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Last active August 1, 2024 19:01
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Multi-selection tutorial in common editors

Go fast in your editor!

Learning to move efficiently in your editor can drastically reduce time for edits and reduce errors.

Open this file in Sublime Text, IntelliJ, VSCode, Zed and run through the practice exercises!

Exercise 1: Move to end of line (Ctrl-E, IntelliJ: Command-RightArrow)


Start cursor here and move to end of line

Exercise 2: Move to start of line (Ctrl-A, IntelliJ: Command-LeftArrow)


Move cursor to beginning of line starting HERE

Exercise 3: Select to end of line (Ctrl-Shift-E, IntelliJ: Command-Shift-RightArrow)


Start cursor HERE and select to end of line

Exercise 4: Select to start of line (Ctrl-Shift-A, IntelliJ: Command-Shift-LeftArrow)


Select to beginning of line starting HERE

Exercise 5: Move forward by word (Option+RightArrow)


Start HERE and move to here by word
      ^                   ^

Exercise 6: Move backward by word (Option+LeftArrow)


Move to here starting from HERE by word
     ^                     ^

Exercise 7: Select forward by word (Option+Shift+RightArrow)


Start HERE and select to here by word
      ^                     ^

Exercise 8: Select backward by word (Option+Shift+LeftArrow)


Select to here starting from HERE by word
          ^                  ^

Exercise 9: Create a vertical column of cursors and add some text


  • Click cursor to before the w of the first line
  • Hold down Option (VSCode or Zed hold down Option+Shift)
  • Click-drag from before the w of first line to from before the w of last line
  • Type Hello

End state

Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!

Exercise 10: Multi select individually


  • Click cursor to before the w of the first line
  • Hold down Command and click every before each w
    • IntelliJ: hold down Option-Shift
    • VSCode or Zed: hold down Option
  • Type Hello
world! world! world!
^      ^      ^

End state

Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!

Exercise 11: Multi-select occurrences


  • Select first worl (double-click)
  • Press Command-D (IntelliJ: Ctrl-G) twice to select others
  • Type world or right-arrow + d
Hello worl!
Hello worl!
Hello worl!

Exercise 12: Jsonify some lines


  • Click before a in apple
  • Vertical column select beginning of line
    • Option+ClickDrag
    • VSCode or Zed: Option+Shift+ClickDrag
  • Type "
  • Go to end of line (Ctrl-E)
  • Type ",

End state

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