new model of National Service for 18-year-olds, which means the next generation spend time either volunteering in their local community, or serving in our Armed Forces.
We announced the triple lock plus to ensure pensioners have dignity and security in retirement, where the state pension is never subject to income tax.
We've set out a clear plan to deliver 100,000 more high skilled apprentices a year, and we've rolled out the biggest expansion of free childcare, a £6,900 package for families that removes barriers to the workplace.
This election will decide whether or not Britain has a secure future.
The world is changing quickly.
It's becoming more dangerous than ever before.
We need to think carefully about the life we want for our children and grandchildren.
Only Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives will deliver a secure future.
The alternative is Keir Starmer and the Labour Party, who are packed with people who want Britain to give up its nuclear deterrent and raise taxes.
After four years of not saying what he'd do, Keir Starmer is still the man who campaigned to make Jeremy Corbyn prime minister twice.
Now Keir Starmer won't back our increase in defence spending.
It's the same old Labour Party.
They're not only a risk to our nation's security, they're also a threat to the money in your pocket.
They'll bankrupt Britain with their £38.5 billion black hole, costing working families £2,094 more in taxes.
They'll slap a retirement tax on pensioners, and they'll bring in French-style union laws which would hammer business.
So the choice on 4th July is clear.
Stick with the plan by choosing bold action for a more secure future, or go back to square one with Keir Starmer and the same old Labour.
You may have seen this piggy bank before, inside, outside, or in the sky, often accompanied by this.
If you haven't, you may be wondering what it means.
So let me explain.
You've probably heard a lot about Labour's tax rises.
They would cost every working family £2,094.
Here's why.
The £2,094 tax rises over the next four years were set out in a document published online that looks at 27 of Labour's commitments.
OK, so you're probably not going to read all that.
But what you need to know is that all of these commitments were made by Rachel Reeves, Keir Starmer, the Shadow Cabinet, or have appeared in Labour Party documents since February last year.
So let's have a look at them.
Each commitment has an associated costing.
For example, Labour themselves said decarbonising the power grid would cost £23.7 billion.
Meanwhile, their carried interest plan was estimated by Treasury officials to cost just over £3 billion.
You can find that on the website.
Breaking down all those 27 commitments, 21 are official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Two are from official Government data releases.
One is from a reported costing in the Financial Times.
Two are using Labour's own numbers.
And one is from an independent third party, Stifel.
So, the £2,094 figure is overwhelmingly based on official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Taken together, the commitments add up to £58.9 billion of additional spending.
There are also estimates of the money Labour claim they would raise.
Once you subtract those from their spending commitments, that leaves a funding gap of 38.5 billion over the next four years.
So, how will Labour afford all this? They'll need to raise taxes to plug the gap.
If you take the money they need to raise and divide it by the number of working households in the UK, you reach £2,094 per household, to be precise.
And, in fact, it's worse than that.
The £2,094 tax number does not even include the tax rises that Labour has already announced.
You can see the numbers yourself.
Just search Labour tax rises document now.
Good morning.
Yesterday, we saw a Labour manifesto that contained no tax cuts, only tax rises.
We know on their own figures that their manifesto would take the tax burden to a record high.
But the truth is much worse.
On top of that, we know the £38.5 billion black hole in Labour's unfunded promises mean taxes will go up by an extra £2,094 for every working family in our country.
So, we know the size of the bill, but not how they plan to pay for it.
Therefore, what's most important about Labour's manifesto is what is not in it.
Not including planned tax increases in manifestos is standard practice for Labour.
In their 1997 manifesto, Labour pledged to promote secure pensions.
Then, two months after becoming Chancellor, Gordon Brown launched his infamous raid on pensions.
The plan had been worked out well in advance of the election.
But there was no trace of it in their manifesto.
We don't want Labour to get away with it this time.
In relation to each of these tax rises, Labour's manifesto deliberately makes no commitment not to raise them.
If he wins, it's obvious that what Keir Starmer wants to do is cynically claim the books he inherited are much worse than he thought, as justification for imposing tax rises that he hasn't told you about.
But this is disingenuous.
The books are open.
He can read them now.
They are called the independent OBR forecasts.
So, rather than hiding these tax rises, Keir Starmer should have the courage and the conviction to seek a real mandate from the British people by setting out the detail of these tax rises during this election campaign.
But first, I want to remind you of our clear plan to cut taxes.
Bold action that the Prime Minister set out in the Conservative manifesto published earlier this week.
The next Conservative government will cut taxes at every stage of life.
For younger people, we will abolish stamp duty for homes worth up to £425,000 for first-time buyers.
For workers, we will take another 2p off employee National Insurance, taking the total tax cut for the average worker since we began cutting National Insurance to £1,350 a year.
As we set out in the document we published today, taxes would be £58 billion higher under Labour than under the Conservatives over the next Parliament.
But this calculation is just based on the formal tax rises Labour have set out in their own documents.
I am afraid to tell you, there's more to come.
Analysis of Labour's spending commitments, including 21 costings by Treasury officials, Labour's own figures, and costing from other independent sources, show Labour have a £38.5 billion black hole in their plans over the next four years.
That will require Labour to raise taxes by £2,094 for every working family.
Tax rises on top of those set out by Keir Starmer yesterday.
People in this country have had an incredibly tough time, with their cost of living after the shocks caused by Covid and Putin's war in Ukraine.
We're just starting to turn a corner.
The economy is growing, inflation is back to normal and wages are rising.
The last thing working families in our country need is Labour's £2,000 tax bill.
There are, in total, 18 taxes that we have specifically ruled out, but Labour won't.
These are the 18 tax rises that everyone at home should expect under a Labour government.
These are the 18 tax rises that we refuse to let them do quietly.
These are the 18 tax rises which Labour need to come clean about.
That's why our message to the British people is, if you think the Labour Party are going to win, start saving.
Oh, look, Gavin, you're so cute! I have absolutely no idea when that was.
That's a little towel on your head.
You can see I liked food at that stage! Aye, that's true.
GAVIN CHUCKLES With your bib on.
Desperate-looking, in a home-knitted sweater.
And I wonder who did that.
That's me with Middle Child Syndrome there, right there in the middle.
Here we go.
School days - that's university.
Just graduated from law, then went on to do Irish politics.
Look at the state of the sideburns.
Went on to do Irish politics at Queen's, then trained to be a barrister, and was called to the bar in 2008.
And you still have that tie, cos I recognise that one.
I still have that tie, too.
Our news was dominated by politics.
It was a fractious time, it was a difficult time, but it was a time with hope, because things were moving on in Northern Ireland, and for someone like me, you could see that there was an easy path to pursue, or the more difficult path of getting things right, and of making Northern Ireland work.
I joined the party in January 2004 - my first year at university, um, and that's, you know, 20 years this year.
Having the opportunity to represent my neighbours...
Mm. community, is a huge honour.
Over the course of the last nine years, we've been involved in confidence and supply, we've been involved in delivering tangible results for communities right throughout Northern Ireland, from rural broadband, to waiting list initiatives, and reforming the health service, and making sure that, even when others weren't advocating the best for Northern Ireland, we took the opportunity to do so.
The choice in this election is about making sure Northern Ireland has a strong voice in Westminster.
We have a great track record of showing, over many years, in the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs, that we will never lose focus of our belief that Northern Ireland should work, Northern Ireland will work, and we'll do all in our power to make it so.
Better days are always yet to come, but I'm very proud of what we have today.
I can see hope for the future.
I can see the benefits of stability.
There will always be issues that arise, there will always be problems.
We don't have a history of walking away from problems - we have a history of highlighting problems, and we have a history of making Northern Ireland work.
Northern Ireland needs a strong DUP team in Westminster, who will take their seats on the opposition benches and speak up for Northern Ireland.
Let us focus on working together to ensure our children inherit Northern Ireland in a better shape.
Let us go forward and prove that, on the 4th of July, it is the Democratic Unionist Party that will be the leading voice for Northern Ireland.
When I speak to people on the doorstep, they tell me they're worried - about our crumbling health service, the crisis in our housing, the scandal of our rivers and seas full of sewage.
And it's increasingly clear the country is not going to put up with this any more.
The Conservatives are on their way out at the general election, because people want change.
But it's also really clear that the tweaks that Labour's proposing, with half-measures and broken promises, just aren't going to cut it, not with the multiple crises that our country faces.
And that's why voting Green at this election will have such a huge impact.
Because with more Green MPs in Parliament, we will push the next government to be more ambitious, get them beyond their timid baby steps and towards real hope and real change for our country's future.
That means defending and restoring our NHS.
We all know our health-care system is severely overstretched.
We would invest more money into our NHS than any other party and stop the move towards privatisation.
We would ensure an NHS dentist within easy reach of home for everyone and guarantee rapid access to a GP.
And we'd put in the funding needed to attract and keep the staff our health service needs.
That's real hope and real change.
At the moment, a warm, secure home is out of reach for millions of people.
To end this crisis in housing, we would put a stop to no-fault evictions and bring in rent controls to curb the spiralling cost of renting.
We would make sure new developments come along with the bus routes, the schools, the libraries needed to build communities, so that it's the right homes being built in the right place at the right price.
That's real hope and real change.
For lots of us, enjoyment of our beautiful rivers and beaches is being affected this summer by the scandal of sewage dumping, with the water companies profiting from failure rather than investing in our water systems.
We would end this once and for all by bringing water companies back into public hands.
That's real hope and real change.
THEY CHEER We will champion all these things and more so we can go back to feeling proud and supported and secure in our country.
There is a genuine choice at this election between skirting around the edges of the change we need or driving it forward with more Green MPs in Parliament.
So vote Green on the 4th of July, because the Greens are offering something that no other party is - real hope and real change.
This time, I'm doing it for my daughter.
This time, I'm doing it for my family.
I'm doing it for my community.
This time, I'm doing it for my class.
This time, I'm doing it for my grandchildren's future.
I'm doing it for my family.
This time, I'm doing it for my business.
I'm doing it for my country.
I've always voted Tory, but the straw that broke the camel's back was where I tried to book a dentist appointment for my daughter.
We were informed that that would take a year for it to happen.
I couldn't look my daughter in the eye because I could see the pain she was in.
I felt as if I was part of the problem because we voted the Tories in.
NHS - it's an absolute shambles.
Labour's first step will bring back the NHS to what it used to be.
I used to vote Tory because I thought we could help people like me, and we haven't.
Everything's extortionate now.
We're worse off now than we were ten years ago.
We're not living a life - we're surviving at the minute, I think.
That has to change for the benefit of everyone.
I've always voted Conservative but now I am voting Labour.
I've seen the struggle the teachers have.
I know of children that still can't read at the age of seven and eight, and it is because of lack of funding.
I think Labour's first step to introduce 6,500 more teachers into classrooms is an amazing start.
I voted Tory in the past.
Being in the military, voting Conservative, it felt hand in glove, but ultimately that's the biggest con - that the Conservatives look after the military.
This national service idea - I can't help but smile.
The job's hard enough as it is, without having people there who don't want to be there.
The military shouldn't be used to fix society's problems.
I used to vote Tory because I thought they were the right choice to get us out of the economic situation that we were in.
They've actually delivered exactly the opposite.
The Tory economic chaos is costing my businesses dearly.
There is absolutely no support given to small- to medium-sized enterprises.
Labour's first step to deliver economic security is going to help me and my customers, and help grow our economy.
I voted Conservative all my life, but now I'm voting Labour.
I see things being very difficult for my grandchildren.
They won't have the opportunities we had, they won't be able to afford their own house, and I just think life in general will be a lot tougher for them.
I voted for the Tories for a long time, but they are just chaos.
There's a great rise in knife crime.
I was actually confronted with someone who pulled a knife after an incident in a restaurant.
I think Labour's first steps will begin real change, particularly with the crackdown with antisocial behaviour.
The elderly in particular are more frightened of violence, drugs, knives, and they become prisoners in their own homes, and this needs to change.
I'm going to vote Labour this time because my energy bills have went up three times.
I run about the house making sure that every plug has been switched off.
Labour's first step to switch on the Great British Energy is going to reduce bills in every household.
It will create jobs, which then will have an impact on the economy.
The Labour Party is going to bring the change that the country needs.
To anyone sitting on the fence, I would say look back at the last 14 years.
Do you really want more of the same? We've given the Conservatives a chance.
We're all now far worse off than we used to be, and it's time for a change.
The lawmakers should not be the law-breakers.
We want to change.
Keir Starmer is that change.
I'm dying of stage 4 cancer.
There's a good chance that, because I waited over 100 days for cancer treatment, that that's literally cut my life in half.
The system is just broken.
It's too late for me, but maybe someone might save their life by ticking that box and voting Labour.
I genuinely believe that.
This time...
This time...
This time...
This time...
Vote Labour.
This time, I'm doing it for my daughter.
This time, I'm doing it for my family.
I'm doing it for my community.
This time, I'm doing it for my class.
This time, I'm doing it for my grandchildren's future.
I'm doing it for my family.
This time, I'm doing it for my business.
I'm doing it for my country.
I've always voted Tory, but the straw that broke the camel's back was where I tried to book a dentist appointment for my daughter.
We were informed that that would take a year for it to happen.
I couldn't look my daughter in the eye because I could see the pain she was in.
I felt as if I was part of the problem because we voted the Tories in.
NHS - it's an absolute shambles.
Labour's first step will bring back the NHS to what it used to be.
I used to vote Tory because I thought we could help people like me, and we haven't.
Everything's extortionate now.
We're worse off now than we were ten years ago.
We're not living a life - we're surviving at the minute, I think.
That has to change for the benefit of everyone.
I've always voted Conservative but now I am voting Labour.
I've seen the struggle the teachers have.
I know of children that still can't read at the age of seven and eight, and it is because of lack of funding.
I think Labour's first step to introduce 6,500 more teachers into classrooms is an amazing start.
I voted Tory in the past.
Being in the military, voting Conservative, it felt hand in glove, but ultimately that's the biggest con - that the Conservatives look after the military.
This national service idea - I can't help but smile.
The job's hard enough as it is, without having people there who don't want to be there.
The military shouldn't be used to fix society's problems.
I used to vote Tory because I thought they were the right choice to get us out of the economic situation that we were in.
They've actually delivered exactly the opposite.
The Tory economic chaos is costing my businesses dearly.
There is absolutely no support given to small- to medium-sized enterprises.
Labour's first step to deliver economic security is going to help me and my customers, and help grow our economy.
I voted Conservative all my life, but now I'm voting Labour.
I see things being very difficult for my grandchildren.
They won't have the opportunities we had, they won't be able to afford their own house, and I just think life in general will be a lot tougher for them.
I voted for the Tories for a long time, but they are just chaos.
There's a great rise in knife crime.
I was actually confronted with someone who pulled a knife after an incident in a restaurant.
I think Labour's first steps will begin real change, particularly with the crackdown with antisocial behaviour.
The elderly in particular are more frightened of violence, drugs, knives, and they become prisoners in their own homes, and this needs to change.
I'm going to vote Labour this time because my energy bills have went up three times.
I run about the house making sure that every plug has been switched off.
Labour's first step to switch on the Great British Energy is going to reduce bills in every household.
It will create jobs, which then will have an impact on the economy.
The Labour Party is going to bring the change that the country needs.
To anyone sitting on the fence, I would say look back at the last 14 years.
Do you really want more of the same? We've given the Conservatives a chance.
We're all now far worse off than we used to be, and it's time for a change.
The lawmakers should not be the law-breakers.
We want to change.
Keir Starmer is that change.
I'm dying of stage 4 cancer.
There's a good chance that, because I waited over 100 days for cancer treatment, that that's literally cut my life in half.
The system is just broken.
It's too late for me, but maybe someone might save their life by ticking that box and voting Labour.
I genuinely believe that.
This time...
This time...
This time...
This time...
Vote Labour.
NNC W276N/01 BRD000000 Right, lunch time.
What does a typical day look like for you, Ed? It's busy.
A lot depends on what carer help we've got.
But I'm always involved in John's care.
I like to get...
be the one who gets John up in the morning, so he sees me.
I get him up cos he can't walk.
Come on, my sweetheart.
Come on.
Come on.
# We're going to have some lunch.
# We have those little game...
those games with him because it enables him to speak and to practise communicating.
HONKS NOSE THEY CHUCKLE So I was born in Nottinghamshire, in Mansfield Woodhouse.
My parents had three boys.
I was the youngest.
My mum was a teacher, and she'd met my dad when he was doing National Service.
But unfortunately he developed cancer in November 1969, and died in the March.
This feels so weird.
So many memories.
Walk up and down here every day to school.
This brings back...
The big house.
Wonderful family who lived there, the Malhotras.
Very kind to us When Mum was ill, they used to make this amazing, real curries.
It's like I'm in a time warp.
A lot's quite similar.
It takes me back.
My uncle built this.
After my dad died, we were living in Sutton-in-Ashfield.
The idea was we would come to Nottingham so we could be near our school.
And so it was a happy, happy period.
And then, um, Mum became ill.
And we had a mantra, sort of, you take each day as it comes.
"Just take each day as it comes." Cos you didn't know what was going to happen.
No-one knew.
So she died at 46.
Dad had died at 38.
I spent hours talking to my mum on her bed.
I remember this one time, we...
I had gone on a trip to Germany for sort of two days with the school and showed the picture to my mum.
"I wonder who you'll end up with." She was thinking about what would happen to me.
Do you think she would have been proud of you? Sorry.
This is actually quite difficult, Tamsin.
I'd like to think she'd be proud of me.
I think she would be.
I hope so.
But you can get through some quite tough times.
I mean, so many people have to, right? So many people.
You know, you can get through if you've got love...
..from family and from friends.
And I was very lucky.
I had...lovely grandparents, supportive brothers.
It's a tough job, caring.
But family carers do the vast bulk of caring.
Governments have just ignored them, just not listened to them.
One thing I think one's got to get over about care and being a carer is you develop amazing relationships.
I had an amazing relationship with my mum and my gran and my son, really special.
But as I've got older and had all those caring responsibilities, seen life through the eyes of my son, I could not be more passionate and determined to sort out caring in this country.
This isn't just my story.
It's the story of millions caring for each other, dealing with tough times, keeping going with love.
That's why I got into politics, and that's who the Liberal Democrats will fight for every day.
So, Ed, this is Morag.
Hello, Morag.
Morag, this is Ed Davey.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Really lovely to see you.
Yeah, lovely to see you.
I don't know whether you know, I lost both my parents as a child to cancer, my dad died when I was four, my mum when I was 15.
You've got quite a lot of experience yourself.
I have, yeah.
I'm going through my fourth cancer now.
Fourth cancer? Mm-hm.
I had breast cancer and then I had stomach cancer.
And then the year after it was non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Two years ago, the lymphoma had gone into my lung.
Just before Christmas I got the good news that the...
..the mass had gone out my lung, so...
Aw, fantastic.
That's wonderful.
So it's...
The chemo tablets...
You are fighting and winning, aren't you? It's amazing.
I would like seeing, in the future, is not to keep cancer patients waiting for results.
You're on a knife-edge all the time.
It's a massive issue for the whole of our country to improve cancer care.
Is it particularly bad here in Scotland? It's terrible.
It's probably the worst it's been.
I think a lack of ministerial attention on the finer details of running our NHS.
My boys, my grandchildren, everybody, have all been there for me.
Thank you so much for sharing that with us.
Shake his hand.
Can you shake my hand? Your sister tells me that you're a great singer.
And they're like unpredictable bits.
HE SINGS # Yeah, yeah # Stayin' alive.
# How has it been for you in your life as a young carer? His autism can lead to sensitivity.
He's not the best with loud noises.
That's why, like, when we bring him out it's mostly to areas where we don't have to worry about loud noises.
It's not an easy job to be, like, caring for Derren because he's...he can be unpredictable.
And he's gone off again.
It's really stressful at school at the moment, especially with my A-level exams coming up.
But, like, I don't have a desk that I can work on at home because Derren's in my room.
He needs his own space, but we can't always give him that, erm, despite reaching out for help.
If you haven't been in that type of situation you won't understand.
When she started showing symptoms, it wasn't as difficult.
But you have more falls now, don't you? When you're looking after a loved one, and caring for a loved one, you have a special relationship.
I guess you're quite close, you two.
She is lovely.
I know when my mum was ill I would sit...lie on the bed with her for hours.
Nothing like family, is there? No.
It's basically a full-time job for you, isn't it? It can be, yes.
I went back to work more for my mental health because I felt I was just trapped here all the time.
You came to see me about the way the DWP say you...that you were overpaid on Carer's Allowance.
Cliff edge thing, isn't it? Yes.
You go £1 over and they take the whole lot back.
It's stressful enough being a carer without being told that you've been fraudulent and you've been earning too much money.
I earn less than £7,000 a year.
This persecution of unpaid carers is a scandal.
And it needs to stop.
I'm really determined we get them to change this.
These are the border towns...
The care system in Wales is stretched thin and so many just aren't getting the support they need.
Ed, how do you want to improve things? You know, if you're going to have a fair deal in our country, where people who work hard, care for their loved ones and stick by the rules don't get suddenly penalised, we've got to change things.
You may have seen this piggy bank before - inside, outside, or in the sky, often accompanied by this.
If you haven't, you may be wondering what it means.
So let me explain.
You've probably heard a lot about Labour's tax rises.
They will cost every working family £2,094.
Here's why.
The £2,094 tax rises over the next four years were set out in a document, published online, that looks at 27 of Labour's commitments.
OK, so you're probably not going to read all that.
But what you need to know is that all of these commitments were made by Rachel Reeves, Keir Starmer, the Shadow Cabinet - all have appeared in Labour Party documents since February last year.
So let's have a look at them.
Each commitment has an associated costing.
For example, Labour themselves said decarbonising the power grid would cost £23.7 billion.
Meanwhile, their carried interest plan was estimated by Treasury officials to cost just over £3 billion.
You can find that on the website.
Breaking down all those 27 commitments, 21 are official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Two are from official government data releases.
One is from a reported costing in the Financial Times, two are using Labour's own numbers, and one is from an independent third party - Stifel.
So, the £2,094 figure is overwhelmingly based on official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Taken together, the commitments add up to £58.9 billion of additional spending.
There are also estimates of the money Labour claim they would raise.
Once you subtract those from their spending commitments, that leaves a funding gap of £38.5 billion over the next four years.
So, how will Labour afford all this? They will need to raise taxes to plug the gap.
If you take the money they need to raise and divide it by the number of working households in the UK, you reach...
..£2,094 per household, to be precise.
And in fact, it's worse than that.
The £2,094 tax number does not even include the tax rises that Labour has already announced.
You can see the numbers yourself.
Just search "Labour tax rises document" now.
When you vote on the 4th of July, I'm asking you to do one thing - think about Wales.
Think about your community and all the services disappearing after 14 years of Tory cuts.
Think about your family and the long NHS waiting lists on Labour's watch in Wales, leaving you worried about your loved ones.
This is not as good as it gets.
In this election, vote for the one party that always stands up for Wales and a fairer, more ambitious future.
I trust Plaid Cymru because the Tories don't care about Wales and Labour take Wales for granted.
As a small business owner, I want my MP to fight for a better future for our community.
For me, that's why I vote for Plaid Cymru.
Unlike the other parties, Plaid understands rural Wales too.
I know that when I vote for Plaid Cymru on the 4th of July, I'll be voting for a strong voice for farming, my community and my country at Westminster.
It's not just about who will be the next Prime Minister, it's about who will do the best for Wales.
Because whoever is in Downing Street, Tories or Labour, both have a long record of letting Wales down.
Your money is going to pay for a high-speed rail link in England while Wales gets nothing at all - money that could be spent on our NHS or on our transport links.
Fairness and ambition - that's what Plaid Cymru wants for Wales.
I want the best for my children's future.
What we leave the next generation is so important to me.
That's why voting for Plaid just makes sense.
In Wales, Plaid have already secured more free childcare, which means families can keep more of what they earn, and I know that Plaid Cymru stand up for a more hopeful future when they speak in Parliament.
That matters a lot to me.
It matters to me, too.
Time is up for the Conservatives and Labour have no real vision of their own.
Every government of any party have to be held to account, so think about Wales, think about Plaid Cymru.
For a fairer, more ambitious Wales, and a party on your side, vote Plaid Cymru on July the 4th.
This general election in Scotland is about beating the SNP so we can tackle the big challenges facing our country.
If we beat the SNP, we can get the focus on faster GP appointments and reducing NHS waiting lists - not on independence.
If we beat the SNP, they will need to spend taxpayers' money on improving schools - not on trying to separate Scotland from the UK.
If we beat the SNP, they will be forced to spend more time creating jobs - not creating division.
We need to beat the SNP, and in seats up and down Scotland, voting Scottish Conservative is the only way to do it.
Beating the SNP is the only way we can build a better future for my family, and yours, because the SNP say every seat they win at the general election will count towards a mandate for independence.
John Swinney says he will do everything he possibly can to deliver independence.
He wants to claim every seat the SNP wins, including your local area, is a mandate to demand independence.
If the SNP win in your local constituency, they would waste even more taxpayers' money - your money - on independence.
Scotland would be stuck, unable to move forward.
But you have the power to stop that happening.
Your vote for the Scottish Conservatives can make the difference in defeating the SNP.
In many seats up and down Scotland, it is a straight fight between the SNP and the Scottish Conservatives.
In these crucial seats, a vote for any other party, or not voting at all, risks an SNP win.
The choice is clear - vote Scottish Conservative or an SNP candidate focused on all of the wrong priorities may get in.
In this general election, we have a huge opportunity to get the focus onto what really matters to you by beating the SNP up and down the country.
Beating the SNP will mean we can fully focus on reducing NHS waiting times, creating good jobs, investing in schools, fixing the roads, and improving all of our public services.
But it will be really close between the Scottish Conservatives and the SNP.
In key seats, voting Scottish Conservative is the only way to stop the SNP obsessing about independence and get the focus onto Scotland's real priorities.
Let's vote together for the Scottish Conservatives, to beat the SNP so our priorities finally get the attention they deserve.
I'm not going to waste my vote.
Not on any more heel-dragging or empty promises.
I'm with the people who, although few, have been on it, who put our environment over big business, our native mountain hares over the wealth of lairds, and stop the money-grabbing hands that plan to turn Loch Lomond's iconic beauty into luxury resort tickets.
I'm with the people who are fighting for our kids and who won free bus travel for our young people, so they can get to the future they deserve, with the exam results they've earned.
Not some postcode lottery where income defines outcome.
I'm with the people who get things done.
Because I want the kind of politics that skips school on a Friday to strike for our climate, as dire as that necessity is.
Politics that fights ridiculous benefits sanctions.
Sustainable, green-fuelled politics, with roots in our communities hardest hit by Tory austerity.
Politics that acknowledges that tenants need more protection and we have a housing system with urgent repairs needing fixed.
People over profit.
Robin Hood politics that says help those in need and eat the rich.
Gray, uh...
Gray, I don't thing you can say that, sorry.
Tax the rich.
We're the people fighting for not just an independent Scotland, but an independent Scotland that's fairer and greener, where we can make our own decisions about the European Union.
We're the people who are proud of our country's diversity and believe that, from the workplace to the streets, discrimination has no place here in Scotland.
We're the people who, when faced with fellow human beings needing refuge, say, "Our door is open.
"The kettle's on." I'm with those ready to do things differently.
Because we have the resources.
And when we stand together we have seen the numbers.
We are the people who take to the streets with fervour and anger and banter and banners to rebel against our planet's extinction, to chant that our trans siblings should feel safer, that black lives matter.
We're the people who demand better from our politicians.
But for all we petition and lobby, it's with ballot slips and X's, that's where the real protest is.
And I think we all know - as we feel sea levels rise around the feet of our coastal communities, and swallow another breakfast of British Brexit horror-story news, and hear again of a mother who has to choose between topping up the leccy and food for her kids - we need an alternative.
I'm not going to waste my vote, cos I think we all know we've wasted too much time, as it is.
My name's Gray, and this Gray votes Green.
The moment has finally arrived.
Our country has been desperate for a general election, and now it's upon us.
Scotland and the UK is desperate for change, crying out for change, and Labour is ready to deliver it.
17 years here in Scotland, spinning round and round with nothing material delivered.
17 years under the SNP, 14 years in Westminster.
Chaotic, divided and dysfunctional in their party and chaotic and divided in government.
This is an election about change, and Scotland's voice is vital.
Send a message - that is the height of the SNP ambition.
I don't want Scotland to send a message.
I want Scotland to send a Labour government! And I want to say directly to people who may not have voted Labour in the past, I can understand why you have been so desperate to run a million miles away from this rotten Tory government, and I can understand why you've looked for the escape route.
But Keir and I have worked day and night to change our Labour Party so it's ready to serve you again.
Bill used to be an SNP councillor.
I made the decision to support Labour because change...
..change is really what we need.
We will demonstrate how we can bring honesty, integrity and decency back into public life.
We will show how economic stability can bring down your mortgage and reduce household bills.
But you will never have a strong, functioning economy if you don't treat your workforce properly, if you don't give people basic dignity and respect at work.
We will demonstrate how we can make work pay by delivering a new deal for working people, the most transformative change in workers' rights that will deliver a genuine living wage.
We will realise the ambition and potential of Scotland's energy renewable potential, by having GB Energy headquartered here in Scotland with a task of lowering bills and creating more jobs.
That is a future that we can build together.
There's no change without Scotland.
There's no Labour without Scotland.
Scotland is central to the mission of the next Labour government.
Because in this election, every vote for Scottish Labour is a vote to get rid of the Tories, to maximise Scotland's influence and a vote to deliver the change Scotland needs.
Let's go win that future together for the Scottish people.
It's just four weeks since I became the leader of the Scottish National Party and the First Minister of Scotland.
I came forward out of a sense of duty, to bring people together, to serve Scotland and to make our country as successful as we can possibly be.
As in all walks of life, things come along that you don't quite expect, and I didn't really expect to be facing a general election in my first weeks in office.
But on Thursday the 4th of July, you will be asked to vote in that election.
I'd like to take just a few moments of your time, along with my Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes, to talk about what this election means for the people of Scotland.
We know that the cost of living is at the front of everybody's minds.
When you add that to the effects of 14 years of austerity and the damage of Brexit, that combination of decisions taken by Westminster have pushed up household costs, they've hit the economy hard and they've cut the money available to spend on our National Health Service.
But we've never allowed the bad decisions taken by Westminster to constrain our ambition for Scotland.
Our approach is to deliver economic growth so that we can eradicate child poverty, reach net-zero and invest in our public services.
We've got a really sharp focus - get the economy firing on all cylinders, and it will power a better future.
Because Scotland's potential is enormous, and it will only become greater with independence.
Right here, right now, within our existing powers, the SNP Scottish Government has been working hard for Scotland.
We've delivered the best performing accident and emergency service in the United Kingdom for nearly ten years.
We've helped with the cost of living through free prescriptions, free university tuition and free bus travel for under-22s.
And for businesses, we've slashed or abolished rates for more than 100,000 premises.
We're now the top destination in the UK outside London for foreign direct investment.
And we've established the Scottish National Investment Bank, to invest in future generations.
None of these achievements can be taken for granted.
There's only one party that will protect free prescriptions and free university tuition - that's the party that introduced those policies, the Scottish National Party.
The fact is that when the SNP wins, Scotland wins.
So, on the 1st of July, vote SNP to put the interests of Scotland first.
We're asking you to vote for a future made in Scotland, for Scotland.
Vote SNP for Scotland.
It's just weeks since I became leader of the Scottish National Party and the First Minister of Scotland.
I came forward out of a sense of duty, to bring people together, to serve Scotland, and to make our country as successful as we can possibly be.
As in all walks of life, things come along that you don't quite expect.
And I didn't really expect to be facing a General Election in my first weeks in office.
But, on Thursday the 4th of July, you'll be asked to vote in that election.
I'd like to take just a few moments of your time, along with my Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes, to talk about what this election means for the people of Scotland.
We know that the cost of living is at the front of everybody's minds.
When you add that to the effects of 14 years of austerity and the damage of Brexit, that combination of decisions taken by Westminster have pushed up household costs, they've hit the economy hard, and they've cut the money available to spend on our National Health Service.
But we've never allowed the bad decisions taken by Westminster to constrain our ambition for Scotland.
Our approach is to deliver economic growth, so that we can eradicate child poverty, reach net zero and invest in our public services.
We've got a really sharp focus - get the economy firing on all cylinders, and it will power a better future.
Because Scotland's potential is enormous, and it will only become greater with independence.
Right here, right now, within our existing powers, the SNP Scottish Government has been working hard for Scotland.
We've delivered the best-performing Accident and Emergency service in the United Kingdom for nearly ten years.
We've helped with the cost of living through free prescriptions, free university tuition and free bus travel for under-22s.
And, for businesses, we've slashed or abolished rates for more than 100,000 premises.
We're now the top destination in the UK, outside London, for foreign direct investment.
And we've established the Scottish National Investment Bank to invest in future generations.
None of these achievements can be taken for granted.
There's only one party that'll protect free prescriptions and free university tuition - that's the party that introduced those policies, the Scottish National Party.
The fact is that when the SNP wins, Scotland wins.
So, on the 4th of July, vote SNP to put the interests of Scotland first.
We are asking you to vote for a future made in Scotland, for Scotland.
Vote SNP...
Another election.
Who do I vote for? I need a political home.
Let's find one.
How about the Tories? I want to find a home and start a family.
Can you help? What? A family-friendly party? Affordable homes? No, my dear, you need to get into buy-to-let.
I certainly did.
I want our railways, water and power to be owned by and run by the British people.
Don't you? My dear, we sold all of those off years ago to foreign investors and international banks.
And I have to say, they've done very well out of it.
Oh, the Lib Dems! "Winning here!" No answer.
No great loss.
OK, Labour.
The people's party.
I think we should end mass immigration.
We should train our own people to do the jobs we need.
But who's going to serve my coffee and clean my house? But we can't just have an open border with anyone wandering in.
Andrew! Fetch the dogs.
The far right are here.
DOG WHINES I don't know who to vote for? Well, there is another party, you know.
Yeah, the SDP.
They're a really great party, they've got lots of good policies.
We're growing fast.
All over the country.
ALL: Winning elections.
Gaining people's trust.
We have pride in our country, Great Britain, the nation state, its history, its traditions, its almost endless list of achievements.
We're not asking for much.
Affordable homes, a safe neighbourhood to raise a family, defence of our culture, a secure national border.
If you want these things, the SDP is on your side.
This election is your chance to vote for strong leadership and for positive change.
For a commitment to work for all, to making life better for workers, families and all our communities.
To working together in our political institutions, creating that hope and opportunity that everyone deserves.
This election is your opportunity to vote for decisions about your life and your future to be made here at home.
To make our own choices, working in partnership together.
There are so many priorities that we all share - a health system that is fit for purpose, the best opportunities in life for all of our children so that they can achieve their full potential.
Coras slainte cui, na deiseanna is fearr dar bpaisti, forbairt ar phobail aitiula agus tacaiocht don ghno.
The development of our local communities, rural and urban, support for our local businesses, tackling the cost-of-living crisis that's burdening so many right now.
To make childcare more accessible and affordable.
Building that prosperous, modern and inclusive society.
When we all work together, we can achieve so much more.
So in this election, you can send a clear message about what you want for the future.
It's an opportunity for you to endorse that strong leadership and positive change, and to show your support for Sinn Fein's commitment to working for all.
To support better funding for public services, and to reject years of Tory cuts which have punished workers and families.
Change will only be delivered in the North by us all working together, in the Executive and in the Assembly.
This election is about the future.
It's about what you want for you and your children.
Mar sin, ar aghaidh linn le cheile.
So let's move forward together, let's work together.
Let's seize the opportunity to return the strongest Sinn Fein team, and let's keep moving forward to a new and better future.
On July 4th, vote Sinn Fein.
Five years ago, you voted to give us our voice back in Westminster.
When they said it couldn't be done, you flipped the consensus.
You didn't just send a message, you sent hard-working MPs who will be there, who spoke up for you, who fought for our rights and fought for our communities.
Over the next 28 days, you're going to hear a lot of people telling you that this election doesn't matter, that you can't change things, that you can't make a difference, that your voice won't be heard.
I'm telling you they are wrong.
There is no limit on our ambition and no limit on what we can achieve together.
This election is going to be big, and it's not just about getting rid of the Tories, it's about what comes after, it's about building something new together.
People have lost faith in politics and politicians after years of failure from Westminster and Stormont.
A new start is a chance to earn that trust back.
Your vote strengthens our team of MPs, who can go and push a new government hard to deliver on the issues that matter to you - like funding and reform for childcare, to help empower families and give children a really good start in life.
And addressing the out-of-control cost of insurance that's hurting working families and communities, repealing the toxic Tory Legacy Act to give victims and survivors the justice they fought for, restoring and renewing relationships with the European Union to deliver more opportunities for young people right across our island to broaden their horizons.
And finally, some proper funding, so that we can invest in cutting health waiting lists and paying our public sector workers the proper wage for the outstanding work that they do for all of us.
In our council chambers, as the official opposition in the Assembly and with our two incredible MPs, the SDLP has been your voice where it counts, when it counts.
We've been on the picket lines, we've been in the voting lobbies, we've been fighting for that change, and now, together, all of us, we can make that change happen.
In too many communities across the North, local MPs have either been complicit with the Tories or standing on the sidelines.
Now it's time to find our voice again.
The mission of this election could not be clearer - a new type of politics, a new Ireland and a new start for all of us.
People are rejecting austerity, isolation and 14 long years of brutal Tory government.
And on the 4th of July, you can join them by voting for SDLP MPs who will actually go to Westminster, fight for you, fight for your family and use the power of the voice that you give us to put an end to this Tory government for once and for all.
On Thursday the 4th of July, vote for change.
Vote SDLP.
Recently, we commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day, in which my regiment, the Parachute Regiment, played a key role.
I served operationally with the regiment both here in Northern Ireland and during the Falklands War.
The Falklands War was about restoring the right of self-determination for the British people of the Falkland islands.
Yet here today in Northern Ireland...
That cannot go on.
The Irish sea border, which the DUP falsely told you they had got rid of, along with EU law, is not just a dry constitutional issue. even to the point where the EU is deciding what type of potato crisps can be produced in Northern Ireland.
A pending EU regulation is going to ban the production of smoky-bacon-flavoured crisps in Northern Ireland.
How ridiculous is that? And yet it illustrates what it means to have our economy governed by foreign laws rather than our own UK laws.
The EU is currently proposing to ban the use of amalgam in dental fillings from the 1st of January next year.
At present...
So if the ban is introduced...
..even while they continue in Great Britain, because the alternatives are so much more expensive.
It is absurd that a foreign parliament, unelected by the people of Northern Ireland and unaccountable to us, should make any of our laws.
That it should make a law that impacts one of our great national institutions, the NHS, placing an aspect of it in jeopardy, is intolerable.
On a whole range of issues, from livestock imports to your choices online...
..and many businesses' long-established supply chains with GB have been severed overnight.
No other country in the world would tolerate the situation where...
We are in business to restore our equal citizenship within the United Kingdom.
Once, this was a position where all unionist parties stood, when we signed unalterable opposition to the Protocol.
Sadly, unionism has been divided by those who have abandoned that principal position and also rejected an offer of agreement on this election.
That is our mission.
On the 4th of July...
You deserve honesty from your politicians.
The DUP told you, when they did the Donaldson Deal, that the Irish sea border was gone.
Now they have had to admit it is not.
This general election gives you the opportunity to deliver change.
Change from Members of Parliament who are absent, who are invisible and who are ineffective.
Change from having MPs who fail to address the Westminster issues and who are unable to stand on the world stage and represent Northern Ireland with confidence, positivity and optimism.
Voting for your Ulster Unionist candidate will fast-forward ch-...
Our small businesses are the foundation of the Northern Ireland economy.
We need to build networks and relationships, strengthen the opportunities for small businesses to increase their reach across the United Kingdom.
As we continue to deal with the impact of Brexit, and more recently the Windsor Framework, we need MPs elected to Westminster who understand the importance of building those partnerships and networks that create employment, economic growth and opportunity.
The agri-food sector is the backbone of our rural economy.
From our world-renowned dairy products and beef to premium-quality vegetables, fruits and speciality foods, we are Britain's bread basket.
Ulster Unionist MPs will champion our farmers and the rural community at Westminster, while also supporting the UK's ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution, ensuring the protection of the local environment and biodiversity.
As a former firefighter and prison officer, I will be the voice of our public sector and blue light workers in Parliament.
I will fight to ensure that Northern Ireland is provided with adequate funds for these critical services and that our vital front line staff are properly supported and resourced.
The brave people that protect us deserve to be heard in Westminster, their unique roles understood, respected and valued.
Protecting our precious place within the Union requires strong, dedicated and positive representation from Northern Ireland's representatives on the green benches.
We must be heard, which our present cohort of MPs are failing to do.
With access to one of the world's largest economies, your Ulster Unionist MPs will use their voice to bring investment to Northern Ireland, stimulate innovation and create jobs, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.
As a lone mother, I have struggled to make ends meet, to pay the bills, to buy the school uniforms, to put food on the table.
We must look after our most vulnerable with a social welfare system that is fit for purpose, focused not just on those unable to work, but on the working poor.
We must have a renewed focus on our older generation, who have worked hard all their life and deserve the security that comes from the British pension system.
Ulster Unionist MPs will stand up in Parliament to protect the pension triple lock that ensures pensioners are secure in their retirement.
It was my honour to be your Minister of Health.
I saw the real pressures weighing down right across our health service, particularly during the Covid crisis.
But, equally, I witnessed the huge lengths that our health and social care workers go to each and every day to support you and your loved ones.
Westminster needs an MP that understands the health service in Northern Ireland, the pressures it's facing and the investment and reform that it needs.
I will be a committed champion for our health service at Westminster.
Voting for your Ulster Unionist candidate will fast-forward change here in Northern Ireland.
It will deliver a team of dedicated MPs who will concentrate on delivering for their constituencies in the corridors of Westminster and the highest echelons of government.
They will work alongside local government, both at Stormont and at Council in order to provide an effective and inclusive envelope of representation.
It's now up to you.
You have one chance with one vote on one day to make a difference.
If you want change, vote for change.
Vote for the Ulster Unionist Party.
Pandemic, war returning to Europe, a reckless dictator in Russia, China, illegal migration and international organised crime gangs.
We've faced unprecedented challenges here at home because of global insecurity.
But by sticking with the plan, Rishi Sunak is steadying the ship and making progress.
Inflation is down from over 11% to near 2%, taxes are being cut, wages are rising, NHS waiting lists are falling month-on-month, and mortgage rates are coming down.
That's proof the plan is working.
Here in Wales, we know there is more to do.
Whilst NHS waiting lists are falling month-on-month in other parts of the UK, the Labour government has caused record NHS waiting lists, with more than 20,000 waiting over two years.
Not forgetting that Wales has the highest level of people out of work in the UK.
In this increasingly uncertain world, we need to build a future where we are safe, secure and prosperous, and because the ship is steadier, we can now take the steps needed to secure Britain's future.
Only Rishi Sunak and the Welsh Conservatives have a clear plan and will take bold action to do what's needed.
We stepped up to save the economy and 12 million jobs with furlough during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic when no-one else could.
We got the Rwanda deterrent off the ground despite mountains of opposition in Westminster and Keir Starmer's Labour trying to block it at every opportunity.
We made Britain the biggest defence power in Europe by increasing defence spending and backing our Armed Forces.
We scrapped the over-budget and constantly delayed HS2 when others argued about it for years, and we'll be boosting transport in Wales with £1 billion to electrify the North Wales Main Line.
Now we're committed to introducing a bold new model of National Service for 18-year-olds, which means the next generation spend time either volunteering in their local community or serving in our Armed Forces.
We announced the triple lock plus to ensure pensioners have dignity and security in retirement, where the state pension is never subject to income tax.
We've set out a clear plan to deliver 100,000 more high-skilled apprenticeships and we've rolled out the biggest expansion of free childcare - a £6,900 package for families that removes barriers to the workplace.
Bold action is what's needed for Britain.
This election will decide whether or not Britain has a secure future.
The world is changing quickly - it's becoming more dangerous than ever before, and we need to think carefully about the life we want for our children and grandchildren.
Only Rishi Sunak and the Welsh Conservatives will deliver a secure future.
The alternative is Keir Starmer and the Labour Party, who are packed with people who want Britain to give up its nuclear deterrent, and leave us vulnerable at the most dangerous time in our country's history since the Cold War.
After four years of not saying what he'd do, Keir Starmer is still the man who campaigned to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister.
Now Keir Starmer wants to decimate our military with defence cuts.
It's the same old Labour Party.
Keir Starmer's Labour is not only a risk to our nation's security, they're also a threat to the money in your pocket.
They'll bankrupt Britain with their £38.5 billion black hole, costing each family over £2,094 more in taxes.
They'll slap a retirement tax on pensioners, and they'll bring in French-style union laws that would hammer business.
You may have seen this piggy bank before - inside, outside, or in the sky - often accompanied by this.
If you haven't, you may be wondering what it means.
So let me explain.
You've probably heard a lot about Labour's tax rises.
They will cost every working family £2,094.
Here's why.
The £2,094 tax rises, over the next four years, were set out in a document published online that looked at 27 of Labour's commitments.
OK, so you're probably not going to read all that.
But what you need to know is that all of these commitments were made by Rachel Reeves, Keir Starmer, the Shadow Cabinet, or have appeared in Labour Party documents since February last year.
So let's have a look at them.
Each commitment has an associated costing.
For example, Labour themselves said decarbonising the power grid would cost £23.7 billion.
Meanwhile, their carried interest plan was estimated by Treasury officials to cost just over £3 billion.
You can find that on the website.
Breaking down all those 27 commitments, 21 are official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Two are from official government data releases.
One is from a reported costing in the Financial Times.
Two are using Labour's own numbers.
And one is from an independent third party, Stifel.
So, the £2,094 figure is overwhelmingly based on official costings signed off by the Treasury.
Taken together, the commitments add up to £58.9 billion of additional spending.
There are also estimates of the money Labour claim they would raise.
Once you subtract those from their spending commitments, that leaves a funding gap of £38.5 billion over the next four years.
They'll need to raise taxes to plug the gap.
If you take the money they need to raise and divide it by the number of working households in the UK, you reach £2,094 per household, to be precise.
And, in fact, it's worse than that.
The £2,094 tax number does not even include the tax rises that Labour has already announced.
You can see the numbers yourself.
Just search...
Let me be clear.
No farmers, no food.
It's just that simple.
Without farmers, none of us would have the food on our tables.
But it's more than that.
Our farmers are the beating heart of our rural communities.
Our farmers have been the guardians of the countryside for generations.
And our farmers know how to balance protecting the land for the future, whilst ensuring essential food production.
But our rural way of life has been under attack.
For the last 25 years, Labour have been running Wales.
Out of touch Labour and Plaid politicians have devised plans that will decimate our rural communities.
Labour and Plaid's plans would have destroyed over 5,000 jobs, seen livestock farming decimated and £200 million slashed from our rural economy.
Farming needs a friend.
And that friend is the Welsh Conservatives.
We are the only party that will stand up for our farmers and our rural communities.
We are the only party that will put food security first.
And we will put Wales first.
The Welsh Conservatives have a clear plan to deliver a secure future for our farmers and our rural communities.
We'll return common sense to farming policy by listening to our farmers in the industry.
We'll start by scrapping Labour's nitrate vulnerable zone.
We'll also stop Labour driving farmers off the land and we'll develop a farming support scheme that works with our farmers to keep them producing the highest quality food.
We will prevent the devastating loss to cattle by bovine TB, by using every tool at our disposal to bring an end to this disease, once and for all.
We will increase the support for our farmers by the rate of inflation every year.
We can't allow Labour's attack on our farmers to continue.
Keir Starmer has said that Labour in Wales is his blueprint for Government.
We all need to send a clear message to Labour on 4th July that enough is enough.
And the only way is to vote for the Welsh Conservatives, for a bold and positive plan which puts the people's priorities first.
So go out there and vote Welsh Conservative on Thursday 4th July to safeguard our rural communities.
This time, I'm doing it for my grandchildren's future.
I'm doing it for my community.
This time, I'm doing it for my class.
I'm doing it for my country.
This time, I'm doing it for my business.
I'm doing it for my family.
I voted Tory in the past.
Being in the military, voting Conservative, it felt hand in glove.
But, ultimately, that's the biggest con, thinking the Conservatives look after the military.
I think they've got it all wrong.
They don't seem to be supporting the military inside or out.
So that's why, in the next general election, I'm going to be voting for Labour, and Keir Starmer's Labour.
This national service idea, I can't help but smile.
The job is hard enough as it is, without having people there who don't want to be there.
The military shouldn't be used to fix society's problems.
It feels like the Tories are always working against Wales.
I think it would be better for Wales if we had a government in the UK that worked with us here, instead of against us.
I've always voted Conservative, but now I am voting Labour.
I personally work in a school, I am a learning support assistant, and I've seen the struggle that teachers have.
I know of children that still can't read at the age of seven and eight and it is because of lack of funding.
I used to vote Tory because I thought they could help people like me, and they haven't.
Everything's extortionate now.
We're worse off now than we were ten years ago.
We're not living a life, we're surviving at the minute, I think.
And that has to change, for the benefit of everyone.
I used to vote Tory because I thought they were the right choice to get us out of the economic situation that we were in.
They've actually delivered exactly the opposite.
The Tory economic chaos is costing my businesses dearly.
Over the last couple of years, I've had to half the number of staff that I used to employ.
Labour's first step to deliver economic security is going to help me and my customers, and help grow our economy.
I voted Conservative all my life, but now I'm voting Labour.
I see things being very difficult for my grandchildren.
They won't have the opportunities we had, they won't be able to afford their own house, and I just think life in general will be a lot tougher for them.
I voted for the Tories for a long time, but they are just chaos.
There's a great rise in knife crime.
I was actually confronted with someone who pulled a knife after an incident in a restaurant.
I think Labour's first steps will begin real change, particularly with the crackdown with antisocial behaviour.
The elderly in particular are more frightened of violence, drugs, knives, and they've become prisoners in their own homes, and this needs to change.
I'm going to vote Labour this time because my energy bills have went up three times.
I run about the house, making sure that every plug has been switched off.
Labour's first step to switch on the Great British Energy is going to reduce bills in every household.
It will create jobs, which then will have an impact on the economy.
The Labour Party is going to bring the change that the country needs.
To anyone sitting on the fence, I would say look back at the last 14 years - do you really want more of the same? The lawmakers should not be the law-breakers.
For goodness' sake, it is time for change.
Vote Labour.
Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves will bring economic stability to Britain.
The Labour Party are the only party with a credible economic plan.
We've given the Conservatives a chance.
We're all now far worse off than we used to be.
It's time for a change.
I'm dying of stage 4 cancer.
There's a good chance that because I waited over 100 days for cancer treatment that that's literally cut my life in half.
The system is just broken.
It's too late for me, but maybe someone might save their life by ticking that box and voting Labour.
I genuinely believe that.
This time...
This time...
This time...
This time...
Vote Labour.
Betrayal, abandonment, disappointment - these are the prevailing emotions amongst voters in this General Election.
Betrayal of the working people, their living standards, where they live, where they work, or where they used to work.
Take Gaza, for example.
Millions of Labour voters, the great majority of Labour voters, have been horrified at the show they have been watching on their telephones, on their tablets, on their screens.
Their children are even watching.
Other children having their heads blown off.
Other women having their limbs torn off.
Other men scrambling in the rubble, trying to find at least the bodies of their loved ones.
And they have looked on in horror as both British political parties supported Israel, from the beginning of this genocide right up until this day.
They know that these politicians are not reflecting what the public want to see.
The public demand a ceasefire, but the political leaders press on regardless.
In fact, Keir Starmer whipped his own MPs not to vote for it and sacked those MPs that disobeyed him.
Well, the majority of people are asking, "What's the point of voting for these two cheeks "of the same backside if they stand for exactly the same thing?" And most people want to give these two cheeks a good, hard kicking.
Look at the rights of working people, how they have disappeared in this country over the last 40, 50 years.
Once upon a time, this country was built by and for the working class.
Now it is for the bankers in the City of London, those who think work is fooling around on a computer screen, who think Swarfega is a Balearic island.
This once great industrial power of Britain is what we have to strive to bring back, with respect for the working people who built our wealth as a country in the first place.
Look at the situation in the National Health Service.
We have got millions of people waiting for urgently needed medical treatment and somebody's got to pull Britain out of this death spiral, and it won't be either of the miniatures that are running for Prime Minister today.
This was once a great Britain.
It has to be made great again.
The Worker's Party are on a barnstorming tour the length and breadth of this country to offer vision, hope, and to offer a little bit, a little splash, of colour to a dull, grey political scene.
You know me, you know that I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
Give us a try, you'll see a real difference.
Worker's Party, General Election 2024.
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