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Created January 24, 2014 10:53
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my personal clj wordpress to jekyll import
(ns clj-wp-import.core
(:require [ :as jio]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn post-files
(file-seq (jio/file f)))
(defn remove-pre-code
(str/replace txt #"(?s)(?i)<pre>(.+?)</pre>" "{% highlight groovy %} $1 {% endhighlight %}"))
(defn remove-code-language
([tag attr txt] (remove-code-language (vector "groovy") tag attr txt))
([lang-coll tag attr txt]
(reduce #(str/replace %1
(re-pattern (str "(?s)(?i)\\[" tag " " attr "=\"" %2 "\"\\](.+?)\\[/" tag "\\]"))
(str "{% highlight " %2 " %} $1 {% endhighlight %}")) txt lang-coll)))
(defn format-link-section [txt]
(str/replace txt
(re-pattern "(\\[\\d{1,2}\\] <a.*)")
(str "<div>$1</div>")))
(defn format-first-link-of-link-section [txt]
(str/replace txt
(re-pattern "(<div>\\[0\\] <a.*)")
(str "<br><br>$1")))
(defn remove-double-curly-braces [txt]
(str/replace (str/replace txt "{{" "") "}}" ""))
(defn replace-html-entites [txt]
(let [entities [["&quot;" "\""] ["&lt;" "<"] ["&gt;" ">"]]]
(reduce #(str/replace %1 (nth %2 0) (nth %2 1)) txt entities)))
(defn replace-html-entites-in-highlight [txt]
(reduce #(str/replace %1 (first %2) (replace-html-entites (first %2))) txt (re-seq (re-pattern "(?s)\\{% highlight (.*?) %\\} (.*?) \\{% endhighlight %\\}") txt)))
(defn process-post-file [file]
(let [s (slurp file)]
(->> (remove-pre-code s)
(remove-code-language ["groovy", "xml", "java", "scala", "kotlin"] "code" "language")
(remove-code-language ["groovy", "xml", "java", "scala", "kotlin"] "code" "lang")
(remove-code-language ["groovy", "xml", "java", "scala", "kotlin"] "sourcecode" "language")
(remove-code-language ["groovy", "xml", "java", "scala", "kotlin"] "sourcecode" "lang")
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