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Created September 12, 2024 14:54
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LSF convolution
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse, stats
from typing import Sequence, Optional
_fwhm_to_sigma = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
def instrument_lsf_kernel(
λi: Sequence[float],
λo: Sequence[float],
Ro: float,
Ri: Optional[float] = np.inf,
Construct a sparse matrix to convolve fluxes at input wavelengths (λi) at an instrument spectral
resolution (R) and resample to the given output wavelengths (λo).
:param λi:
A N-length array of input wavelength values.
:param λo:
A M-length array of output wavelength values.
:param Ro:
Spectral resolution.
:param Ri: [optional]
Input spectral resolution (default: infinity).
A (N, M) sparse array representing a convolution kernel.
R_inv = np.sqrt(float(Ro) ** (-2) - float(Ri) ** (-2))
data, i, j = ([], [], [])
for ii, λ in enumerate(λo):
si, ei, ϕ = _instrument_lsf_kernel(λi, λ, R_inv, **kwargs)
i.extend([ii] * (ei - si))
j.extend(range(si, ei))
return sparse.coo_matrix((data, (j, i)), shape=(λi.size, λo.size))
def rotational_broadening_kernel(λ: Sequence[float], vsini: float, epsilon: float):
Construct a sparse matrix to convolve fluxes at input wavelengths (λ) with a rotational broadening kernel
with a given vsini and epsilon.
:param λ:
A N-length array of input wavelength values.
:param vsini:
The projected rotational velocity of the star in km/s.
:param epsilon:
The limb darkening coefficient.
A (N, N) sparse array representing a convolution kernel.
# Let's pre-calculate some things that are needed in the hot loop.
denominator = np.pi * vsini * (1.0 - epsilon / 3.0)
c1 = 2.0 * (1.0 - epsilon) / denominator
c2 = 0.5 * np.pi * epsilon / denominator
vsini_c = vsini / 299792.458
scale = vsini_c / (λ[1] - λ[0]) # assume uniform sampling
N = λ.size
data, row_index, col_index = ([], [], [])
for i, λ_i in enumerate(λ):
n_pix = int(np.ceil(λ_i * scale))
si, ei = (max(0, i - n_pix), min(i + n_pix + 1, N)) # ignoring edge effects
λ_delta_max = λ_i * vsini_c
λ_delta = λ[si:ei] - λ_i
λ_ratio_sq = (λ_delta / λ_delta_max) ** 2.0
ϕ = c1 * np.sqrt(1.0 - λ_ratio_sq) + c2 * (1.0 - λ_ratio_sq)
ϕ[λ_ratio_sq >= 1.0] = 0.0 # flew too close to the sun
ϕ /= np.sum(ϕ)
row_index.extend(list(range(si, ei)))
col_index.extend([i] * (ei - si))
return sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row_index, col_index)), shape=(λ.size, λ.size))
def _lsf_sigma(λ: float, R_inv: float):
Return the Gaussian width for the line spread function at wavelength λ with spectral resolution R.
:param λ:
Wavelength to evaluate the LSF.
:param R_inv:
The inverse of the relative spectral resolution (1/R), after accounting for the input spectral
R_inv = sqrt(Ro**(-2) - Ri**(-2))
The width of a Gaussian to represent the width of the line spread function.
return λ * _fwhm_to_sigma * R_inv
def _lsf_sigma_and_bounds(λo: float, R_inv: float, σ_window: Optional[float] = 5):
Return the Gaussian width for the line spread function, and the lower and upper bounds where the LSF contributes.
:param λo:
Wavelength to evaluate the LSF.
:param R:
The output spectral resolution, relative to any input resolution.
:param σ_window: [optional]
The number of sigma where the LSF contributes (default: 5).
A three-length tuple containing: the LSF sigma, and the lower and upper wavelengths where the LSF contributes.
σ = _lsf_sigma(λo, R_inv)
return (σ, λo - σ_window * σ, λo + σ_window * σ)
def _instrument_lsf_kernel(λi: Sequence[float], λo: Sequence[float], R_inv: float, **kwargs):
Calculate the convolution kernel for the given instrument line spread function at the wavelengths specified,
centered on the given central wavelength.
:param λi:
The input wavelength array.
:param λo:
Output wavelength array to evaluate the LSF on.
:param R:
Spectral resolution.
A two-length tuple containing the mask where the LSF contributes, and the normalised kernel.
σ, lower, upper = _lsf_sigma_and_bounds(λo, R_inv, **kwargs)
si, ei = np.searchsorted(λi, [lower, upper])
ϕ = stats.norm.pdf(λi[si:ei], loc=λo, scale=σ)
ϕ /= np.sum(ϕ)
return (si, ei, ϕ)
from lsf import instrument_lsf_kernel
# λi: input wavelength array
# λo: desired output wavelength array
# Ro: desired output spectral resolution
# Ri [optional]: input spectral resolution
K = instrument_lsf_kernel(λi, λo, Ro)
convolved_flux = K @ flux
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