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  • Save andreisavu/2705007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andreisavu/2705007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Suggestions from Alex for Brooklyn dependent entitiy configuration
"TODO: allow comment blocks (string or list of strings; ignored)",
"TODO: allow an EntityFactory to be used as type as well as Entity",
"TODO (?): for config of type Map allow operation on map (put or set)",
"TODO (?): for config value of type DependentConfiguration allow some magic (",
"note: the convention is that if there is a 'type' key in a map, we do special things",
"note: if a value is simple e.g. a string or number we do the obvious thing",
"TODO (?): for DependentConfiguration also allow accept and postprocess regexes (sed?)",
"TODO (?): accept any recognised config 'flag' directly in the outer block (to simplify things)"
<application name="web-and-db">
<!-- TODO allow/use XML? -->
<!-- TODO allow an EntityFactory to be used as type as well as Entity -->
<entity type="brooklyn.entity.webapp.ElasticJavaWebAppService">
<!-- TODO MapProperty and DependentProperty are interpreted specially -->
<MapProperty name="java.options" operation="put">
<DependentProperty name="brooklyn.example.db.url">
<accept type="regex">.+</accept>
<postprocess type="sed">s/^(.+)$/jdbc:$1visitors?user=brooklyn&password=br00k11n/</postprocess>
<policy type="brooklyn.policy.ResizerPolicy">
<property name="sensor">cluster.reqs.persec.average</property>
<property name="sizeLowerBound">1</property>
<property name="sizeUpperBound">5</property>
<property name="metricLowerBound">10</property>
<property name="metricUpperBound">100</property>
<entity name="mysql" type="brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode">
<!-- TODO support 'flag' as a shortcut for a property name? (has benefit of allowing some error checking too);
could do this above for policy also -->
<property flag="creationScriptUrl">classpath://visitors-creation-script.sql</property>
<location id="/v1/locations/0"/>
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