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Created May 29, 2024 10:12
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Simple windows activity logger - logs keystroke count, mouse pixels and windows size/position per windows title, outputting to a yyyy-mm-dd csv file every 10 seconds.
import win32gui
import win32con
import win32process
import time
import csv
from datetime import datetime
from pynput import keyboard, mouse
from collections import defaultdict
# Dictionary to store keystrokes and mouse movement per window title
activity_data = defaultdict(lambda: {'keystrokes': 0, 'mouse_moves': 0})
current_window_title = None
current_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
# Initialize CSV file
def initialize_csv():
filename = f"{current_date}.csv"
with open(filename, mode='a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["timestamp", "window", "x", "y", "w", "h", "mouse", "kb"])
def log_to_csv(timestamp, window, x, y, w, h, mouse, kb):
global current_date
new_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
if new_date != current_date:
current_date = new_date
filename = f"{current_date}.csv"
with open(filename, mode='a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow([timestamp, window, x, y, w, h, mouse, kb])
def on_key_press(key):
global current_window_title
if current_window_title:
activity_data[current_window_title]['keystrokes'] += 1
def on_mouse_move(x, y):
global current_window_title
if current_window_title:
activity_data[current_window_title]['mouse_moves'] += 1
def get_current_window_title():
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
return win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
# Set up listeners for keyboard and mouse events
keyboard_listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_key_press)
mouse_listener = mouse.Listener(on_move=on_mouse_move)
while True:
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
current_window_title = get_current_window_title()
if hwnd and current_window_title:
thread_id, process_id = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
window_style = win32gui.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE)
new_style = window_style | win32con.WS_BORDER
win32gui.SetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_STYLE, new_style)
except Exception as e:
print(f"SetWindowLong failed: {e}")
window_text = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
x, y, w, h = rect[0], rect[1], rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]
mouse_moves = activity_data[window_text]['mouse_moves']
keystrokes = activity_data[window_text]['keystrokes']
log_to_csv(timestamp, window_text, x, y, w, h, mouse_moves, keystrokes)
# Print the keystrokes and mouse moves for the current window
# print(f"Timestamp: {timestamp}")
# print(f"Window text: {window_text}")
# print(f"Window position and size: {rect}")
# print(f"Mouse: {mouse_moves}")
# print(f"KB: {keystrokes}")
# Reset the counters after logging
activity_data[window_text]['mouse_moves'] = 0
activity_data[window_text]['keystrokes'] = 0
print("No foreground window found")
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