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timfish /
Last active May 24, 2024 10:36
Sentry Cloudflare Workers Proxy - Makes JavaScript and event submission first-party!
  • Add the worker.js code to a new Cloudflare Worker
  • Set up a worker for your domain than responds to /tunnel/* and point it to your new worker
  • Add the Sentry script to your html but replace with ./tunnel/
    • Eg. <script src="./tunnel/6.9.0/bundle.min.js"></script>
  • init Sentry with the tunnel option set to /tunnel/
    • Eg. Sentry.init({ dsn: "__DSN__", tunnel: "/tunnel/" })
  • Rejoice at how everything now works with ad blockers
jackblk /
Last active August 22, 2024 13:07
Tutorial on how to setup a squid proxy with authentication.


This tutorial is for Ubuntu & Squid3. Use AWS, Google cloud, Digital Ocean or any services with Ubuntu to follow this tutorial.

Install squid & update

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install squid3
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
parties /
Last active September 18, 2024 13:35
rename all *.js files containing React markup to *.jsx
# finds all *.js files that have either `</` or `/>` tags in them and renames them to *.jsx
find ./src -type f -name '*.js' -not -name '*.jsx' -not -name '*.ejs' -exec bash -c 'grep -l -E "</|/>" "$0"' {} \; -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.js}.jsx"' {} \;
j0e1in /
Last active May 25, 2024 12:49
Setup mongodb TSL/SSL with letsencrypt.

Setup Mongo 3.6 TSL/SSL with Letsencrypt

Install certbot

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot
randallreedjr /
Last active April 25, 2024 07:06
Add a Heroku remote to an existing git repo

Working with git remotes on Heroku

Generally, you will add a git remote for your Heroku app during the Heroku app creation process, i.e. heroku create. However, if you are working on an existing app and want to add git remotes to enable manual deploys, the following commands may be useful.

Adding a new remote

Add a remote for your Staging app and deploy

Note that on Heroku, you must always use master as the destination branch on the remote. If you want to deploy a different branch, you can use the syntax local_branch:destination_branch seen below (in this example, we push the local staging branch to the master branch on heroku.

$ git remote add staging
joyrexus /
Created March 28, 2014 16:59
Nested grouping of arrays


A multi-level groupBy for arrays inspired by D3's nest operator.

Nesting allows elements in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure; think of it like the GROUP BY operator in SQL, except you can have multiple levels of grouping, and the resulting output is a tree rather than a flat table. The levels in the tree are specified by key functions.

See this fiddle for live demo.

mlocati / color-scale.js
Last active May 1, 2024 10:55
Javascript color scale from 0% to 100%, rendering it from red to yellow to green
// License: MIT -
// Author: Michele Locati <>
// Source:
function perc2color(perc) {
var r, g, b = 0;
if(perc < 50) {
r = 255;
g = Math.round(5.1 * perc);
else {