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Last active May 21, 2019 18:43
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This is a standalone script for demonstrating some memory leaks that're troubling me. It's a torn-down version of
the project I'm currently working on.
To run this, you'll need panda3d, pandas and tqdm. You should be able to install these with
pip install panda3d pandas tqdm
You'll **also need to enable memory tracking**. Do that by setting `track-memory-usage 1` in `panda3d.__file__`'s
`etc/Config.prc` file. Setting it anywhere else is too late! (It's a unique setting in that way - thanks rdb!)
With those things done, you can run this from the commandline with
and you should get a report on how much memory has been leaked and which pointers have been left lying around after
each iteration.
You can also run this in a Jupyter/IPython console, in which case you'll likely want to look into setting up
'autoreload' and then running
from standalone import *
stats = run()
from panda3d.core import Texture, GeomNode, PointLight, NodePath, RenderState, TransformState
def add_scenery(root):
# Add a textured surface
surf = root.attach_new_node(GeomNode('wall'))
tex = Texture()
tex.setup_2d_texture(256, 1, Texture.T_unsigned_byte, Texture.F_luminance)
surf.set_texture(tex) # TODO: This is the line that generates half the memory leaks.
# Add point lights
point = root.attach_new_node(PointLight('point_light'))
root.set_light(point) # TODO: This is the line that generates the other half of the memory leaks.
def descendents(p):
return [p] + [d for c in p.children for d in descendents(c)]
def create_destroy():
root = NodePath('root')
# Remove all the nodes I created
for p in descendents(root):
# Clear various caches
from panda3d.core import MemoryUsage, MemoryUsagePointers
from import tqdm
import pandas as pd
class dotdict(dict):
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
class Leaks:
def __init__(self, clean=True):
self._last = None
self._count = 0
self._clean = clean
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __call__(self):
if self._last:
return self._last
ptrs = MemoryUsagePointers()
pointers = [ptrs.get_python_pointer(i) for i in range(ptrs.get_num_pointers())]
# Group the pointers by type
groups = {}
for p in pointers:
groups.setdefault(type(p).__name__, []).append(p)
if self._clean:
# Get rid of the stuff that's so common it's uninformative
boring = ['CopyOnWriteObject', 'NodeReferenceCount', 'TypedReferenceCount', 'ReferenceCount']
groups = {k: vs for k, vs in groups.items() if k not in boring}
# Number of examples of each group
counts = pd.Series({k: len(v) for k, v in groups.items()}).sort_index()
# Number of ref counts of the first example from each group
refs = pd.Series({k: sum(v.ref_count for v in vs)/len(vs) for k, vs in groups.items()}).sort_index()
size = MemoryUsage.get_current_cpp_size()
count = self._count
self._count += 1
return dotdict(pointers=pointers, groups=groups, counts=counts, size=size, count=count, refs=refs)
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
self._last = self()
return False
class CumulativeLeaks:
def __init__(self, count=10, clean=True):
self._count = count
self._clean = clean
def __enter__(self):
self._results = []
self._pbar = tqdm(total=self._count).__enter__()
self._leaks = Leaks(self._clean).__enter__()
return self
def __iter__(self):
for _ in range(self._count):
result = self._leaks()
def __call__(self):
counts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({r.count: r.counts for r in self._results}, orient='index')
return dotdict(
size=pd.Series({r.count: r.size/1e6 for r in self._results}),
diff=counts.diff().iloc[-1] if counts.size > 0 else pd.Series())
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
self._leaks.__exit__(t, v, tb)
self._pbar.__exit__(t, v, tb)
return False
### MAIN ###
def cumulative():
# Warm up the caches so they don't pollute our pointer counts
# Now create and destroy the environment a bunch of times, tracking the memory as we go
with CumulativeLeaks(10) as leaks:
for _ in leaks:
return leaks()
def single():
with Leaks() as leaks:
return leaks()
if __name__ == '__main__':
onestats = single()
cumstats = cumulative()
Leaked {cumstats.size.iloc[-1]:.2f}MB of memory in {len(cumstats.size)} loops. Pointer counts are
And the average ref counts are
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