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Created June 7, 2024 11:12
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// We generate a JSON file containing all components' metadata from comments in
// JSDoc format within the source code itself, and publish this (versioned)
// along side the design system for use in our docs site.
var fs = require("fs");
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const colors = require("colors");
var read = require("fs-readdir-recursive");
const docgen = require("react-docgen-typescript");
const options = {
savePropValueAsString: true,
shouldExtractLiteralValuesFromEnum: true,
propFilter: (prop, component) => {
if (prop.declarations !== undefined && prop.declarations.length > 0) {
const hasPropAdditionalDescription = prop.declarations.find(
declaration => {
return (
// Only show props from our own code, not from HTML, DOM, aria, or
// other libraries (with the exception of our radix primitives)
!declaration.fileName.includes("node_modules") ||
declaration.fileName.includes("styled-system") ||
(declaration.fileName.includes("@radix-ui") &&
return Boolean(hasPropAdditionalDescription);
return true;
// Find all .ts(x) files in the src directories
// Check if the directory exists
if (!fs.existsSync("./docs")) {
let components = [];
const sourceFolders = [
// Recursively fetch a list of all .tsx files in the source folders for the docgen
sourceFolders.forEach(sourceFolder => {
let files = read(sourceFolder, function (name, index, dir) {
return name.split(".")[1] === "tsx" || name.indexOf(".") === -1;
files.forEach(file => {
folder: sourceFolder,
fileName: file,
scope: sourceFolder.split("/")[2],
name: file.split(".")[0].split("/").pop(),
// Scope is used to ensure we don't have duplicate names, this will mostly be if
// we ever have variants of a component for different themes, e.g. a patient and
// internal facing form field
console.log("Found " + components.length + " components. Generating docs...");
// We're also generating a navigable index of components for the docs site
let index = {
Uncategorised: [],
// Generate docs for each component file
components.forEach(component => {
`${"🔄".blue} Generating docs for ` + +
" with scope " +
// Parse a file for docgen info
let docs = docgen.parse(component.folder + component.fileName, options)[0];
if (docs) {
let nodocgen = docs.tags?.nodocgen;
if (nodocgen !== undefined) {
`${"🚫".red} Ignoring ` + docs.displayName + " due to @nodocgen tag"
// Add the component to the index using the category tag (if present in JSDoc
// format from source code, e.g. @category Typography)
let category = docs.tags?.category;
// We still want docs for deprecated components, but we don't want to add
// them to the navigation
let deprecated = docs.tags?.deprecated;
if (!deprecated) {
let item = {
name: docs.displayName,
scope: component.scope,
// We have a category tag in our JSdocs source, so add it here
if (category) {
// Category doesn't exist yet
if (!index[category]) {
index[category] = [item];
} else {
} else {
// We don't have a category tag in our source code JSdocs, so we'll put it at the top level
let fullPath =
component.scope && component.scope !== "default"
? `${component.scope}/${docs.displayName}`
: `${docs.displayName}`;
// Pop the generated docs into our package (this will be distributed with the Design System itself)
try {
`const ${docs.displayName} = ${JSON.stringify(docs)}; export default ${
} catch (e) {
console.log(`${"x".red} Could not save: ` + e);
console.log(`${"✅".green} ` + docs.displayName);
} else {
`${"❌".red} No docs could be generated for ` + component.fileName
// Save the index
`export const componentIndex = ${JSON.stringify(index)}`
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