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Last active June 29, 2020 20:09
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  • Save andrejcremoznik/424777eebadaee258562bfcb424ee20c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andrejcremoznik/424777eebadaee258562bfcb424ee20c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Diff files between 2 directories, copy new files from src to dest, then check if existing files in dest have bigger files in src and copy those over too.
# Copy files from one directory to another;
# - if the same file doesn't already exist in destination directory
# - if the file already exists, compare size
# - - if over 1 GB bigger, override existing file
# - - if bigger but less than 1 GB, write a log for manual review
# I need this to copy video files from multiple different folders to one large archive.
# All source folders are flat and contain files with the same naming convention. Sometimes
# a file in the source folder will be a bigger (and better) version of the file in the
# destination folder. Depending on the file size difference, that file should be replaced.
# Using checksums is out of the question because summing a few TB of data is not viable.
# What I needed was a simple script to work on file names and sizes.
# Usage:
# ./ Source Dir/ Archive Dir/ # Will only output a summary of changes (dry run)
# ./ Source Dir/ Archive Dir/ yes # Will copy the files
[ "$#" -lt "2" ] && { echo "Usage: ${0} <src_dir> <dest_dir> [dry_run=on|off]"; exit 1; }
[ -f "${input_dir}/${file_list}" ] && rm "${input_dir}/${file_list}"
input_files=$(ls -AF "${input_dir}")
if [ "$(echo "${input_files}" | grep -c "\/$")" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "${input_dir} contains sub-directories."
exit 1
echo "${input_files}" > "${input_dir}/${file_list}"
if [ "${dry_run}" = "on" ]; then
echo "Copy: ${file}"
echo "Copying: ${file}..."
cp -f "${src_dir}/${file}" "${dest_dir}/"
# Create file lists for diffing
build_stats "${src_dir}"
build_stats "${dest_dir}"
files_diff=$(diff -u "${src_dir}/${file_list}" "${dest_dir}/${file_list}" | tail +4)
# Copy files that don't exist in DEST
echo "${files_diff}" | grep "^\-" | while read -r entry; do
copy_file "${entry#-}"
# Maybe copy files if bigger than in DEST
[ -f ${review_list} ] && rm ${review_list}
echo "${files_diff}" | grep "^\ " | while read -r entry; do
file=${entry# }
src_file_size=$(stat -c%s "${src_dir}/${file}")
dest_file_size=$(stat -c%s "${dest_dir}/${file}")
file_size_diff=$(( src_file_size - dest_file_size ))
if [ ${file_size_diff} -gt 1000000000 ]; then # File size diff over 1 GB
copy_file "${file}"
elif [ ${file_size_diff} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Review: ${file} is bigger in ${src_dir}"
echo "${file}" >> ${review_list}
if [ -f ${review_list} ]; then
echo "See ${review_list} for a list of files that are bigger in ${src_dir} but were not automatically replaced."
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