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# Author: William Lam
# Website:
# Description: PowerCLI script to deploy a fully functional vSphere 6.5 lab consisting of 3
# Nested ESXi hosts enable w/vSAN + VCSA 6.5. Expects a single physical ESXi host
# as the endpoint and all four VMs will be deployed to physical ESXi host
# Reference:
# Credit: Thanks to Alan Renouf as I borrowed some of his PCLI code snippets :)
# Changelog
# 11/22/16
# * Automatically handle Nested ESXi on vSAN
# 01/20/17
# * Resolved "Another task in progress" thanks to Jason M
# 02/12/17
# * Support for deploying to VC Target
# * Support for enabling SSH on VCSA
# * Added option to auto-create vApp Container for VMs
# * Added pre-check for required files
# 02/17/17
# * Added missing dvFilter param to eth1 (missing in Nested ESXi OVA)
# 02/21/17
# * Support for deploying NSX 6.3 & registering with vCenter Server
# * Support for updating Nested ESXi VM to ESXi 6.5a (required for NSX 6.3)
# * Support for VDS + VXLAN VMkernel configuration (required for NSX 6.3)
# * Support for "Private" Portgroup on eth1 for Nested ESXi VM used for VXLAN traffic (required for NSX 6.3)
# * Support for both Virtual & Distributed Portgroup on $VMNetwork
# * Support for adding ESXi hosts into VC using DNS name (disabled by default)
# * Added CPU/MEM/Storage resource requirements in confirmation screen
# 05/08/17
# * Support for patching ESXi using VMware Online repo thanks to Matt Lichstein for contribution
# * Added fix to test ESXi endpoint before trying to patch
# Physical ESXi host or vCenter Server to deploy vSphere 6.5 lab
$VIServer = ""
$VIUsername = "administrator@vsphere.local"
$VIPassword = "!!!MySuperDuperSecurePassword!!!"
# Specifies whether deployment is to an ESXi host or vCenter Server
# Use either ESXI or VCENTER
$DeploymentTarget = "VCENTER"
# Full Path to both the Nested ESXi 6.5 VA + extracted VCSA 6.5 ISO
$NestedESXiApplianceOVA = "C:\Users\primp\Desktop\Nested_ESXi6.5_Appliance_Template_v1.ova"
$VCSAInstallerPath = "C:\Users\primp\Desktop\VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-4944578"
$NSXOVA = "C:\Users\primp\Desktop\VMware-NSX-Manager-6.3.0-5007049.ova"
$ESXi65OfflineBundle = "C:\Users\primp\Desktop\ESXi650-201701001\" # Used for offline upgrade only
$ESXiProfileName = "ESXi-6.5.0-20170404001-standard" # Used for online upgrade only
# Nested ESXi VMs to deploy
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs = @{
"vesxi65-1" = ""
"vesxi65-2" = ""
"vesxi65-3" = ""
# Nested ESXi VM Resources
$NestedESXivCPU = "2"
$NestedESXivMEM = "6" #GB
$NestedESXiCachingvDisk = "4" #GB
$NestedESXiCapacityvDisk = "8" #GB
# VCSA Deployment Configuration
$VCSADeploymentSize = "tiny"
$VCSADisplayName = "vcenter65-1"
$VCSAIPAddress = ""
$VCSAHostname = "" #Change to IP if you don't have valid DNS
$VCSAPrefix = "24"
$VCSASSODomainName = "vghetto.local"
$VCSASSOSiteName = "virtuallyGhetto"
$VCSASSOPassword = "VMware1!"
$VCSARootPassword = "VMware1!"
$VCSASSHEnable = "true"
# General Deployment Configuration for Nested ESXi, VCSA & NSX VMs
$VirtualSwitchType = "VDS" # VSS or VDS
$VMNetwork = "dv-access333-dev"
$VMDatastore = "himalaya-local-SATA-dc3500-3"
$VMNetmask = ""
$VMGateway = ""
$VMDNS = ""
$VMNTP = ""
$VMPassword = "vmware123"
$VMDomain = ""
$VMSyslog = ""
# Applicable to Nested ESXi only
$VMSSH = "true"
$VMVMFS = "false"
# Applicable to VC Deployment Target only
$VMCluster = "Primp-Cluster"
# Name of new vSphere Datacenter/Cluster when VCSA is deployed
$NewVCDatacenterName = "Datacenter"
$NewVCVSANClusterName = "VSAN-Cluster"
# NSX Manager Configuration
$DeployNSX = 0
$NSXvCPU = "2" # Reconfigure NSX vCPU
$NSXvMEM = "8" # Reconfigure NSX vMEM (GB)
$NSXDisplayName = "nsx63-1"
$NSXHostname = ""
$NSXIPAddress = ""
$NSXNetmask = ""
$NSXGateway = ""
$NSXSSHEnable = "true"
$NSXCEIPEnable = "false"
$NSXUIPassword = "VMw@re123!"
$NSXCLIPassword = "VMw@re123!"
# VDS / VXLAN Configurations
$PrivateVXLANVMNetwork = "dv-private-network" # Existing Portgroup
$VDSName = "VDS-6.5"
$VXLANDVPortgroup = "VXLAN"
$VXLANSubnet = "172.16.66."
$VXLANNetmask = ""
# Advanced Configurations
# Set to 1 only if you have DNS (forward/reverse) for ESXi hostnames
$addHostByDnsName = 0
# Upgrade vESXi hosts (defaults to pulling upgrade from VMware using profile specified in $ESXiProfileName)
$upgradeESXi = 0
# Set to 1 only if you want to upgrade using local bundle specified in $ESXi65OfflineBundle
$offlineUpgrade = 0
$verboseLogFile = "vsphere65-vghetto-lab-deployment.log"
$vSphereVersion = "6.5"
$deploymentType = "Standard"
$random_string = -join ((65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 8 | % {[char]$_})
$VAppName = "vGhetto-Nested-vSphere-Lab-$vSphereVersion-$random_string"
$depotServer = ""
$vcsaSize2MemoryStorageMap = @{
$esxiTotalCPU = 0
$vcsaTotalCPU = 0
$nsxTotalCPU = 0
$esxiTotalMemory = 0
$vcsaTotalMemory = 0
$nsxTotalMemory = 0
$esxiTotStorage = 0
$vcsaTotalStorage = 0
$nsxTotalStorage = 0
$preCheck = 1
$confirmDeployment = 1
$deployNestedESXiVMs = 1
$deployVCSA = 1
$setupNewVC = 1
$addESXiHostsToVC = 1
$configureVSANDiskGroups = 1
$clearVSANHealthCheckAlarm = 1
$setupVXLAN = 1
$configureNSX = 1
$moveVMsIntovApp = 1
$StartTime = Get-Date
Function My-Logger {
$timeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh:mm:ss"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White "[$timestamp]"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " $message"
$logMessage = "[$timeStamp] $message"
$logMessage | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
Function URL-Check([string] $url) {
$isWorking = $true
try {
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
$request.Method = "HEAD"
$request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$response = $request.GetResponse()
$httpStatus = $response.StatusCode
$isWorking = ($httpStatus -eq "OK")
catch {
$isWorking = $false
return $isWorking
if($preCheck -eq 1) {
if(!(Test-Path $NestedESXiApplianceOVA)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nUnable to find $NestedESXiApplianceOVA ...`nexiting"
if(!(Test-Path $VCSAInstallerPath)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nUnable to find $VCSAInstallerPath ...`nexiting"
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
if(!(Test-Path $NSXOVA)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nUnable to find $NSXOVA ...`nexiting"
if(-not (Get-Module -Name "PowerNSX")) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nPowerNSX Module is not loaded, please install and load PowerNSX before running script ...`nexiting"
$upgradeESXi = 1
if($upgradeESXi -eq 1) {
if($offlineUpgrade -eq 1) {
if(!(Test-Path $ESXi65OfflineBundle)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nUnable to find $ESXi65OfflineBundle ...`nexiting"
else {
if(!(URL-Check($depotServer))) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nVMware depot server is unavailable ...`nexiting"
if($confirmDeployment -eq 1) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "`nPlease confirm the following configuration will be deployed:`n"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "---- vGhetto vSphere Automated Lab Deployment Configuration ---- "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Deployment Target: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $DeploymentTarget
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Deployment Type: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $deploymentType
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "vSphere Version: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "vSphere $vSphereVersion"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Nested ESXi Image Path: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NestedESXiApplianceOVA
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VCSA Image Path: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSAInstallerPath
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "NSX Image Path: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXOVA
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "ESXI") {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- Physical ESXi Deployment Target Configuration ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "ESXi Address: "
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- vCenter Server Deployment Target Configuration ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "vCenter Server Address: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VIServer
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Username: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VIUsername
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VM Network: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMNetwork
if($DeployNSX -eq 1 -and $setupVXLAN -eq 1) {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Private VXLAN VM Network: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $PrivateVXLANVMNetwork
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VM Storage: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMDatastore
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "VCENTER") {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VM Cluster: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMCluster
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VM vApp: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VAppName
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- vESXi Configuration ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "# of Nested ESXi VMs: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.count
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "vCPU: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NestedESXivCPU
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "vMEM: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "$NestedESXivMEM GB"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Caching VMDK: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "$NestedESXiCachingvDisk GB"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Capacity VMDK: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "$NestedESXiCapacityvDisk GB"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "IP Address(s): "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.Values
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Netmask "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMNetmask
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Gateway: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMGateway
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "DNS: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMDNS
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "NTP: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMNTP
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Syslog: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMSyslog
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Enable SSH: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMSSH
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Create VMFS Volume: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMVMFS
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Root Password: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMPassword
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- VCSA Configuration ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Deployment Size: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSADeploymentSize
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "SSO Domain: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSASSODomainName
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "SSO Site: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSASSOSiteName
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "SSO Password: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSASSOPassword
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Root Password: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSARootPassword
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Enable SSH: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSASSHEnable
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Hostname: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSAHostname
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "IP Address: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VCSAIPAddress
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Netmask "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMNetmask
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Gateway: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VMGateway
if($DeployNSX -eq 1 -and $setupVXLAN -eq 1) {
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VDS Name: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VDSName
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VXLAN Portgroup Name: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VXLANDVPortgroup
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VXLAN Subnet: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VXLANSubnet
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VXLAN Netmask: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $VXLANNetmask
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- NSX Configuration ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "vCPU: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXvCPU
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Memory (GB): "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXvMEM
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Hostname: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXHostname
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "IP Address: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXIPAddress
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Netmask: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXNetmask
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Gateway: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXGateway
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Enable SSH: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXSSHEnable
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Enable CEIP: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXCEIPEnable
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "UI Password: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXUIPassword
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "CLI Password: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $NSXCLIPassword
$esxiTotalCPU = $NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.count * [int]$NestedESXivCPU
$esxiTotalMemory = $NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.count * [int]$NestedESXivMEM
$esxiTotalStorage = ($NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.count * [int]$NestedESXiCachingvDisk) + ($NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.count * [int]$NestedESXiCapacityvDisk)
$vcsaTotalCPU = $vcsaSize2MemoryStorageMap.$VCSADeploymentSize.cpu
$vcsaTotalMemory = $vcsaSize2MemoryStorageMap.$VCSADeploymentSize.mem
$vcsaTotalStorage = $vcsaSize2MemoryStorageMap.$VCSADeploymentSize.disk
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`n---- Resource Requirements ----"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "ESXi VM CPU: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $esxiTotalCPU
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green " ESXi VM Memory: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $esxiTotalMemory "GB "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "ESXi VM Storage: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $esxiTotalStorage "GB"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VCSA VM CPU: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $vcsaTotalCPU
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green " VCSA VM Memory: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $vcsaTotalMemory "GB "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "VCSA VM Storage: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $vcsaTotalStorage "GB"
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$nsxTotalCPU = [int]$NSXvCPU
$nsxTotalMemory = [int]$NSXvMEM
$nsxTotalStorage = 60
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "NSX VM CPU: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $nsxTotalCPU
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green " NSX VM Memory: "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White $nsxTotalMemory "GB "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green " NSX VM Storage: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White $nsxTotalStorage "GB"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "---------------------------------------------"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Total CPU: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ($esxiTotalCPU + $vcsaTotalCPU + $nsxTotalCPU)
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Total Memory: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ($esxiTotalMemory + $vcsaTotalMemory + $nsxTotalMemory) "GB"
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Total Storage: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White ($esxiTotalStorage + $vcsaTotalStorage + $nsxTotalStorage) "GB"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "`nWould you like to proceed with this deployment?`n"
$answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you accept (Y or N)"
if($answer -ne "Y" -or $answer -ne "y") {
My-Logger "Connecting to $VIServer ..."
$viConnection = Connect-VIServer $VIServer -User $VIUsername -Password $VIPassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "ESXI") {
$datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $viConnection -Name $VMDatastore
if($VirtualSwitchType -eq "VSS") {
$network = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $viConnection -Name $VMNetwork
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$privateNetwork = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $viConnection -Name $PrivateVXLANVMNetwork
} else {
$network = Get-VDPortgroup -Server $viConnection -Name $VMNetwork
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$privateNetwork = Get-VDPortgroup -Server $viConnection -Name $PrivateVXLANVMNetwork
$vmhost = Get-VMHost -Server $viConnection
if($datastore.Type -eq "vsan") {
My-Logger "VSAN Datastore detected, enabling Fake SCSI Reservations ..."
Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $vmhost -Name "VSAN.FakeSCSIReservations" | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value 1 -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
} else {
$datastore = Get-Datastore -Server $viConnection -Name $VMDatastore | Select -First 1
if($VirtualSwitchType -eq "VSS") {
$network = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $viConnection -Name $VMNetwork | Select -First 1
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$privateNetwork = Get-VirtualPortGroup -Server $viConnection -Name $PrivateVXLANVMNetwork | Select -First 1
} else {
$network = Get-VDPortgroup -Server $viConnection -Name $VMNetwork | Select -First 1
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$privateNetwork = Get-VDPortgroup -Server $viConnection -Name $PrivateVXLANVMNetwork | Select -First 1
$cluster = Get-Cluster -Server $viConnection -Name $VMCluster
$datacenter = $cluster | Get-Datacenter
$vmhost = $cluster | Get-VMHost | Select -First 1
if($datastore.Type -eq "vsan") {
My-Logger "VSAN Datastore detected, enabling Fake SCSI Reservations ..."
Get-AdvancedSetting -Entity $vmhost -Name "VSAN.FakeSCSIReservations" | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value 1 -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($deployNestedESXiVMs -eq 1) {
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "ESXI") {
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value | Foreach-Object {
$VMName = $_.Key
$VMIPAddress = $_.Value
My-Logger "Deploying Nested ESXi VM $VMName ..."
$vm = Import-VApp -Server $viConnection -Source $NestedESXiApplianceOVA -Name $VMName -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat thin
# Add the dvfilter settings to the exisiting ethernet1 (not part of ova template)
My-Logger "Correcting missing dvFilter settings for Eth1 ..."
$vm | New-AdvancedSetting -name "" -value "dvfilter-maclearn" -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
$vm | New-AdvancedSetting -Name "ethernet1.filter4.onFailure" -value "failOpen" -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating VM Network ..."
$vm | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 1" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $network -confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
sleep 5
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$vm | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 2" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $privateNetwork -confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
} else {
$vm | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 2" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $network -confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vCPU Count to $NestedESXivCPU & vMEM to $NestedESXivMEM GB ..."
Set-VM -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -NumCpu $NestedESXivCPU -MemoryGB $NestedESXivMEM -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vSAN Caching VMDK size to $NestedESXiCachingvDisk GB ..."
Get-HardDisk -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -Name "Hard disk 2" | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $NestedESXiCachingvDisk -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vSAN Capacity VMDK size to $NestedESXiCapacityvDisk GB ..."
Get-HardDisk -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -Name "Hard disk 3" | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $NestedESXiCapacityvDisk -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
$orignalExtraConfig = $vm.ExtensionData.Config.ExtraConfig
$a = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$a.key = "guestinfo.hostname"
$a.value = $VMName
$b = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$b.key = "guestinfo.ipaddress"
$b.value = $VMIPAddress
$c = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$c.key = "guestinfo.netmask"
$c.value = $VMNetmask
$d = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$d.key = "guestinfo.gateway"
$d.value = $VMGateway
$e = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$e.key = "guestinfo.dns"
$e.value = $VMDNS
$f = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$f.key = "guestinfo.domain"
$f.value = $VMDomain
$g = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$g.key = "guestinfo.ntp"
$g.value = $VMNTP
$h = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$h.key = "guestinfo.syslog"
$h.value = $VMSyslog
$i = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$i.key = "guestinfo.password"
$i.value = $VMPassword
$j = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$j.key = "guestinfo.ssh"
$j.value = $VMSSH
$k = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$k.key = "guestinfo.createvmfs"
$k.value = $VMVMFS
$l = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$l.key = ""
$l.value = "dvfilter-maclearn"
$m = New-Object VMware.Vim.OptionValue
$m.key = "ethernet1.filter4.onFailure"
$m.value = "failOpen"
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$spec.ExtraConfig = $orignalExtraConfig
My-Logger "Adding guestinfo customization properties to $vmname ..."
$task = $vm.ExtensionData.ReconfigVM_Task($spec)
$task1 = Get-Task -Id ("Task-$($task.value)")
$task1 | Wait-Task | Out-Null
My-Logger "Powering On $vmname ..."
Start-VM -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
} else {
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value | Foreach-Object {
$VMName = $_.Key
$VMIPAddress = $_.Value
$ovfconfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $NestedESXiApplianceOVA
$ovfconfig.NetworkMapping.VM_Network.value = $VMNetwork
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.hostname.value = $VMName
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.ipaddress.value = $VMIPAddress
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.netmask.value = $VMNetmask
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.gateway.value = $VMGateway
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.dns.value = $VMDNS
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.domain.value = $VMDomain
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.ntp.value = $VMNTP
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.syslog.value = $VMSyslog
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.password.value = $VMPassword
if($VMSSH -eq "true") {
$VMSSHVar = $true
} else {
$VMSSHVar = $false
$ovfconfig.common.guestinfo.ssh.value = $VMSSHVar
My-Logger "Deploying Nested ESXi VM $VMName ..."
$vm = Import-VApp -Source $NestedESXiApplianceOVA -OvfConfiguration $ovfconfig -Name $VMName -Location $cluster -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat thin
# Add the dvfilter settings to the exisiting ethernet1 (not part of ova template)
My-Logger "Correcting missing dvFilter settings for Eth1 ..."
$vm | New-AdvancedSetting -name "" -value "dvfilter-maclearn" -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
$vm | New-AdvancedSetting -Name "ethernet1.filter4.onFailure" -value "failOpen" -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Connecting Eth1 to $privateNetwork ..."
$vm | Get-NetworkAdapter -Name "Network adapter 2" | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $privateNetwork -confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vCPU Count to $NestedESXivCPU & vMEM to $NestedESXivMEM GB ..."
Set-VM -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -NumCpu $NestedESXivCPU -MemoryGB $NestedESXivMEM -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vSAN Caching VMDK size to $NestedESXiCachingvDisk GB ..."
Get-HardDisk -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -Name "Hard disk 2" | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $NestedESXiCachingvDisk -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Updating vSAN Capacity VMDK size to $NestedESXiCapacityvDisk GB ..."
Get-HardDisk -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -Name "Hard disk 3" | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $NestedESXiCapacityvDisk -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Powering On $vmname ..."
$vm | Start-Vm -RunAsync | Out-Null
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "VCENTER") {
$ovfconfig = Get-OvfConfiguration $NSXOVA
$ovfconfig.NetworkMapping.VSMgmt.value = $VMNetwork
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_hostname.value = $NSXHostname
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_ip_0.value = $NSXIPAddress
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_netmask_0.value = $NSXNetmask
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_gateway_0.value = $NSXGateway
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_dns1_0.value = $VMDNS
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_domain_0.value = $VMDomain
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_ntp_0 = $VMNTP
if($NSXSSHEnable -eq "true") {
$NSXSSHEnableVar = $true
} else {
$NSXSSHEnableVar = $false
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_isSSHEnabled.value = $NSXSSHEnableVar
if($NSXCEIPEnable -eq "true") {
$NSXCEIPEnableVar = $true
} else {
$NSXCEIPEnableVar = $false
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_isCEIPEnabled.value = $NSXCEIPEnableVar
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_cli_passwd_0.value = $NSXUIPassword
$ovfconfig.common.vsm_cli_en_passwd_0.value = $NSXCLIPassword
My-Logger "Deploying NSX VM $NSXDisplayName ..."
$vm = Import-VApp -Source $NSXOVA -OvfConfiguration $ovfconfig -Name $NSXDisplayName -Location $cluster -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $datastore -DiskStorageFormat thin
My-Logger "Updating vCPU Count to $NSXvCPU & vMEM to $NSXvMEM GB ..."
Set-VM -Server $viConnection -VM $vm -NumCpu $NSXvCPU -MemoryGB $NSXvMEM -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Powering On $NSXDisplayName ..."
$vm | Start-Vm -RunAsync | Out-Null
if($upgradeESXi -eq 1) {
sleep 60
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.GetEnumerator() | sort -Property Value | Foreach-Object {
$VMName = $_.Key
$VMIPAddress = $_.Value
My-Logger "Connecting directly to $VMName for ESXi upgrade ..."
while(1) {
try {
$results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$VMIPAddress/ui -Method GET
if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) {
catch {
My-Logger "$VMName is not ready yet, sleeping 30seconds ..."
sleep 30
# This is apparently needed due to patching using online image profile taking longer
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -WebOperationTimeoutSeconds 900 -Scope Session -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
$vESXi = Connect-VIServer -Server $VMIPAddress -User root -Password $VMPassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
My-Logger "Entering Maintenance Mode ..."
Set-VMHost -VMhost $VMIPAddress -State Maintenance -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($offlineUpgrade -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Upgrading $VMname using offline bundle $ESXi65OfflineBundle ..."
Install-VMHostPatch -VMHost $VMIPAddress -LocalPath $ESXi65OfflineBundle -HostUsername root -HostPassword $VMPassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
else {
My-Logger "Upgrading $VMName using Image Profile $ESXiProfileName ..."
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $VMIPAddress -V2
${enabled = 'true' ; rulesetid = 'httpClient'}) | Out-Null
${profile = $ESXiProfileName; depot = $depotServer}) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Rebooting $VMName ..."
Restart-VMHost $VMIPAddress -RunAsync -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Disconnecting from new ESXi host ..."
Disconnect-VIServer $vESXi -Confirm:$false
if($deployVCSA -eq 1) {
if($DeploymentTarget -eq "ESXI") {
# Deploy using the VCSA CLI Installer
$config = (Get-Content -Raw "$($VCSAInstallerPath)\vcsa-cli-installer\templates\install\embedded_vCSA_on_ESXi.json") | convertfrom-json
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.hostname = $VIServer
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.username = $VIUsername
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.password = $VIPassword
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.'' = $VMNetwork
$config.'new.vcsa'.esxi.datastore = $datastore
$config.'new.vcsa'.appliance.'thin.disk.mode' = $true
$config.'new.vcsa'.appliance.'deployment.option' = $VCSADeploymentSize
$config.'new.vcsa' = $VCSADisplayName
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'' = "ipv4"
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.mode = "static"
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.ip = $VCSAIPAddress
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'dns.servers'[0] = $VMDNS
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.prefix = $VCSAPrefix
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.gateway = $VMGateway
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'' = $VCSAHostname
$config.'new.vcsa'.os.password = $VCSARootPassword
if($VCSASSHEnable -eq "true") {
$VCSASSHEnableVar = $true
} else {
$VCSASSHEnableVar = $false
$config.'new.vcsa'.os.'ssh.enable' = $VCSASSHEnableVar
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.password = $VCSASSOPassword
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'domain-name' = $VCSASSODomainName
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'site-name' = $VCSASSOSiteName
My-Logger "Creating VCSA JSON Configuration file for deployment ..."
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json"
My-Logger "Deploying the VCSA ..."
Invoke-Expression "$($VCSAInstallerPath)\vcsa-cli-installer\win32\vcsa-deploy.exe install --no-esx-ssl-verify --accept-eula --acknowledge-ceip $($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json"| Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
} else {
$config = (Get-Content -Raw "$($VCSAInstallerPath)\vcsa-cli-installer\templates\install\embedded_vCSA_on_VC.json") | convertfrom-json
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.hostname = $VIServer
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.username = $VIUsername
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.password = $VIPassword
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.'' = $VMNetwork
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.datastore = $datastore
$config.'new.vcsa'.vc.datacenter = $
$config.'new.vcsa' = $VMCluster
$config.'new.vcsa'.appliance.'thin.disk.mode' = $true
$config.'new.vcsa'.appliance.'deployment.option' = $VCSADeploymentSize
$config.'new.vcsa' = $VCSADisplayName
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'' = "ipv4"
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.mode = "static"
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.ip = $VCSAIPAddress
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'dns.servers'[0] = $VMDNS
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.prefix = $VCSAPrefix
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.gateway = $VMGateway
$config.'new.vcsa'.network.'' = $VCSAHostname
$config.'new.vcsa'.os.password = $VCSARootPassword
if($VCSASSHEnable -eq "true") {
$VCSASSHEnableVar = $true
} else {
$VCSASSHEnableVar = $false
$config.'new.vcsa'.os.'ssh.enable' = $VCSASSHEnableVar
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.password = $VCSASSOPassword
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'domain-name' = $VCSASSODomainName
$config.'new.vcsa'.sso.'site-name' = $VCSASSOSiteName
My-Logger "Creating VCSA JSON Configuration file for deployment ..."
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json"
My-Logger "Deploying the VCSA ..."
Invoke-Expression "$($VCSAInstallerPath)\vcsa-cli-installer\win32\vcsa-deploy.exe install --no-esx-ssl-verify --accept-eula --acknowledge-ceip $($ENV:Temp)\jsontemplate.json"| Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($moveVMsIntovApp -eq 1 -and $DeploymentTarget -eq "VCENTER") {
My-Logger "Creating vApp $VAppName ..."
$VApp = New-VApp -Name $VAppName -Server $viConnection -Location $cluster
if($deployNestedESXiVMs -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Moving Nested ESXi VMs into $VAppName vApp ..."
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Value | Foreach-Object {
$vm = Get-VM -Name $_.Key -Server $viConnection
Move-VM -VM $vm -Server $viConnection -Destination $VApp -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($deployVCSA -eq 1) {
$vcsaVM = Get-VM -Name $VCSADisplayName -Server $viConnection
My-Logger "Moving $VCSADisplayName into $VAppName vApp ..."
Move-VM -VM $vcsaVM -Server $viConnection -Destination $VApp -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($DeployNSX -eq 1) {
$nsxVM = Get-VM -Name $NSXDisplayName -Server $viConnection
My-Logger "Moving $NSXDisplayName into $VAppName vApp ..."
Move-VM -VM $nsxVM -Server $viConnection -Destination $VApp -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Disconnecting from $VIServer ..."
Disconnect-VIServer $viConnection -Confirm:$false
if($setupNewVC -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Connecting to the new VCSA ..."
$vc = Connect-VIServer $VCSAIPAddress -User "administrator@$VCSASSODomainName" -Password $VCSASSOPassword -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
My-Logger "Creating Datacenter $NewVCDatacenterName ..."
New-Datacenter -Server $vc -Name $NewVCDatacenterName -Location (Get-Folder -Type Datacenter -Server $vc) | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Creating VSAN Cluster $NewVCVSANClusterName ..."
New-Cluster -Server $vc -Name $NewVCVSANClusterName -Location (Get-Datacenter -Name $NewVCDatacenterName -Server $vc) -DrsEnabled -VsanEnabled -VsanDiskClaimMode 'Manual' | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($addESXiHostsToVC -eq 1) {
$NestedESXiHostnameToIPs.GetEnumerator() | sort -Property Value | Foreach-Object {
$VMName = $_.Key
$VMIPAddress = $_.Value
$targetVMHost = $VMIPAddress
if($addHostByDnsName -eq 1) {
$targetVMHost = $VMName
My-Logger "Adding ESXi host $targetVMHost to Cluster ..."
Add-VMHost -Server $vc -Location (Get-Cluster -Name $NewVCVSANClusterName) -User "root" -Password $VMPassword -Name $targetVMHost -Force | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($DeployNSX -eq 1 -and $setupVXLAN -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Creating VDS $VDSName ..."
$vds = New-VDSwitch -Server $vc -Name $VDSName -Location (Get-Datacenter -Name $NewVCDatacenterName)
My-Logger "Creating new VXLAN DVPortgroup $VXLANDVPortgroup ..."
$vxlanDVPG = New-VDPortgroup -Server $vc -Name $VXLANDVPortgroup -Vds $vds
$vmhosts = Get-Cluster -Server $vc -Name $NewVCVSANClusterName | Get-VMHost
foreach ($vmhost in $vmhosts) {
$vmhostname = $
My-Logger "Adding $vmhostname to VDS ..."
Add-VDSwitchVMHost -Server $vc -VDSwitch $vds -VMHost $vmhost | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Adding vmmnic1 to VDS ..."
$vmnic = $vmhost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Physical -Name vmnic1
Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter -Server $vc -DistributedSwitch $vds -VMHostPhysicalNic $vmnic -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
$vmk0 = Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Server $vc -Name vmk0 -VMHost $vmhost
$lastNetworkOcet = $vmk0.ip.Split('.')[-1]
$vxlanVmkIP = $VXLANSubnet + $lastNetworkOcet
My-Logger "Adding VXLAN VMKernel $vxlanVmkIP to VDS ..."
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost -PortGroup $VXLANDVPortgroup -VirtualSwitch $vds -IP $vxlanVmkIP -SubnetMask $VXLANNetmask -Mtu 1600 | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($configureVSANDiskGroups -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Enabling VSAN Space Efficiency/De-Dupe & disabling VSAN Health Check ..."
Get-VsanClusterConfiguration -Server $vc -Cluster $NewVCVSANClusterName | Set-VsanClusterConfiguration -SpaceEfficiencyEnabled $true -HealthCheckIntervalMinutes 0 | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
foreach ($vmhost in Get-Cluster -Server $vc | Get-VMHost) {
$luns = $vmhost | Get-ScsiLun | select CanonicalName, CapacityGB
My-Logger "Querying ESXi host disks to create VSAN Diskgroups ..."
foreach ($lun in $luns) {
if(([int]($lun.CapacityGB)).toString() -eq "$NestedESXiCachingvDisk") {
$vsanCacheDisk = $lun.CanonicalName
if(([int]($lun.CapacityGB)).toString() -eq "$NestedESXiCapacityvDisk") {
$vsanCapacityDisk = $lun.CanonicalName
My-Logger "Creating VSAN DiskGroup for $vmhost ..."
New-VsanDiskGroup -Server $vc -VMHost $vmhost -SsdCanonicalName $vsanCacheDisk -DataDiskCanonicalName $vsanCapacityDisk | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
if($clearVSANHealthCheckAlarm -eq 1) {
My-Logger "Clearing default VSAN Health Check Alarms, not applicable in Nested ESXi env ..."
$alarmMgr = Get-View AlarmManager -Server $vc
Get-Cluster -Server $vc | where {$_.ExtensionData.TriggeredAlarmState} | %{
$cluster = $_
$Cluster.ExtensionData.TriggeredAlarmState | %{
# Exit maintanence mode in case patching was done earlier
foreach ($vmhost in Get-Cluster -Server $vc | Get-VMHost) {
if($vmhost.ConnectionState -eq "Maintenance") {
Set-VMHost -VMhost $vmhost -State Connected -RunAsync -Confirm:$false | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile
My-Logger "Disconnecting from new VCSA ..."
Disconnect-VIServer $vc -Confirm:$false
if($configureNSX -eq 1 -and $DeployNSX -eq 1 -and $setupVXLAN -eq 1) {
if(!(Connect-NSXServer -Server $NSXHostname -Username admin -Password $NSXUIPassword -DisableVIAutoConnect -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Unable to connect to NSX Manager, please check the deployment"
} else {
My-Logger "Successfully logged into NSX Manager $NSXHostname ..."
$ssoUsername = "administrator@$VCSASSODomainName"
My-Logger "Registering NSX Manager with vCenter Server $VCSAHostname ..."
$vcConfig = Set-NsxManager -vCenterServer $VCSAHostname -vCenterUserName $ssoUsername -vCenterPassword $VCSASSOPassword
My-Logger "Registering NSX Manager with vCenter SSO $VCSAHostname ..."
$ssoConfig = Set-NsxManager -SsoServer $VCSAHostname -SsoUserName $ssoUsername -SsoPassword $VCSASSOPassword -AcceptAnyThumbprint
My-Logger "Disconnecting from NSX Manager ..."
$EndTime = Get-Date
$duration = [math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime).TotalMinutes,2)
My-Logger "vSphere $vSphereVersion Lab Deployment Complete!"
My-Logger "StartTime: $StartTime"
My-Logger " EndTime: $EndTime"
My-Logger " Duration: $duration minutes"
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