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Created July 16, 2022 16:27
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SSH keys on a Yubikey in a Mac

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SSH keys on a Yubikey in a Mac

Software Stuff

  • Install the YubiKey Manager CLI (ykman); alternative installation options can be found here: brew install ykman

  • Install GPG >= 2.1. Version 2.1 simplified the running of gpg-agent. The version isn’t a hard requirement, but it might make your life easier. brew install gpg

  • Install GPGTools’s pinentry-mac GUI for password entry: brew install pinentry-mac

  • Add the following lines to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf (the pinentry-program line is optional):

    pinentry-program /opt/homebrew/bin/pinentry-mac
  • Add the following lines to your ~/.zshrc. The second line will start gpg-agent if required.

    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
    gpg-connect-agent /bye
  • If it’s running you should disable the system default ssh-agent

    launchctl stop com.openssh.ssh-agent
    sudo launchctl disable system/com.openssh.ssh-agent

YubiKey Stuff

  • Insert the YubiKey into your Mac. You can verify it’s working via:

    % ykman info
    Device type: YubiKey 5 Nano
    Serial number: _________
    Firmware version: _____
    Form factor: Keychain (USB-A)
    Enabled USB interfaces: OTP, FIDO, CCID
    NFC transport is enabled.
    Applications	USB          	NFC
    FIDO2       	Enabled      	Enabled
    OTP         	Enabled      	Enabled
    FIDO U2F    	Enabled      	Enabled
    OATH        	Enabled      	Enabled
    YubiHSM Auth	Not available	Not available
    OpenPGP     	Enabled      	Enabled
    PIV         	Enabled      	Enabled
  • Change some defaults for the OpenPGP app on the YubiKey. Even though it refers to a “PIN”, alphanumeric and special characters are supported. Here are the default values:

    Default PIN: 123456 Default Admin PIN: 12345678

    % gpg --card-edit
    gpg/card> admin
    Admin commands are allowed
    gpg/card> passwd
    gpg: OpenPGP card no. _________ detected
    1 - change PIN
    2 - unblock PIN
    3 - change Admin PIN
    4 - set the Reset Code
    Q - quit
    Your selection? 1
    PIN changed.
    1 - change PIN
    2 - unblock PIN
    3 - change Admin PIN
    4 - set the Reset Code
    Q - quit
    Your selection? 3
    PIN changed.
    1 - change PIN
    2 - unblock PIN
    3 - change Admin PIN
    4 - set the Reset Code
    Q - quit
    Your selection? 4
    Reset Code set.
    1 - change PIN
    2 - unblock PIN
    3 - change Admin PIN
    4 - set the Reset Code
    Q - quit
    Your selection? q
    gpg/card> key-attr
    Changing card key attribute for: Signature key
    Please select what kind of key you want:
       (1) RSA
       (2) ECC
    Your selection? 1
    What keysize do you want? (2048) 4096
    The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of 4096 bits
    Changing card key attribute for: Encryption key
    Please select what kind of key you want:
       (1) RSA
       (2) ECC
    Your selection? 1
    What keysize do you want? (2048) 4096
    The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of 4096 bits
    Changing card key attribute for: Authentication key
    Please select what kind of key you want:
       (1) RSA
       (2) ECC
    Your selection? 1
    What keysize do you want? (2048) 4096
    The card will now be re-configured to generate a key of 4096 bits
    gpg/card> list
    Key attributes ...: rsa4096 rsa4096 rsa4096
    Signature key ....: [not set]
    Encryption key....: [not set]
    Authentication key: [not set]
  • Generate new keys directly on the YubiKey:

    gpg/card> generate
    Make off-card backup of encryption key? (Y/n) n
  • Don’t bother backing up the key when prompted; you won’t get the full key anyway and it can’t be used to restore to a new YubiKey. You’ll get a standard set of PGP key creation prompts for your key settings, then your YubiKey’s light (if it has one) will flash for a while while it generates keys. After about 5 minutes you should see:

    public and secret key created and signed.
    gpg/card> list
    Signature key ....: <key fingerprint>
    Encryption key....: <key fingerprint>
    Authentication key: <key fingerprint>
    gpg/card> q
  • (Optional) Set the YubiKey to require a physical touch before using the keys you just created:

    % ykman openpgp set-touch aut on
    Enter admin PIN:
    Set touch policy of authentication key to on? [y/N]: y
    % ykman openpgp set-touch enc on
    Enter admin PIN:
    Set touch policy of encryption key to on? [y/N]: y
    % ykman openpgp set-touch sig on
    Enter admin PIN:
    Set touch policy of signature key to on? [y/N]: y
  • Verify gpg-agent, ssh, and your YubiKey are all playing along nicely. The following should print out your SSH public key; cardno should be the YubiKey’s serial number:

    % ssh-add -L
    ssh-rsa <...> cardno:_________
  • Use the above SSH public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your target machine or however you would normally use it.

  • Verify everything works. SSH to a host, enter your YubiKey’s OpenPGP PIN when prompted, then tap the YubiKey. Try a slightly longer press if it doesn’t work the first time.

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