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Last active September 9, 2020 19:11
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blip script dynamic menu
"use strict";
function run(source) {
var isWhatsApp = source === "WhatsApp";
var csTypes = ["Certificado Digital", "DFe", "Fintech", "Mobile"];
var menuTitle = "Qual tipo de atendimento você deseja?";
var template = function template(e, i) {
return isWhatsApp ? "*" + ++i + "*: " + e : "{\"text\": " + e + ", \"previewText\": " + e + ", \"value\": null, \"index\": " + i + ", \"type\": null }";
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var options = args.filter(function (e) {
return e !== null;
}).map(function (e, i) {
return "Falar com " + (e === "true" ? csTypes[i] : e + ' - ' + csTypes[i]);
}) || [];
var menuOptions = [].concat(options).map(function (e, i) {
return template(e, i);
var content = isWhatsApp ? menuTitle + "\n\n" + menuOptions.join('\n') : {
"text": menuTitle,
options: menuOptions
return JSON.stringify(content);
/* código original ES6+
function run (source, ...args) {
const isWhatsApp = source === "WhatsApp"
const csTypes = ["Certificado Digital", "DFe", "Fintech", "Mobile"]
const menuTitle = "Qual tipo de atendimento você deseja?"
const template = (e, i) => (isWhatsApp ? `*${++i}*: ${ e }` : `{"text": ${e}, "previewText": ${e}, "value": null, "index": ${i}, "type": null }`)
const options =, i) => `Falar com ${e === "true" ? csTypes[i] : e + ' - ' + csTypes[i]}`) || []
const menuOptions = [...options].map((e, i) => (template(e, i)))
const content = isWhatsApp ?
: {
"scope": "immediate",
"text": menuTitle,
options: menuOptions
return JSON.stringify(content)
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