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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Git Release
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# usage: git-release branch-name-1 branch-name-2 origin/remote-branch-name-3
branchs = ARGV[0..-1]
abort unless system("git checkout master")
abort unless system("git pull")
abort unless system("git remote prune origin")
print("Informe qual a tag que será usada nesse release: ")
tag = STDIN.gets.chomp
if branchs.size > 1
abort unless system("git checkout -b ad-release")
branchs.each do |branch|
abort unless system("git merge --no-edit --no-ff #{branch}")
abort unless system("git checkout master")
abort unless system("git merge --no-edit --no-ff ad-release")
abort unless system("git branch -d ad-release")
abort unless system("git merge --no-edit --no-ff #{branchs.first}")
abort unless system("git push")
branchs.each do |branch|
if branch.include?('origin/')
abort unless system("git push origin :#{branch.gsub('origin/', '')}")
abort unless system("git branch -d #{branch}")
abort unless system("git push origin :#{branch}")
abort unless system("git tag #{tag}")
abort unless system("git push --tags")
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